What is Stress Incontinence?

Stress incontinence is characterized by urine leakage during activities that exert pressure on the bladder, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activities. This condition, also known as stress urinary incontinence, occurs when the muscles and tissues that support the bladder and urethra weaken or damage, leading to the inability to control urine flow effectively.

This blog post will discuss how stress incontinence is diagnosed, what causes it, treatment options, and how to manage the symptoms. We will also provide helpful resources and information on where you can find support.

Recognizing and Diagnosing Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a condition that affects millions of people, particularly women who have experienced childbirth, menopause, or hormonal changes. About one in three women will experience stress urinary incontinence to some degree during their life. However, it can also occur in men, particularly those who have undergone prostate surgery or have a weak pelvic floor. The likelihood of developing stress incontinence increases with age, but it can affect individuals across all age groups.

Stress urinary incontinence can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing embarrassment, social anxiety, and limitations in daily activities.

man speaking to his doctor about stress incontinence

Understanding the Causes of Stress Incontinence

To effectively manage and treat stress incontinence, it is crucial to understand the causes of this condition. Three common causes of stress incontinence include:

Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles

These muscles are pivotal in supporting the bladder and controlling urine flow. Factors such as aging, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions can weaken the pelvic floor muscles.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles, causing them to stretch and weaken. Vaginal delivery can further damage the pelvic floor muscles, leading to increased vulnerability to stress urinary incontinence.

Obesity and excessive weight gain

Additional pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles can increase the risk of urine leakage. Chronic coughing, associated with smoking or respiratory conditions, can also strain the pelvic floor muscles and worsen stress incontinence.

Stress Incontinence Treatment Options

There are various stress incontinence treatment options available for managing stress urinary incontinence. These range from conservative treatments to surgical interventions, depending on the severity of the condition and individual needs.

Here are three options to treat this medical condition:

Conservative/non-invasive treatments

These treatment options include physical therapy, including pelvic floor exercises. These exercises can help strengthen the muscles supporting the bladder and urethra, helping to reduce the risk of leakage. Regular physical activity, such as walking or swimming, can also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control.

Lifestyle and diet modifications

Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding foods and drinks that irritate the bladder, and practicing good bathroom habits can reduce the likelihood of leakage. Making sure to drink enough fluids is essential. Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages that are known to irritate the bladder and can worsen symptoms. Try opting for fiber-rich foods, which can help regulate bowel movements and reduce the risk of constipation, contributing to stress incontinence.

woman providing pelvic floor therapy to another woman

Surgical interventions

For individuals with more severe stress incontinence or those who do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical interventions may be considered. One standard surgical stress incontinence treatment is bladder sling surgery. This procedure involves the placement of a sling to support the urethra and helps prevent leakage. Another option is injecting bulking agents into the tissues surrounding the urethra, which can improve bladder control.

A healthcare professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable stress incontinence treatment for your situation. To develop a personalized treatment plan, they can evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors.

Support and Resources for Stress Incontinence

You do not have to face stress incontinence alone. Various support groups and online communities are available to provide the resources and information needed.

Support groups offer a safe space to share stories, ask questions, and receive emotional support. These groups often consist of people with firsthand experience dealing with stress incontinence, making them valuable resources for advice and encouragement.

Online communities, such as forums and social media groups, also provide a platform to connect with others facing similar challenges. These communities can be a convenient way to access support and information from the comfort of your own home.

Some support groups and online communities to check out include:

When it comes to managing stress incontinence, various product options are available. At Personally Delivered, we offer a wide range of high-quality incontinence products to help you effectively manage your stress urinary incontinence symptoms. Our products provide comfort, discretion, and peace of mind, from absorbent pads and protective underwear to catheters and bed pads.

Choosing the right incontinence products can significantly impact your daily life. Consider factors such as absorbency, fit, comfort, and ease of use. Personally Delivered offers a personalized product selection service where our knowledgeable team can help you find the best products based on your needs and preferences. We understand that each individual is unique, and we strive to provide personalized solutions to enhance your quality of life.

Popular Supplies for Managing Stress Incontinence

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Low-Cost Medical Supplies at Personally Delivered

If you are on the hunt for low cost medical supplies without having to compromise on quality, look no further than Personally Delivered. We understand that the cost of medical supplies is a critical factor to consider when making a purchase. Our mission is to fulfill our customers’ medical needs at a price that fits comfortably within their budget. That is why we provide a wide range of affordable medical supplies to meet your needs.

At Personally Delivered, we firmly believe that quality healthcare should be accessible to all. We strive to offer competitive prices on all our medical supplies, from urological catheters to incontinence supplies, ostomy supplies, wound care, and more. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable products right to your doorstep.

Choosing Personally Delivered for Your Affordable Medical Supplies

Choosing Personally Delivered for your low cost medical supplies means choosing quality, affordability, and convenience. We take pride in offering an extensive range of affordable medical supplies that cater to diverse customer needs.

With Personally Delivered, you can order your affordable medical supplies online from the comfort of your own home. Our user-friendly website allows you to easily browse and select the products you need. Once your order is placed, our dedicated team ensures fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of physical store visits and long waiting times.

With our Automatic Delivery program, saving money on home delivery medical supplies has never been easier. By opting in, you will enjoy a 5% discount on every shipment, allowing you to keep more money in your pocket without compromising on quality. You will never have to worry about running out of essential supplies again. Our automated system ensures timely deliveries based on your needs, providing peace of mind and convenience. And you can pause or cancel at any time.

Healthcare should be accessible for those of all ages, races, and genders.

Benefits of Choosing Affordable Medical Supplies

High-quality medical supplies are crucial to your health and well-being. At Personally Delivered, we understand the importance of affordability, so we offer low cost medical supplies without compromising on quality. You can save on essential medical supplies, enabling you to manage your healthcare budget more efficiently.

Choosing affordability does not mean settling for less. At Personally Delivered, we prioritize product reliability and durability. Our low cost medical supplies are sourced from trusted manufacturers, ensuring you receive products that meet the highest quality standards. From catheters and ostomy supplies to incontinence products, we offer a diverse selection of reliable supplies you can trust.

Our Dedication to Customer Satisfaction

At Personally Delivered, customer satisfaction is at the heart of our operations. We understand the importance of low-cost medical supplies to our customers and strive to deliver the best products and services to meet their needs.

We demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction through our dedicated customer support team. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is always ready to assist you with questions or concerns. Whether it is help with product selection or post-purchase assistance, we are here for you.

Don’t just take our word for it – our customers consistently provide positive reviews and testimonials about their experience with Personally Delivered. We take pride in this feedback, which affirms our commitment to delivering high-quality products, exceptional service, and affordable prices.

Customer feedback speaking of reasonable prices, excellent customer service, and reliable delivery

Trust Personally Delivered for your low-cost medical supplies. We are committed to exceeding your expectations with our products and customer support.

Popular Low Cost Medical Supplies at Personally Delivered

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Signs of a Wound Infection: What to Look For and How to Treat

What Causes Wound Infections

Recognizing the signs of a wound infection is critical for proper care and timely intervention. Wound infections happen when bacteria or other microorganisms invade an open wound, prompting an inflammatory reaction and delaying healing.

Wound infections can stem from various sources but usually result from insufficient wound care or contamination. Factors that heighten the risk of infection include:

  • Inadequate hygiene
  • A weakened immune system
  • Underlying health issues
  • Surgical procedures

Types of Wound Infections

Each wound infection comes with unique traits and complications. Here are two common types of wound infections:

Surface skin infections

An example of a surface skin infection is cellulitis. This type of infection impacts the outer layers of the skin and may cause redness, warmth, and swelling around the wound.

Deeper infections

Abscesses or deep tissue infections are examples of underlying tissue infections that may be intensely painful. There may be pus discharge and systemic symptoms like fever and chills.

McKesson Dermal Wound CleanserHere at Personally Delivered, we appreciate the significance of wound care management. We offer a wide array of wound care products, including wound dressings, wound cleansers, and other wound care accessories to assist in effective wound healing. By correctly addressing wound infections, you can lessen complications and improve healing.

Symptoms and Signs of a Wound Infection

Identifying the symptoms of a wound infection is vital for prompt treatment and preventing complications. It is essential to monitor any wound closely for potential signs of infection. Here are four common symptoms to be aware of:

1. Redness, warmth, and swelling around the wound

Infections can cause the area around the wound to turn red, feel warm, and swell, which might indicate your body is fighting off the infection.

2. Pain and tenderness at the wound site

Infections can lead to increased pain and tenderness at the wound site.

3. Pus or discharge from the wound

An infected wound may produce a yellow or green pus. If you see any unusual discharge from the wound, it is essential to seek medical help.

4. Foul odor from the wound

An infected wound may sometimes give off a bad smell.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Remember, early detection and treatment of wound infections can help reduce the risk of further complications.

Complications of Untreated Wound Infections

Untreated wound infections can result in several complications that can significantly impact a person’s health and well-being. Recognizing the signs of a wound infection and seeking appropriate medical attention can prevent these complications from developing.

Here are four complications that can arise if a wound infection is left untreated:

1. Cellulitis and skin abscesses

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that affects the deeper layers of the skin, causing redness, swelling, and pain. If the infection escalates, it can lead to abscesses, which are pus-filled pockets requiring drainage.

2. Septicemia

When bacteria from a wound enter the bloodstream, it can cause a severe body-wide infection. Septicemia can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as organ failure and septic shock, which require immediate medical intervention.

Identifying a wound infection is vital to prevent complications as with this patient getting care

3. Delayed wound healing

Infections can disrupt the natural healing process, causing wounds to take longer to heal or even become chronic. Delayed wound healing increases the risk of further complications, such as the spread of infection to surrounding tissues.

4. Spread of infection

Bacteria can travel from the initial wound site infection to nearby tissues, causing it to spread. This can result in extensive tissue damage, new abscesses, and the potential for deeper infections.

Recognizing the signs of a wound infection is crucial to avoid these complications. If you suspect a wound infection, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate treatment to prevent further complications.

Treating Wound Infections

Proper wound care techniques are critical for avoiding and treating wound infections. Whether you have a minor scrape or a more severe wound, following these steps can help with healing and reduce the risk of infection:

1. Clean the wound

First, gently wash the wound with mild soap and clean water, or use a gentle wound cleanser. Use a soft cloth or sterile gauze to remove any dirt or debris. Avoid scrubbing the wound too harshly, as it can cause further damage.

DuoDERM Extra Thin Hydrocolloid dressings2. Apply antibacterial ointments or wound dressings

After cleaning the wound, consider applying an antibacterial ointment or a wound dressing. These products can help create a protective barrier, preventing bacteria from entering the wound and reducing the risk of infection.

3. Regularly change the dressing

If you wear dressings to cover the wound, change them regularly, as directed by your healthcare professional. This helps maintain a clean and sterile environment, reducing the chances of infection.

4. Keep the wound dry

Moisture can promote bacterial growth, so keeping the wound dry is essential. Avoid swimming or taking baths until the wound has healed, and use waterproof dressings or coverings when necessary.

5. Watch for signs of infection

While most wounds heal without complications, knowing the signs of a wound infection is essential. These may include increased pain, redness, swelling, warmth, or the presence of pus. If you notice any of these symptoms, seeking medical attention is essential.

Remember, preventing wound infections is crucial for proper healing. By following these techniques and seeking medical help when necessary, you can promote optimal wound care and reduce the risk of complications.

Quality Wound Care Products Our Customers Love!

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What is a Balloon Catheter?

Getting Acquainted with Balloon Catheters

A balloon catheter, often called a Foley catheter or indwelling catheter, is a medical device used to drain urine from the bladder. A balloon catheter is necessary for people who cannot naturally pass urine on their own or have impaired bladder function.

So, you might be wondering, how do balloon catheters work? These catheters have three key components: a flexible tube, an inflatable balloon, and an attached urinary drainage bag. The flexible tube is inserted into the urethra with an inflatable balloon at one end and a drainage bag at the other.

Once inside the body, the balloon is filled with sterile water or saline solution to secure the catheter and prevent slipping out. This type of catheter facilitates continuous urine drainage from the bladder into a urine collection bag. They are meant for long-term use and are left in place for an extended period.

Why is a Balloon Catheter Necessary?

Balloon catheterization is typically suggested for people with specific medical conditions, such as:

Urinary retention: When a person cannot empty their bladder, Foley catheters help drain urine from the bladder.

Urinary incontinence: In some instances, these catheters can be used to manage urinary incontinence by collecting and draining urine.

Post-surgical care: After certain surgeries, like prostate surgery, this catheter may be temporarily used to assist in bladder drainage and promote healing.

It is crucial to remember that these catheters should be used under the guidance and supervision of healthcare professionals. If you or a loved one requires a balloon catheter, consult your healthcare provider for proper instructions and care.

Pros and Cons of a Balloon Catheter

Medline 2-Way Silicone Foley CatheterWhile there are several benefits to using a balloon catheter, there are also potential risks and complications to consider.

Pros of a Balloon Catheter

Continuous and controlled urinary drainage

This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with urinary retention or those who cannot empty their bladder properly. This type of catheter can help prevent urinary tract infections and other complications associated with urinary retention by maintaining proper urinary flow.

Designed to be comfortable

Foley catheters are made from soft, flexible materials that minimize discomfort during insertion and while wearing the catheter. This is essential for individuals who require long-term catheterization.

Cons of a Balloon Catheter

Risk of infection

When a balloon catheter is in place, bacteria can enter the urinary tract and cause infection. To minimize this risk, following proper hygiene practices and regularly cleaning the catheter and the surrounding area is essential. Choosing a balloon catheter that is hydrophilic or pre-lubricated can help prevent bacterial adhesion, reducing the risk of infection.

Risk of catheter blockage or leakage

This can occur if the balloon is not correctly inflated or deflated, leading to urine leakage or difficulty draining urine. Ensuring proper balloon inflation and deflation is crucial to avoid these issues.

Doctor speaking to her patient about the risks of a balloon catheter

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a balloon catheter be left in place?

These types of catheters are designed to be left in place for an extended period. The duration can vary depending on the patient’s needs and the healthcare professional’s recommendation. Generally, a balloon catheter can be left in place for up to 30 days. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for specific guidance regarding the duration of use.

What to do if the balloon catheter gets blocked?

If the catheter becomes blocked, it is essential to address the issue promptly. First, try flushing the catheter with a sterile saline solution to clear any obstructions. If the blockage persists, contact a healthcare professional for further assistance. Please do not attempt to force anything into the catheter or manipulate it without proper guidance.

Can a balloon catheter be reused?

No, these catheters are only designed for single use and should not be reused. Reusing a catheter can lead to potential infections and complications. Following proper medical waste disposal guidelines is crucial to ensure safe and hygienic disposal of used catheters.

Popular Balloon Catheters and Supplies

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What is Diverticulitis? Symptoms and Care Guide

Understanding Diverticulitis: What Is It?

Diverticulitis is a health condition affecting the digestive system where tiny, bulging pouches, or diverticula, form in the colon’s lining. These pouches can become infected or inflamed, leading to many symptoms and discomfort.

It is crucial to understand what diverticulitis is, its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and how it is treated for effective management. Let’s dive into that now.

Digging Deeper: Causes and Symptoms of Diverticulitis

The exact cause of diverticulitis is not entirely known. Studies have shown it to be influenced by a low-fiber diet, aging, and lack of physical activity. A diet low in fiber can make stools hard and difficult to pass, leading to increased pressure in the colon. Over time, this pressure can cause diverticula to form.

When these diverticula become infected or inflamed, they can cause various symptoms and complications. Common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain (usually on the left side)
  • Bloating
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Bright red rectal bleeding
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Complications like abscesses, colon perforation, or fistulas

Diverticulitis can significantly impact the digestive system. The presence of diverticula can disrupt the normal flow of waste through the colon, leading to changes in bowel habits. If infection or inflammation of diverticula happens, further medical intervention may be necessary.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or suspect you may have diverticulitis, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Identifying the Issue: How Diverticulitis is Diagnosed

Diagnosing diverticulitis involves various tests and procedures that help healthcare professionals accurately identify the condition. These evaluations are essential for ensuring an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

One of the standard tests used to diagnose diverticulitis is a physical examination. During this exam, the doctor will check for tenderness in the abdomen, especially on the lower left side, which is a typical symptom of diverticulitis. They may also ask about your medical history and any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Along with a physical examination, imaging tests are often used to confirm the diagnosis. These tests may include:

  • Computed Tomography (CT) scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

It is essential to have a medical evaluation for diverticulitis to rule out other conditions that may present similar symptoms. Conditions like appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon cancer can mimic diverticulitis symptoms.

Addressing the Issue: Treatment Options for Diverticulitis

There are various non-invasive and invasive treatment options available when it comes to managing diverticulitis. The approach to treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s specific needs.

Some common non-invasive treatment options for diverticulitis include:

  • Antibiotics to combat the infection and reduce inflammation and any pain.
  • Diet changes to incorporate foods high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, as well as drinking plenty of water to help soften the stool.
  • Regular exercise to increase physical activity, like walking or swimming, can help stimulate bowel movements and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stress management, like deep breathing and yoga to help reduce stress-related symptoms that may disrupt regular bowel movements.

Most of these treatments can help improve bowel function and overall well-being. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice and guidance to help you effectively manage diverticulitis.

a bowl of oatmeal, hand weights, water, and a measuring tape to show things that can help manage diverticulitis symptoms

In cases of severe complications or when non-invasive, conservative treatments are exhausted at alleviating symptoms, ostomy surgery may be required. This procedure involves creating an opening in the abdomen called a stoma to divert the flow of waste from the intestines into a pouch worn outside the body.

Some of the situations that would lead an individual to need ostomy surgery for diverticulitis include:

  • Perforation in the colon from ruptured infected diverticula
  • Fistulas that form between the colon and other organs or tissue
  • Frequent recurrence or persistent symptoms that are extremely difficult to manage

How Incontinence Supplies Can Help Manage Diverticulitis Symptoms

Tranquility essential Protective Underwear for managing incontinence if you are looking for products while asking yourself what causes diverticulitisIncontinence supplies can play a crucial role in managing the symptoms, providing comfort and convenience for individuals navigating the challenges of diverticulitis. During flare-ups, individuals may experience increased frequency or urgency of bowel movements. Products like adult diapers or disposable underwear provide a reliable solution for managing fecal incontinence, offering comfort, discretion, and peace of mind. Underpads, bed pads, and chux can help protect furniture and bedding from accidents, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the home. Incontinence supplies enhance the overall management and quality of life for individuals dealing with diverticulitis by addressing worries about unintended leakage.

How Ostomy Supplies Can Help Manage Diverticulitis Symptoms

ConveTec moldable one-piece pouchOstomy supplies can be instrumental in managing diverticulitis. These supplies provide a means to collect and dispose of waste efficiently, allowing individuals to maintain their hygiene and dignity while adapting to the changes in their bowel function. From ostomy pouches, skin barriers, barrier creams, and odor control products, ostomy supplies offer practical support for individuals managing diverticulitis, helping promote a better quality of life.

Incontinence and Ostomy Supplies That Can Help Manage Diverticulitis

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What Are Bed Sores?

What are bed sores? Also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, bed sores are skin injuries that can occur due to prolonged pressure on specific body parts. These sores are often a concern for individuals with limited mobility, such as our older or obese loved ones or those with chronic medical conditions. They can develop where bones are close to the skin, like the back, hips, tailbone, heels, and elbows.

In this blog post, we will do our best to answer the question: What are bed sores? We will discuss their symptoms, how they are diagnosed and treated, and preventive measures you can take to protect yourself or your loved ones.

Understanding Bed Sores

As we mentioned previously, bed sores, or pressure ulcers, are a common health issue that can affect individuals who are bedridden or have limited mobility. These sores develop when prolonged pressure on specific body areas leads to skin damage and underlying tissues. This pressure can be caused by the person’s weight pressing against the skin and tissues, restricting blood flow and leaving the skin vulnerable to damage. Regular movement and repositioning can help prevent these sores, but this is not always possible for some individuals.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Baza Protect Moisture Barrier CreamUnderstanding the symptoms of bed sores is crucial for early detection and prevention. Early signs may include:

  • Skin discoloration
  • Tenderness or pain in the affected area
  • Changes in skin texture
  • Swelling
  • Fluid-filled blisters

If left untreated, these sores can progress and lead to more severe symptoms, including deep wounds that could potentially expose muscle and bone. Infections can also arise, leading to severe complications like sepsis, cellulitis, or even gangrene.

At Personally Delivered, we offer a range of products that can help manage and prevent bed sores, such as positioning pads, pressure-relieving cushions, barrier creams, and a variety of other wound care supplies.

Diagnosis and Treatment

McKesson Dermal Wound CleanserBed sores can be diagnosed through a thorough examination by a healthcare professional, who will assess the affected area for signs of skin damage. Sometimes, imaging tests like X-rays or ultrasounds may be ordered to determine the extent of tissue damage beneath the skin’s surface.

Treatment options can vary depending on the severity of the bed sore. Some of them include:

  • Relieving pressure on the affected area with cushions or repositioning pads.
  • Keeping the wound clean and dry with wound cleansers and wound dressings.
  • Debridement (removing dead, damaged, or infected tissue from the wound site, promoting the healing of healthy tissue) with topical ointments or creams applied to the wound to break down and dissolve dead tissue.
  • Surgery as a last resort if all other non-invasive options are exhausted.

At Personally Delivered, we understand the importance of proper care and treatment for individuals with bed sores and offer a range of products to assist in their management and prevention.

Preventing Bed Sores

Prevention is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of at-risk individuals. To help prevent bed sores, it is essential to regularly change positions, maintain a thorough skin care routine, and inspect the skin. These preventive measures can significantly help reduce the risks and promote overall skin health.

We hope this article helped answer the question: What Are Bed Sores? It is critical to consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice, especially for those at higher risk of developing bed sores. Regular skin assessments and following a healthcare professional’s recommended care plan are crucial for effective prevention and management.

Products to Help Manage and Treat Bed Sores

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Convatec me+™ Ostomy Support Program

What is Convatec me+™?

Embark on a transformative journey with Convatec me+™, a comprehensive program that provides the tools and guidance to make life with an ostomy uniquely yours. Beyond just offering general information and product support, me+ is your go-to resource for valuable life tips and advice that go hand in hand with the challenges and triumphs of living with an ostomy. Whether you seek practical solutions or a supportive community to share experiences with, the Convatec me+™ Ostomy Support Program is dedicated to inspiring you throughout your journey.

Why Convatec me+™?

An ostomy does not dictate who you are and what you can do. After ostomy surgery, you may feel alone and face unexpected challenges. The Convatec me+™ Ostomy Support Program is here to make ostomy care more comfortable and less intimidating.

Whether you need advice on your next steps after ostomy surgery or are looking for samples or products that fit better as your body and stoma size changes, ostomy nurses and product experts are available to help.

Get inspired by real-life testimonials of people who don’t let their ostomy hold them back from experiencing a full life. This valuable program connects you with a community and resources to help you return to your comfortable daily life, doing the things you enjoy most.

Woman holding a flower with an ostomy pouch using Convatec me+ for resources and support.

Benefits of Convatec me+Ostomy Support Program

  • Get complimentary virtual telehealth support with live product demonstrations.
  • Request free samples to find the products that might work best for your stoma, body type, and lifestyle.
  • Read articles from other ostomates that provide tips and tricks for exercising, swimming, sleeping with an ostomy, and more.
  • Listen to the me+Talk podcast and hear real talk from a community of ostomates, nurses, and product specialists on a variety of topics.
  • Meet the me+ community and read inspiring stories of their triumphs and how they live their lives with an ostomy doing what they love.
  • Learn about effective apparel and tips for discreetness while wearing an ostomy pouch.
  • Get access to a Recovery Series, a three-part program that helps ease into gentle exercises and become stronger and more active after ostomy surgery.
  • Get A Guide to Intimacy After Ostomy Surgery to help navigate feeling close and keeping the bond with your partner.
  • Learn diet tips to consider after ostomy surgery and download the My Ostomy Journey app to keep a diary of your fluid intake, the foods that make you feel your best, track your pouch changes, and more.

Once you start looking around, you will discover more support, blog posts, tips, and advice that is invaluable!

How to enroll in Convatec me+™

Enrolling in the Convatec me+™ Ostomy Support Program is easy… and Free! By becoming a member of me+™, you gain access to a wealth of invaluable resources and unwavering support, all conveniently at your fingertips.

Discover the strength and confidence you deserve with the Convatec me+™ Ostomy Support Program. Elevate your confidence, discover personalized support, and embrace a sense of community that understands and uplifts. – because life with an ostomy can be fulfilling and entirely your own.

Are you ready?

While you are here, browse our selection of Convatec ostomy products and supplies for comfort, security, and confidence!

Convatec Forever Caring
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How to Use Ostomy Barrier Strips

Living with an ostomy comes with unique challenges, and learning how to use ostomy barrier strips is an essential skill for a comfortable and confident lifestyle. While many websites cover the basics, we highlight some lesser-known tips that can make a significant difference in your daily routine.

Ostomy Barrier Strips: The Basics

The primary function of ostomy barrier strips is to create a secure seal between the skin and the ostomy pouch, preventing leaks and ensuring comfort. Different types of ostomy barrier strips are available for different body types and needs.

There are three common types of barrier strips.

1. Pre-cut barrier strips

Pre-cut barrier strips offer convenience and ease of use. This is an excellent choice if you are looking for a ready-to-use option.

2. Cut-to-fit barrier strips

Having the ability to customize the size of each barrier strip is an attractive quality for many ostomates. This type of barrier strip is often available in sheets or rolls, allowing the user to cut to a customized shape and size.

3. Extended-wear barrier strips

These barrier strips benefit those who have an active lifestyle or change their pouch more often. They are designed to provide longer wear-time due to their long-lasting, durable adhesive. Most extended-wear barrier strips have a hypoallergenic adhesive to help prevent skin irritation and are water-resistant.

Four Tips for How to Use Barrier Strips

Here are four tips that may help you get the most out of ostomy barrier strips to be comfortable and leak-free.

1. Trimming for Precision

Coloplast Ostomy Scissors are useful for how to use ostomy barrier stripsMany ostomates find that barrier strips are too large for their specific needs. And if you use sheets or rolls, your only option is cutting to size. Trim the barrier strip to fit the contours of your stoma and surrounding skin precisely. A snug fit enhances comfort and reduces the chances of the strip curling or peeling at the edges.

2. Prepping the Skin to Optimize Adhesion

After measuring and trimming your barrier strips, it is time to prep the skin for application. Achieving a secure seal is critical to preventing leaks. Prep the skin with a non-alcohol-based adhesive wipe, as alcohol can dry the skin and reduce adhesion.

Barrier wipes are specifically designed for ostomy care before applyiESENTA Sting-Free Skin Barrier Wipes are excellent when looking for effective ways for how to use ostomy barrier stripsng the ostomy barrier strip. Convatec makes high-quality silicone-blend, alcohol-free barrier sprays and wipes named ESENTA. Using these products can enhance the longevity of the seal and reduce the risk of skin damage and irritation.

You can also try warming the barrier strip slightly before application to enhance its stickiness, ensuring a more reliable and long-lasting seal.

3. Use a Moisture Absorber

Hollister Adapt Stoma PowderMoisture around the stoma can compromise the adhesion of the barrier strip. Consider using a moisture-absorbing powder to help protect the skin around the stoma from perspiration or residual fluids from cleaning. These moisture-absorbing powders can also help reduce friction between the skin and the ostomy barrier, keeping the peristomal skin healthy.

4. Safe and Gentle Removal

ESENTA Sting-Free Adhesive Remover Wipes and SpraySafely and gently removing ostomy barrier strips is just as important as applying them. Use an ostomy adhesive remover spray or wipe to loosen the strip gently without causing skin trauma. Convatec ESENTA Adhesive Remover is available in a spray or a wipe for convenience. These silicone-based, alcohol-free products quickly remove adhesive, leaving the skin clean and free of any residue. Pulling the strip away too quickly can lead to damage, irritation, and discomfort.

Summing Up How to Use Ostomy Barrier Strips

Hollister Adapt Barrier StripsMastering the use of ostomy barrier strips involves more than just the basics. Hopefully, by incorporating these tips into your routine, you can enhance the effectiveness and comfort of your ostomy care. Remember, everyone’s body is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find the best technique for you.

For a wide range of high-quality ostomy supplies, visit Personally Delivered, where you can find the products to manage your ostomy confidently.

Popular Ostomy Barrier Strips and Sheets

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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How to Keep an Ostomy Bag from Ballooning

Living with an ostomy bag can sometimes present challenges. How to keep an ostomy bag from ballooning is one of the most common questions among ostomates.

In this blog post, we will explain what causes ostomy bag ballooning, share tips on how to reduce it, and offer advice on how to prevent it from happening. We hope to provide you with practical solutions and some home delivery ostomy supplies that may help keep your ostomy bag secure and comfortable.

Understanding Ostomy Bag Ballooning

How to keep an ostomy bag from ballooning is a common concern for people living with an ostomy. When your ostomy bag fills up with gas, it expands, resembling a balloon. This is known as ballooning, and it can compromise discreetness, cause leaks, odors, and discomfort, and become noticeable under clothing.

The leading cause of ballooning is the natural gas production by your digestive system. When you have an ostomy, the usual route for escaping gas, such as through the rectum, is no longer available. Instead, the gas gets redirected into the ostomy bag, leading to inflation.

Some foods and drinks can also contribute to ostomy bag ballooning. Carbonated beverages, high-fiber foods, and vegetables like cabbage and beans cause gas. Eating or drinking quickly can cause you to swallow air, increasing the gas in your digestive system and worsening the issue.

It is expected to experience ostomy bag ballooning. However, it can be a nuisance and affect your daily activities. Fortunately, there are approaches you can take to help manage this issue and keep your ostomy bag from ballooning.

Tips for How to Keep an Ostomy Bag from Ballooning

Here are some tips we have come up with to prevent an ostomy bag from ballooning so you can maintain comfort and security:

Selecting the Right Ostomy Bag

Choosing the right ostomy bag is crucial in preventing ballooning. There are several features to look for when selecting an ostomy bag that can help prevent ballooning. Try to look for bags that have built-in air filters or vents. These features allow gas to escape from the bag, reducing the risk of ballooning. Also, consider the size and shape of the bag. A bag that fits snugly against your body will help prevent leaks, minimize air accumulation, and avoid ballooning.

Proper Skin Preparation Before Application

ESENTA Sting-Free Skin Barrier SprayClean and dry the peristomal skin before applying the ostomy pouching system. Use a skin barrier or adhesive to create a secure seal. When applying the ostomy bag, ensure it is secure and adheres well to your skin. This will help maintain a tight seal and prevent air from entering the bag. A barrier cream, powder, or spray can also protect the skin and promote healing.

Consider Ostomy Accessories

Additional ostomy accessories can further help prevent ballooning. You may consider using a convex skin barrier if you have curves or bulges. These ostomy products can help distribute pressure evenly around the stoma, increasing comfort, preventing leaks, and ensuring a more reliable seal. The better the seal, the less likely air can get into the ostomy bag and cause ballooning. You might also consider an ostomy belt for extra support, deodorizing drops, or ostomy deodorants, which can help reduce gas production and minimize odors.

Maintain a Good Diet

Some foods and beverages can increase gas production, leading to ballooning. Avoiding gas-producing foods like beans, lentils, cabbage, onions, and carbonated drinks can help. Opt for easily digestible foods like yogurt, rice, and lean proteins.

Maintain Physical Activity

Adopting ways to keep an ostomy bag from ballooning, including a regular exercise routine, can help improve gas evacuation and reduce the risk of ballooning. Activities focusing on your abdominal muscles, such as walking, swimming, or gentle yoga poses, can help stimulate bowel movement and release trapped gas.

By adopting these tips, choosing the right ostomy bag, ensuring proper application and fit, and using additional ostomy accessories, you can reduce the chances of your ostomy bag ballooning. The goal is to maintain a comfortable lifestyle while wearing an ostomy bag. Always consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice, recommendations, and guidance.

If you are concerned with how to keep an ostomy bag from ballooning, we hope you found this blog post helpful. Our Ostomy Product Experts are just a phone call away for any questions about the ostomy products and supplies we offer.

Popular Ostomy Supplies

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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How to Remove Medical Tape Residue from Skin

Are you looking for how to remove medical tape residue from skin effectively, comfortably, and safely? Dealing with the remnants of medical tape on your skin can be a frustrating experience and a pesky problem, causing discomfort and irritation to those already dealing with ostomy or wound care. Conventional advice often includes using oil-based substances like baby oil or using rubbing alcohol, which can sting sensitive skin. Finding a safe and effective method to remove the residue is essential, not just for comfort but also to maintain healthy skin.

This blog post will explore ways to remove medical tape residue and share tips to prevent skin irritation and damage. We will also introduce you to Personally Delivered’s range of products designed specifically for tape residue removal. Learn how to remove medical tape residue from skin and say goodbye to the challenges.

3M Transpore Medical TapeUnderstanding the Challenge of Removing Medical Tape Residue

Medical tape residue can be pretty tenacious, making it a challenge to remove from the skin. Here are two factors that contribute to this stickiness.

The Adhesive

The adhesive used in medical tape is designed to secure dressings and bandages firmly to the skin. Acrylic, silicone, or zinc oxide are the materials usually used to make the adhesive that forms a strong bond with the skin. This can make the tape removal process tricky and often leaves residue behind.

The Length of Time, Type, and Amount

The length of time the medical tape has been on the skin, the type of tape used, and the amount of adhesive applied all influence the amount of residue left behind. The longer the tape is on the skin, the stronger the adhesive bond becomes, leading to more residue and difficulty safely removing it.

Three Methods to Safely Remove Medical Tape Residue

It is essential to use gentle removal techniques when dealing with medical tape residue. Forcefully pulling off the tape can lead to skin damage and increase the likelihood of residue. Here are a few methods that you can try:

1. Using heat from warm water and gentle soap

If you have sensitive skin, consider first warming the adhesive with a warm cloth to enhance the removal process without causing additional stress to the skin. Then, wet the affected area with warm water, apply some gentle soap, and massage it onto the residue. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

You can also try the heat from a hairdryer set on low to loosen the adhesive.

Cardinal Health Hand and Body Lotion2. Applying oil, aloe, or lotion

Applying oil, aloe vera, or lotion can help dissolve the adhesive. You can use baby oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or any other gentle oil. Aloe vera not only helps remove the sticky residue from the medical tape but also has soothing properties.

Whichever product you choose, apply a small amount to the residue and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, gently rub the area with a soft cloth or cotton pad to remove the residue. Finally, wash the area with warm water and gentle soap to remove any remaining product.

ESENTA Adhesive remover spray and wipes are excellent when looking for how to remove medical tape adhesive from skin3. Using adhesive removers

Certain adhesive removers are specifically designed for removing medical tape residue from skin. These products are formulated to effectively remove adhesive residue without causing irritation or discomfort.

Always remember to be gentle and patient when removing medical tape residue. Stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any discomfort or irritation.

Preventing Skin Irritation and Damage

Prevention is the best approach when dealing with medical tape residue. Here are some tips to help you minimize skin irritation and potential damage:

Choose the correct type of medical tape for sensitive skin

Not all medical tapes are created equal. If you have sensitive skin, look for tapes specifically designed for sensitive skin or hypoallergenic tapes. These tapes use a gentle adhesive, which is less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Prepare the skin properly before applying medical tape

It is essential to clean and dry the skin where the tape will be applied. Avoid using lotions, oils, or powders, as they can interfere with the adhesive. If your skin is particularly sensitive or prone to irritation, consider using a skin barrier wipe or spray to create a protective layer between the tape and your skin.

Use barrier products to protect the skin from adhesive

Barrier creams and ointments or barrier wipes and sprays can be an excellent choice for those who frequently use medical tape or have sensitive skin. These products create a barrier between the tape and your skin, reducing the risk of skin irritation and helping make tape removal easier.

Personally Delivered Products for Tape Residue Removal

At Personally Delivered, we understand the challenges of dealing with stubborn medical tape residue. That is why we have carefully curated a range of high-quality products to make removing easier and more comfortable.

Here are three products that we recommend when seeking how to remove medical tape residue from skin safely and comfortably:

Product 1: Convatec ESENTA Adhesive Remover Sprays and Wipes

ESSENTA Adhesive Removers are specially formulated to dissolve and remove stubborn tape residue without irritating. These silicone-based, alcohol-free products are safe for all skin types and won’t dry out your skin.

ESENTA Adhesive remover spray and wipes

Product 2: Convatec ESENTA Skin Barrier Spray

ESENTA Skin Barrier Spray is an excellent option if you are looking for a preventive solution. This sting-free barrier spray creates a protective barrier between your skin and the medical tape, making removing the tape without leaving residue easier. It also soothes and moisturizes your skin, promoting faster healing.

ESENTA Barrier Spray

Product 3: Cardinal Health Adhesive Remover Pads

Cardinal Health Adhesive Remover Pads are ideal for quick and convenient tape residue removal. These soft pads are infused with aloe vera that effectively removes adhesive residue and nourishes your skin. They are individually packaged, making them perfect for travel or for keeping in your bag for emergencies.

Cardinal Health Adhesive Remover Pads

At Personally Delivered, your comfort and satisfaction are our priorities. Say goodbye to stubborn tape residue and hello to clean, healthy skin with our range of adhesive removers, barrier sprays, and wipes.

As advocates for your well-being, we understand the importance of gentle and safe solutions. For those struggling with how to remove medical tape residue from skin, explore our range of options that cater specifically to your needs. So, how will you enhance your care routine and bid farewell to tape residue challenges?

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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