Elderly Incontinence at Night

Growing older comes with challenges, and one of the more sensitive issues many seniors face is elderly incontinence at night. Nocturnal or nighttime incontinence can be distressing for older adults and their caregivers. However, there is no need to struggle with this issue alone. Our home delivery medical supply store offers a wide range of overnight incontinence products designed to bring comfort, dignity, and convenience to those dealing with elderly incontinence at night.

Understanding Elderly Incontinence at Night

Elderly incontinence at night, often referred to as nocturnal incontinence, nighttime urinary incontinence, or adult bedwetting. It is a common condition among seniors characterized by the involuntary release of urine during sleep. Various factors can contribute to nocturnal incontinence in the elderly, such as weakened bladder muscles, certain medications, urinary tract infections, and underlying health conditions.

Managing Nocturnal Incontinence

Coping with elderly incontinence at night requires a thoughtful and tailored approach. At Personally Delivered, we offer a wide selection of products to meet the needs of elderly individuals experiencing nocturnal incontinence. Here are some of the options we provide:

Adult Diapers

Our adult diapers come in various sizes, styles, and absorbency levels to ensure a comfortable fit for individuals of all shapes and sizes. These high-quality products are discreet, allowing users to maintain their dignity and peace of mind.

Overnight Pull-Up Underwear

We provide overnight pull-up underwear for those who prefer a more discreet and convenient option. These products offer comfort, security, and discretion, allowing elderly individuals to remain independent and sleep peacefully.

Bed Pads, Underpads, and Chux

To protect your mattress and bedding, we offer waterproof bed pads. These absorbent and durable underpads help maintain a dry and comfortable sleeping environment. Chux are available in various absorbency levels and sizes to accommodate different needs.

Skin Care Products

Prolonged exposure to moisture can lead to skin irritation and discomfort. To prevent this, we offer a range of skin care products, including barrier creams and wipes, to keep the skin healthy and free from irritation.

Odor Control Products

AprilFresh Biological Odor Eliminator and DeodorizerNobody should feel self-conscious about odors related to incontinence. Our store provides various odor control products to ensure that you stay fresh and confident.

The Convenience of Home Delivery

We understand mobility can be challenging for older adults, and leaving the comfort of home to purchase incontinence products may not always be feasible. Our home delivery service can help meet your unique needs for managing elderly incontinence at night without leaving the comfort of your home. Our discrete packaging protects your privacy, and our friendly customer service team is available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

Bonus: Automatic Home Delivery

Our Automatic Home Delivery service allows you to choose delivery schedules for the products you need. You will never have to worry about running out of your supplies, and you will save 5% on every shipment. It does not stop there! You will earn an additional 3% cash back based on your purchases throughout the year. Set your necessary supplies on Automatic Delivery, and let us handle the rest.

Summing it Up

Elderly incontinence at night can be challenging, but it should not limit your lifestyle or cause discomfort. We are dedicated to providing a wide variety of overnight incontinence products designed to help you manage this condition with dignity and confidence. Our goal is to make your life more comfortable and convenient. Do not let nocturnal incontinence hold you back. Let us assist you in taking the first step towards a better night’s sleep and an improved quality of life.

Popular Overnight Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Managing Incontinence at Work

Incontinence is a common and often stigmatized health condition affecting millions worldwide. While it can be challenging to navigate, managing incontinence at work is possible with the right strategies and resources. In this blog post, we will discuss practical tips to help individuals with bladder and bowel incontinence maintain their comfort, dignity, and productivity in the workplace.

Dress for Success

Wearing appropriate clothing can help you manage incontinence more discreetly. Choose dark-colored clothing or patterns that can help conceal any accidental bladder or bowel leaks. Wearing layered clothing can provide an extra layer of protection.

Stay Hydrated

While it may seem counterintuitive, staying adequately hydrated can help manage urinary incontinence. Dehydration can lead to concentrated urine, which can irritate the bladder. Be mindful of what you drink and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, as these beverages can sometimes worsen symptoms.

Mindful Diet

Certain foods and beverages can irritate the bladder and bowels and worsen incontinence. Avoid spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, citrus fruits, and carbonated drinks, as they can irritate the bladder. Choose foods and beverages for a balanced diet that supports overall bladder and bowel health.

Understanding Incontinence

Before discussing strategies for managing incontinence at work, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the condition. Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or feces caused by various factors, such as aging, medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, or surgery. It can manifest in different forms, including stress incontinence (leakage during physical activity), urge incontinence (sudden, intense urge to urinate), or mixed incontinence (a combination of stress and urge incontinence).

While incontinence can cause stress and anxiety, it is crucial to remember that it is a medical condition. There is nothing wrong with seeking support and accommodations that may help manage it effectively, especially in the workplace.

Tips for Managing Incontinence at Work

Open Communication

Open and honest communication is one of the most critical steps in managing incontinence at work. It is essential to let your supervisor or human resources department know about your condition, as they can provide necessary support and accommodations. Discussing your needs, concerns, and potential solutions can lead to a more understanding and accommodating work environment.

Plan Ahead

Planning is essential to managing incontinence at work successfully. Consider these three steps for managing incontinence at work:

1. Map out restrooms

Familiarize yourself with the locations of restrooms in your workplace. Knowing where they are can help reduce anxiety.

2. Keep a schedule

Create a schedule for restroom breaks that aligns with your body’s needs. Try to take regular breaks to prevent accidents.

3. Incontinence Supplies

Keep a discreet bag or pouch with extra incontinence products in your desk or bag, such as liners and pads, diapers or briefs, and disposable protective underwear. Different products cater to varying levels of protection needed for different types of incontinence. Keep various incontinence supplies near to help prevent leaks and discomfort during your workday.

keep extra incontinence products in your desk or bag to prevent leaks at work

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, can help strengthen the muscles that control urination. Regularly practicing these exercises has been shown to improve bladder control and reduce incontinence episodes.

Stress Reduction

Stress can exacerbate bladder and bowel incontinence symptoms. Try stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness exercises to help manage stress levels at work.

Summing it Up

Managing incontinence at work can be challenging but possible with proper planning, communication, and support. Remember that you are not alone. Many workplaces will provide accommodations to ensure your comfort and productivity. Hopefully, these tips can help you confidently navigate the challenges of incontinence at work with dignity.

Top-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Lifestyle Tips for Female Catheterization

Female catheterization is a medical procedure that allows women to manage conditions like urinary retention or incontinence with greater independence and comfort. The idea of self-catheterization may initially seem unfamiliar, scary, and a culture shock. But with the right information, tools, and lifestyle adjustments, it can become a manageable and empowering aspect of your healthcare routine. Everyone’s learning curve is different. Allow yourself to process what this new normal looks like.

This blog will explore lifestyle tips and strategies to help women navigate female catheterization confidently and efficiently.

Know That You Have Options

With so many catheters on the market, women have choices for female catheterization. Catheters are not “one-size-fits-all,” so trying various catheters could help you find what works for you rather than what your urologist sent you home with. Just because you start out with a product doesn’t mean you can’t switch to something different. As the body changes, so may your catheter needs. You never know how another catheter may change your life and help avoid bladder or urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Maintain Hygiene

pdi-hygea-saline-wipesGood hygiene practices are crucial to prevent UTIs and other complications like bladder infections associated with female catheterization.

Some hygiene tips include:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after catheterization.
  • Clean the catheter insertion area with sterile wipes to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Consider using gloves to prevent touching a catheter that does not have a protective sleeve.
  • Carry hand sanitizer for on-the-go.

Establish a Regular Schedule

Creating a consistent catheterization schedule can help you manage your condition effectively. Work with your healthcare provider to determine the best frequency for catheterization based on your specific needs. A regular schedule can also help reduce anxiety associated with the procedure.

Don’t Be Afraid to Travel

Female catheterization should not prevent you from traveling or going on vacations. You deserve to live a normal life with this new necessity, and it is possible. Pack your catheter supplies and medication in your carry-on bag for quick and easy access, and choose an aisle seat on the airplane. Remember to take extra supplies in the event of flight delays or cancellations. You can discuss wheelchair-accessible bathroom options with the airline carriers before your travels.

Consider using supplemental incontinence products when traveling long distances. Incontinence liners and pads can protect you from leaks that can happen on long flights, during turbulence, or even due to nerve pain. These incontinence pads and liners can offer extra peace of mind.

You can use a TSA Notification Card to hand to security personnel to help streamline the security screening process. This handy card is a communication tool to inform TSA agents and other airport personnel about your medical condition or disability. This communication aid can help reduce stress in an airport and protect your privacy. You can hand it to the agent instead of verbally disclosing sensitive medical information in a public setting.

TSA Disability Travel Card

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Female catheterization can be a stressful experience, especially in the beginning. Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness meditation before and during the procedure can help ease anxiety and make the process more comfortable. If you wait too long to empty your bladder, pressure can build, and catheter insertion can become difficult.

Never force a catheter. Self-catheterization should never cause pain or serious discomfort.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining urinary health. Drinking enough water can help flush out bacteria and prevent UTIs. However, be mindful of your fluid intake, as excessive fluids may require more frequent catheterization.

Dress Comfortably

Choose clothing that allows easy access to the catheterization site. Loose-fitting pants or skirts can make the process more convenient, providing better mobility and access. If you have dexterity issues, avoid clothing with buttons or zippers.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to discuss your catheterization journey with friends, family members, or a support group of other catheter users. Sharing your experiences and challenges with others can help reduce the emotional burden and provide valuable insights and tips from others who may have gone through a similar experience. The female catheterization process can transition from a feeling of “medical” to more “personal.”

Advocate for Yourself

If your insurance doesn’t cover the number of catheters you require monthly, speak to your urologist. They may recommend relief or hardship programs to supplement what your insurance covers. Advocating for yourself gives you the best chance of getting what you need.

Consider Botox Bladder Injections

Speak to your urologist to determine if you qualify for Botox bladder injections. These work by relaxing the bladder to help stop spasms that cause urinary leakage. This quick procedure helps reduce urgency, can last up to six months, and is covered by most insurance providers.

Get Your Catheter Supplies on Automatic Delivery

The right catheter supplies are essential for a successful self-catheterization routine. Some common items you may need include catheters, lubricating jelly, sterile wipes, hand sanitizer, gloves, and underpads. Setting up Automatic Delivery of these supplies can help make life easier and more manageable. Ask your doctor for a 90-day prescription and stock up.

Summing it up

Female catheterization may feel scary at first, but it can become a manageable part of your life with practice and patience. Try to stay positive and surround yourself with others who are encouraging. Connecting with a community of other women who self-catheterize can be empowering. Remember to use good hygiene practices and follow up with your urologist regularly. You can live a fulfilling and active life while managing your urinary condition.

Best-Selling Female Catheters

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Can You Live a Normal Life with Incontinence?

Have you ever wondered… Can you live a normal life with incontinence? The answer is Yes, you can! Incontinence is a medical condition that affects millions of people and is often a topic that is not discussed. While it can be challenging and often embarrassing, the good news is that you can live a normal life with incontinence. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of living with incontinence and offer tips and strategies to help individuals maintain their quality of life while managing this condition.

Understanding Incontinence

Before discussing how to live a normal life with incontinence, it is essential to understand this condition. Incontinence is the loss of bladder or bowel control, leading to unintentional leakage of urine or stool. Aging, certain medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, and neurological disorders are various factors that can cause it. Incontinence can be temporary or chronic, and its severity can range from mild to severe.

Managing Incontinence

There are several management strategies to consider when aiming to live a normal life with incontinence.

Incontinence Products

Various incontinence products, such as adult diapers, protective undergarments, and absorbent pads, are available. These products come in different absorbency levels, sizes, and materials and can help provide individuals of all ages with comfort, confidence, and a sense of security.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles that control the bladder and help improve bladder control. These exercises are often recommended for both men and women with incontinence.


Depending on the type and cause of incontinence, your doctor may prescribe medications to help control symptoms after thoroughly evaluating your condition. Medications are often used in conjunction with other management strategies to achieve the best results in living a normal life with incontinence.

Lifestyle Changes

Certain lifestyle adjustments can help manage incontinence. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding irritants like caffeine and alcohol, and establishing a regular bathroom schedule.

Psychological and Emotional Well-being

In addition to the physical aspects of managing incontinence, addressing the emotional and psychological impacts is crucial. Trying to live a normal life with incontinence can be emotionally challenging, but here are some ways that can help you cope.

Talk to Someone

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your feelings and concerns. Sharing your experiences with a mental health professional can be therapeutic, especially since the topic can be emotionally challenging.

Stay Informed

Educate yourself about incontinence and the available treatments. Understanding the condition can reduce anxiety and help you make informed decisions about your care.

Addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of incontinence is crucial.

Try to Maintain a Positive Outlook

Focus on the aspects of your life that are not affected by incontinence. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and surround yourself with people that bring you joy. Attention to these things can help you live a normal life with incontinence.

Join Support Groups

There are numerous online and in-person support groups for individuals with incontinence. These communities provide a safe space to connect with others with similar experiences. You can share challenges, coping strategies, and tips with each other that can provide emotional support.

Living a Full Life with Incontinence

It is essential to remember that incontinence does not define you or your worth. With the right management strategies and support, you can continue to lead a fulfilling and normal life with incontinence.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Social Life

Don’t let incontinence keep you from socializing with friends and loved ones. Inform those you trust about your condition so they can be understanding and supportive.


Discuss your condition with your employer if necessary. Many workplaces are accommodating and can provide options for managing incontinence discreetly. Living a normal life with incontinence at work is possible.


Careful planning and appropriate incontinence products allow you to enjoy travel and explore new destinations.

Summing it Up

Living a normal life with incontinence may present challenges, but it is possible with the proper management strategies, support, and a positive mindset. Remember, resources and support are available to help you navigate this condition. By seeking medical advice, adopting lifestyle changes, and addressing the emotional aspects of incontinence, you can continue to enjoy a fulfilling and normal life with incontinence life.

Best-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What Causes Incontinence in Men?

Are you a male and wonder what causes incontinence in men? Incontinence is a condition that affects millions of people around the world and is not limited to just one gender. While it might not be a commonly discussed topic, incontinence is a natural and often manageable issue. Understanding what causes incontinence is the first step towards addressing this condition effectively.

This blog post will explore the five common causes of incontinence in men.

1. Prostate Problems

The prostate gland is a walnut-sized organ located beneath the bladder and plays a crucial role in male urinary function. As men age, the prostate can enlarge, leading to a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH can constrict the urethra, making it difficult for a man to fully empty his bladder, resulting in urinary leakage or urge incontinence.

2. Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles

Strong pelvic floor muscles are critical in maintaining urinary control. These muscles in women and men can weaken due to various factors such as age, obesity, or certain medical conditions. Weak pelvic floor muscles can result in stress incontinence, where physical activities like coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects can lead to urine leakage.

3. Medications and Surgeries

Some medications, especially those prescribed for high blood pressure or heart conditions, can relax the bladder muscles and increase urine production, potentially leading to urinary incontinence. Surgeries such as prostate or bladder surgery occur in the pelvic area. These surgeries can damage nerves and muscles, resulting in temporary or long-term incontinence issues.

4. Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, or spinal cord injuries, can interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate with the bladder and sphincter muscles. This disruption of the nerves is one of the causes of incontinence in men because it can lead to bladder storage and emptying issues.

5. Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices can also contribute to what causes incontinence in men. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a diet high in caffeine can irritate the bladder and lead to urgency or leakage. If a man carries more weight or is considered obese, those extra pounds can add pressure to the bladder and contribute to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Incontinence supplies can help manage incontinence in men

Summing it Up

What causes incontinence in men can be attributed to several factors. Incontinence is a condition that can impact a man’s quality of life, but it is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Identifying the underlying causes of incontinence is the first step towards managing and even improving the condition. If you or someone you know is struggling with incontinence, it is essential to seek professional medical advice. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, many men can regain control and continue to lead active, healthy, and fulfilling lives.

Popular Men’s Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

Prostate surgery, or radical prostatectomy, is a common treatment option for men with localized prostate cancer and other prostate-related conditions. This surgery involves removing the entire prostate gland and some of the surrounding tissue. While the primary goal of these surgeries is to remove cancerous tissue or alleviate urinary symptoms, they can have unintended consequences, such as erectile dysfunction (ED). This blog post will discuss the connection between erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery the different surgical approaches, and treatments available to address this challenge.

The Connection Between Erectile Dysfunction and Prostate Surgery

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. After prostate surgery, men often experience ED due to nerves and blood vessels that play a crucial role in erections being injured. Another reason for erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery is that the surgery can damage the arteries that supply blood to the penis, reducing blood flow. According to the National Library of Medicine, it is estimated that 85% of men will experience erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery. The extent of ED after prostate surgery depends on the surgery performed.

Two Primary Types of Radical Prostatectomies

The severity of erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery can vary from man to man. Some men can experience mild ED, while others experience complete ED. Although precautions are taken to help reduce the likelihood of complications, all surgeries come with risks. Two primary types of prostate surgeries can affect the severity of ED.

Open Prostatectomy

This traditional approach involves a large incision in the lower abdomen to access the prostate, which is detached from the bladder and urethra. The surgeon’s goal is to remove just enough tissue and not disturb any muscles that control urinary continence and the nerves that control erections. A temporary Foley catheter will be put in place to allow urine to drain as the patient heals. This surgery offers good cancer control but may have a higher risk of postoperative ED due to potential nerve damage.

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

Laparoscopic surgery or robot-assisted surgery are minimally invasive and have become more common. This type of surgery eliminates the need for a large incision. A small needle is inserted just below the belly button, and the surgery is performed. Most men who undergo this type of prostate surgery experience less blood loss, less need for pain medication, early removal of a Foley catheter, and quicker recovery. Laparoscopic prostatectomy may provide better preservation of erectile function compared to open surgery but can still carry some risks.

Radiation therapy can also be used as an alternative to surgery, which can also lead to ED, although the onset may be gradual over time.

85 percent of men will experience erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery but treatment options are available

Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

Fortunately, there are several treatments available to help manage ED after prostate surgery:


Oral medications like Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil) can help improve blood flow to the penis by relaxing the blood vessels and enhancing erectile function. These drugs require a prescription if they are used for penile rehabilitation.

Penile Injections

Some men may benefit from injections containing medication that helps relax the blood vessels in the penis. These injections can help induce erections but can be time-consuming, costly, and inconvenient.

Vacuum Therapy Devices

Vacuum therapy devices, or vacuum pumps, penis pumps, or vacuum erection devices, use a vacuum to draw blood into the penis, creating an artificial erection. While they may not be as spontaneous as natural erections, penis pumps can help maintain penile health.

Penile Implants

In cases where other treatments are ineffective, a penile implant may be considered. This surgical procedure involves the insertion of inflatable tubes inside the penis. A fluid reservoir and pump are placed in the scrotum, allowing a man to control an erection when desired.

With various treatment options available, your doctor can help you develop a plan and help you decide which one or combination of options is right for you.

Tips for Coping with Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery


Staying active can help to improve your overall health and well-being, and it may also help to improve your erectile function.

Talk to Your Partner

Communication about your concerns is essential, and your partner can be a valuable source of support.

Ask for Help

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Many resources are available to help men with ED, including support groups and counseling services. Talk to your doctor or find a therapist in your state at Zencare.

Do Not Give Up

Many effective treatments are available. You may need to try a few of them before finding what works for you.

Summing it Up

Erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery can be a distressing side effect, but it is essential to remember that effective treatments and support are available. Effective communication with doctors, staying resilient and active, and having a supportive partner can all help increase the chances of returning to a satisfying sexual life. If you or a loved one is facing ED after prostate surgery, do not hesitate to seek help and explore options to regain sexual function and overall quality of life.

Vacuum Therapy Devices for Men with ED

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Prostate Cancer and Urinary Incontinence

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern that affects millions of men worldwide. Apart from the direct impact on physical health, the treatment and management of prostate cancer can also bring about several side effects, including bladder control problems. Incontinence, or the loss of bladder control, can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life. However, advancements in medical technology and product innovation have led to the development of home delivery incontinence supplies that can effectively help manage incontinence symptoms in prostate cancer patients.

In this blog, we will discuss prostate cancer and urinary incontinence after surgery, which can be a possible side effect, and the options available to help manage.

Home delivery incontinence supplies can help manage prostate cancer and bladder control symtoms.

How Home Delivery Incontinence Products Can Help with Prostate Cancer and Bladder Control

The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and positioned just below the bladder, in front of the rectum, and near the urethra.  As a man ages, the prostate enlarges, causing the urethra to narrow and decrease urine flow. Although this is not a tell-tale sign of prostate cancer, it is a symptom that should not be ignored.

According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men, with various treatment options, including surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy. These treatments can have varying impacts on bladder control due to their influence on the prostate gland and surrounding tissues.

Prostate cancer and urinary incontinence issues after treatment can manifest in different ways, including stress incontinence (leakage of urine during physical activities), urge incontinence (sudden, intense need to urinate), and overflow incontinence (inability to completely empty the bladder). These issues can be distressing, affecting a patient’s self-esteem, daily activities, and overall well-being.

Home delivery incontinence supplies have emerged as a valuable solution for managing prostate cancer and urinary incontinence. These products are discreet, convenient, and tailored to individual needs, offering incontinence patients a sense of normalcy and empowerment.

These are some ways incontinence products can help men with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence problems:

Variety of Options

Various home delivery incontinence products are available in today’s market, including absorbent pads, disposable briefs, underwear, and even mattress protectors. This variety ensures that patients with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence can choose products that suit their comfort and level of incontinence protection.


Attends Unisex Overnight Underwear can help if you have prostate cancer and incontinenceIncontinence products available through home delivery are designed to be discreet, allowing individuals to maintain their privacy and dignity while managing their symptoms. This aspect is particularly important for those feeling embarrassed or anxious about their condition.


Home delivery of incontinence supplies helps eliminate the need for frequent trips to the store to purchase incontinence products. This convenience is especially beneficial for individuals with mobility challenges or limited access to transportation.

Automatic Delivery

Many home delivery services offer customizable automatic delivery subscription plans, ensuring patients with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence receive consistent products based on their usage and preferences. These programs help reduce the stress of running out of supplies unexpectedly.

Improved Quality of Life

By effectively managing prostate cancer and urinary incontinence, individuals can regain their confidence, participate in social activities, and lead a more active lifestyle, improving overall quality of life.

Summing it Up

Prostate cancer and urinary incontinence and the treatment journey can be physically and emotionally challenging for men. Home delivery incontinence supplies offer a practical and dignified solution to help manage these symptoms, allowing individuals to regain control over their lives and embrace a sense of normalcy.

If you or a loved one are dealing with incontinence due to prostate cancer, exploring the options provided by Personally Delivered could be a significant step towards improved comfort and well-being. Always consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable products and management strategies based on individual circumstances.

Best-Selling Men's Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

When a man requires partial or complete removal of his prostate gland due to cancer or other medical conditions, it can be a very technical and precise procedure. The prostate is located in an area of the body that is surrounded by a bundle of nerves and can be tricky to remove without avoiding injury to the bladder or rectum. During surgery, the urethra is cut to separate it from the prostate. Making the incision too close can damage the urethral sphincter and surrounding nerves, potentially causing prostate surgery incontinence. Nerve-sparing robotic surgery is a safe and minimally invasive technique for the removal of the prostate gland.

What is Nerve-Sparing Prostate Surgery

Nerve-sparing surgery is the process of a precise and careful attempt to spare any damage to the nerves that are extremely close to the tissues that are going to be removed. When the surrounding nerves are not preserved, a man may suffer from prostate surgery incontinence, erectile dysfunction (ED), or other complications.

Using the nerve-sparing robotic technique, surgeons can improve the outcomes and minimize trauma to the neurovascular bundle around the prostate gland. The urinary system consists of many nerves, and they all work in conjunction to make sure the urinary tract and bladder properly function. When the nerves are damaged, communication to the brain is interrupted, and a person then suffers from prostate surgery incontinence. Temporary or permanent ED may also be another result of prostate surgery. As you can see, using the robotic technique can significantly reduce harm to this sensitive area of the male anatomy and help prevent ED and  incontinence after prostate surgery.

Prostate Surgery Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction

Encore Medical Revive Custom Manual Vacuum Therapy System to help with erectile dysfunction after nerve-sparing surgeryOnce the surgery is complete, the surgeon reconnects the bladder to the urethra. A Foley catheter remains in place for approximately a week, and once that is removed, many times, men will experience prostate surgery incontinence. This can be one of the most bothersome issues and can be temporary or sometimes permanent. When the nerve-sparing robotic technique is used, permanent prostate surgery incontinence is rare.

Another potential complication of prostate surgery is erectile dysfunction. Nerves, muscles, and blood vessels are all involved when a man gets an erection. Any damage to these can cause him to have erectile dysfunction following this surgery. In some cases, this may be temporary. However, it can also be permanent, and achieving an erection will only be possible with the assistance of medical devices like the Encore Medical Revive Custom Manual Vacuum Therapy System or the Timm Medical Technologies Osbon OTC ErecAid Vacuum Therapy System. You can view more of these devices here.

Prostate Cancer Results

When a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, he has a big decision to make on the type of treatment that is best for his needs. Nerve-sparing robotic prostate surgery is often the preferred choice by surgeons to avoid long-term prostate surgery incontinence and the potential for impotence. During robotic surgery, the incisions are extremely precise, and the margin of error in harming the nerves, muscles, and valves is greatly reduced. This process is also minimally invasive, which helps to lessen any post-operative pain and also shorten recovery time.

Because the prostate lies between the bladder and the rectum and is wrapped around the urethra, many vulnerable nerves are at risk. The standard operation is a delicate task and can leave room for disrupting the bundle of important nerves used to control the bladder and penis.

Opting for the nerve-sparing operation can help an experienced surgeon spare some or all of the nerves that run along the sides of the prostate gland. This provides a greater chance that the patient preserves his potency and will not need the assistance of any medical devices or incontinence products for the potential of incontinence after prostate surgery. Nerve-sparing surgeries can reduce the risk of prostate surgery incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and possible other complications. The robotic-assisted surgery uses precision that might not be able to be achieved by the surgeon alone.

Managing Prostate Surgery Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction

Prevail Daily Male Guards can help with incontinence after prostate surgery after this nerve-sparing surgeryShould any of the nerves, muscles, or valves of the urethral system be damaged, the use of certain incontinence products and/or other devices may be required for those who experience incontinence after prostate surgery. Once the prostate gland is removed, it is extremely important that the bladder is well constructed to prevent urine leakage. Typically, the leakage that happens after the procedure is light to moderate, and a male guard or an incontinence pad for men can be worn. These products are specifically designed with the male anatomy in mind to be discreet, provide maximum comfort, and deliver the protection needed.

Should ED follow after prostate surgery, a man may need to use a medical device to achieve and maintain an erection due to the disruption of the blood and nerve supply. There are many devices available that can help, such as Vacuum Therapy Systems and clamps.

Learning that you or a loved one may have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or another condition that has affected this gland may be very difficult. Know that there are treatment options available to you if you experience incontinence after prostate surgery, no matter your age. Always consult with your medical practitioner for expert advice and options available to you. Should you have any questions about the products that we offer, our Product Experts are just a phone call away.

Top-Selling Incontinence Products for Men

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How Crohn’s Disease Affects the Stomach and Perineal Area

How Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and perineal area can vary from person to person. Many people experience little to no symptoms throughout their life, while others can suffer from severe symptoms that linger. This blog post will discuss Crohn’s disease, how it can affect the stomach and the perineal areas, and the associated symptoms.

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, from the mouth to the anus. This disease can worsen over time, so devising an early treatment plan with a qualified healthcare professional is essential. According to the National Institute of Health, more than five hundred thousand people in the United States alone live with Crohn’s disease. Although this disease’s exact cause is unknown, some research has shown that genetics, the environment, and a compromised immune system can be contributing factors. While it most commonly affects the small intestine and the colon, Crohn’s disease can also impact other areas, including the stomach and perineal region.

Crohn’s Disease and the Stomach

Although Crohn’s disease primarily affects the small intestine and colon, it can sometimes involve the stomach. The inflammation in the stomach can cause a variety of symptoms, such as:

Nausea and Vomiting

Inflammation causes swelling in the digestive tract and the stomach lining, leading to nausea and occasional vomiting.

Loss of Appetite

The stomach discomfort caused by Crohn’s disease can reduce appetite, leading to weight loss and malnutrition.

Upper Abdominal Pain

Inflammation in the digestive tract and stomach may cause pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen.


In some instances, Crohn’s disease can affect the normal movement of the stomach muscles, resulting in gastroparesis, which is delayed emptying of the stomach contents. This can cause bloating and early satiety (feeling full) and aggravate nausea and vomiting.

It is essential for individuals with Crohn’s disease experiencing stomach-related symptoms to consult with their healthcare provider for appropriate diagnosis and management strategies. How Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and the perineal should be taken seriously and only managed by professional and qualified doctors.

Crohn’s Disease and the Perineal Area

The perineal area is the region between the anus and genitals. Crohn’s disease can impact this area in various ways, leading to symptoms such as:

Perianal Fistulas

Fistulas are abnormal connections that form between different parts of the intestine or between the intestine and nearby organs. In Crohn’s disease, perianal fistulas can develop around the anus, causing pain, drainage of pus, and discomfort during bowel movements.


Inflammation can lead to the formation of abscesses, which are localized pockets of pus. Abscesses can cause pain, swelling, and redness in the perineal area. Keeping this area clean with gentle cleaners can help prevent any further irritation or infection.

Skin Tags and Fissures

Chronic inflammation may result in skin tags (small, soft flaps of skin) and fissures (painful cracks or ulcers) in the perineal region.

Managing perineal symptoms in Crohn’s disease often requires involvement from doctors of different disciplines, such as gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, and wound care specialists. Treatment options may include medications, surgical intervention, and lifestyle modifications. How Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and the perineal must be taken seriously and should only be treated and managed by qualified healthcare professionals.

Summing it Up

How Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and the perineal area varies from person to person. While Crohn’s disease primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract, its impact can extend beyond the small intestine and colon. In some cases, the stomach and perineal area can also be affected, leading to specific symptoms that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Recognizing these symptoms and seeking appropriate medical care is crucial for effective management and improved well-being for individuals with Crohn’s disease. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment plan.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog on how Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and perineal area is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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The Benefits of Hydrophilic Catheters

The benefits of hydrophilic catheters are plenty. Maintaining comfort and ease during self-catheterization is crucial for individuals who require it regularly. Hydrophilic catheters have emerged as a remarkable innovation in medical devices, offering a range of benefits that significantly improve the patient experience. These catheters are designed to interact with moisture, making them incredibly smooth and lubricated when exposed to water. This unique feature presents several advantages to patients’ comfort and overall well-being.

In this blog post, we will discuss hydrophilic catheters, their benefits, and innovative technology that can help provide an even more comfortable and safe self-catheterization experience.

What are Hydrophilic Catheters?

Unlike uncoated catheters that require manual lubrication and are less sterile, hydrophilic catheters have a specialized polymer coating bonded to the catheter’s surface. This coating becomes smooth and slippery when it comes into contact with either water or sterile saline. Once the hydrophilic coating is activated, friction is almost reduced to nothing upon insertion and removal of the catheter. These catheters are designed to minimize the risk of contamination due to their design and are viewed by many as a beneficial innovation in the catheter world. Most are prepackaged in sterile water, or a small pouch of sterile water is broken and released into the package when the patient is ready to use the catheter.

If the hydrophilic catheter you are using has a sterile saline packet, you must first activate the hydrophilic properties of the catheter by releasing the solution.

steps to pop the saline packet to activate a hydrophilic catheterTo do this, follow these four steps:

  1. Unfold the package
  2. Fold the water packet about halfway
  3. Apply pressure with your thumb and forefinger to burst the package and release the saline solution
  4. Allow at least 30 seconds to fully hydrate

Four Benefits of Hydrophilic Catheters

1. Reduced Friction and Discomfort

One of the most significant benefits of these catheters is their ability to minimize friction during insertion and removal. When wet, the catheter’s hydrophilic coating becomes slippery, resulting in a smoother glide in and out of the urethra. This reduces discomfort, irritation, and potential trauma to delicate tissues, making the catheterization process less invasive and tolerable.

2. Enhanced Convenience

Hydrophilic catheters are pre-lubricated, eliminating the need for additional catheter lubricants. This simplifies the catheterization process and makes it more discreet and convenient, especially for individuals on the go. The ready-to-use feature ensures that patients can maintain their self-catheterization routine without carrying extra supplies.

3. Minimizes the Risk of Infection

Proper hygiene is critical when it comes to self-catheterization. The hydrophilic coating on these catheters aids in reducing friction and trauma, reducing the risk of infection and urethral damage. The smooth, slippery surface discourages bacterial adhesion, helping maintain a cleaner insertion process potentially lowering the chances of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other complications.

4. Improved Patient Confidence

The self-catheterization process can be daunting or intimidating for many patients at first. Hydrophilic catheters offer a solution that promotes patient confidence. The reduced friction, minimal discomfort, and ease of use create a more positive self-catheterization experience. This can lead to increased compliance with the doctor-recommended catheterization schedule, helping to ensure overall health outcomes.

GentleCath FeelClean Technology: Redefining Comfort

Among the various hydrophilic catheters available, the GentleCath with FeelClean Technology stands out as a prime example of patient-centric innovation. This technology is designed to provide an even more comfortable and hassle-free catheterization experience. The FeelClean Technology harnesses the power of a next-generation hydrophilic coating, making the catheter surface incredibly smooth and lubricated. As the catheter interacts with water or a 0.9% sterile saline solution, it activates the hydrophilic properties, rendering the catheter virtually frictionless.

This innovation ensures a gentler insertion process and contributes to a higher level of cleanliness. The reduced friction helps prevent irritation and potential complications, while the pre-lubrication eliminates the need for additional catheter lubricants. Patients can confidently carry out their self-catheterization routine with less stress and ease, ultimately improving overall well-being.

Shop GentleCath with FeelClean Technology

Summing it Up

As one can see, the benefits of hydrophilic catheters are exceptional. The landscape of self-catheterization has been reshaped by these catheters, as demonstrated by innovations like GentleCath FeelClean. Their capacity to reduce friction and discomfort, enhance convenience, minimize the risk of infection, and improve patient confidence marks them as a revolutionary option for those who require self-catheterization. As medical technology advances, it is reassuring to acknowledge that pioneering solutions such as hydrophilic catheters place patient comfort and well-being at the forefront.

More Top-Selling Hydrophilic Catheters

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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