Catheter-Associated UTI Treatment Tips

A catheter-associated UTI (urinary tract infection), sometimes called CAUTI, is a common and potentially serious complication of using urinary catheters. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to help prevent and treat these infections. This blog post will provide an overview of CAUTIs, tips for preventing them, and how to treat them if they occur.

What is a catheter-associated UTI?

Medline 2-Way Silicone Foley Catheter, 10 cc BalloonA catheter-associated UTI is a urinary tract infection that occurs in someone using a urinary catheter. A urinary catheter is a flexible tube that is inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine when a person is unable to do so on their own. CAUTIs are a common complication of catheter use, particularly among those who require long-term catheterization.

CAUTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the catheter and begin to grow and multiply. According to the CDC, the risk of developing a UTI increases the longer a catheter is in place, such as with an indwelling Foley catheter. Symptoms of a UTI can include fever, chills, abdominal pain, burning with urination, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine. CAUTIs can lead to sepsis or other serious complications in severe cases.

Catheter-associated UTI treatment requires a diagnosis by your healthcare provider, that will prescribe the appropriate next steps. If you experience symptoms of a CAUTI, seeking medical attention promptly to prevent complications is essential.

Prevention Tips for a Catheter-Associated UTI

To reduce the risk of acquiring a catheter-associated UTI, using sterile techniques when inserting and removing a catheter and practicing some healthy habits is essential.

UTI-Stat Cranberry beverageThese are some tips that may help prevent a CAUTI:

  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after touching your catheter or the surrounding area.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, can help flush bacteria out of your system and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Empty your bladder regularly: Try to empty your bladder regularly to prevent urine from accumulating and increasing the risk of infection. Your healthcare provider may recommend a specific schedule for catheter drainage.
  • Avoid constipation: Constipation can increase the risk of UTIs, so eat a healthy diet with plenty of fiber and drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation.
  • Follow proper catheter care guidelines: Follow your healthcare provider’s and catheter manufacturer’s instructions for catheter care, including how to clean and prep for catheter insertion properly and how to change the catheter if necessary.
  • Maintain a sterile system: Your healthcare provider will likely recommend a sterile system for catheter insertion, which means using sterile gloves, a sterile catheter, and other catheter supplies like lubrication to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Drink cranberry juice: Cranberry juice has been used for decades to prevent UTIs. According to a  study by the National Library of Medicine, cranberry juice contains a substance that may prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder, which may help prevent UTIs. UTI-Stat is a natural cranberry beverage that may be effective in reducing symptomatic UTIs, including urgency and frequency of urination.

Following these prevention tips can help reduce your risk of developing a UTI. However, if you experience symptoms of a UTI, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications.

Treating a Catheter-Associated UTI

Treatment of CAUTIs should begin with contacting your doctor immediately. If you are using a Foley catheter, remove it promptly. Cleaning and disinfecting the area carefully can help prevent further infection by eliminating the source of bacteria. Catheter-associated UTI treatment tips include drinking plenty of fluids and managing UTI-related pain and discomfort with medications or antibiotics.

Your doctor may test for underlying medical conditions that may have led to the infection. This can help providers better treat the infection by providing targeted treatment, which can help reduce the risk of UTI recurrence in patients.

Leaving a Catheter-Associated UTI Untreated

CAUTIs left untreated could lead to a kidney infection requiring immediate medical attention. More serious symptoms could develop, such as:

  • Chills and shivering
  • A fever of 100.4F or above
  • Pain in the abdomen, sides, and back
  • Having the urge to urinate more frequently
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blood in the urine
  • Restlessness
  • Confusion

It is critical to seek immediate medical attention to treat the infection properly.

To summarize, a catheter-associated UTI is a common yet potentially serious complication for patients requiring a urinary catheter. Multiple steps can be taken to help prevent and treat these infections. These steps include proper hand hygiene, daily assessment of the catheter, clean intermittent catheterization, and utilizing a sterile antimicrobial lubricant or a hydrophilic catheter. If an infection occurs, it is critical to seek medical attention to treat it before it becomes something worse.

Top-Selling Catheter Supplies

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How to Change a Urinary Drainage Bag

Learning how to change a urinary drainage bag can be a valuable skill to have. It can be intimidating, especially for those who have never done it. But it can be relatively simple with the right supplies and preparation. This blog post will discuss the basics of changing a urinary drainage bag, including the supplies you’ll need, the steps to follow, and tips to make the process easier.

Overview of the Process

Cardinal Health Curity Alcohol Prep PadsChanging a urine bag involves three main steps:

  1. Emptying the urine drainage bag
  2. Cleaning and disinfecting the area
  3. Attaching a new urinary drainage bag

Supplies you will need:

  • Mild soap or antiseptic cleaner
  • Alcohol prep pads or wipes
  • A fresh urinary drainage bag
  • New leg bag straps

Bard IC Infection Control Urine Drainage Bag with Anti-Reflux ChamberTo change a urine bag, start by emptying the old bag into a toilet or sink. It is essential to do this thoroughly, as any residual fluid can lead to a potential infection.

Once the urine drainage bag is empty, the area should be cleaned with a mild soap or antiseptic cleaner, followed by disinfecting it with an alcohol swab or other disinfectant product.

After cleaning the site, it is time to attach a new bag. A new leg bag strap should be used to secure the new bag, ensuring that it will not fall off the leg during regular use.

Finally, the drain tube should be connected correctly to ensure safe drainage of urine. With these three steps in mind, changing a urine bag is a relatively straightforward process that can help keep users healthy and safe.

Tips for Changing a Urinary Drainage Bag

Changing a urinary drainage bag is an essential part of managing urinary incontinence. To make the process easier, always ensure you have all the necessary supplies before starting, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

• Be sure to change your bag regularly to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from building up and causing a urinary tract infection.

Simplicity Disposable Fluff UnderpadHere are some tips that may be helpful when you change a urinary drainage bag:

  • Before removing the old bag, consider wearing disposable gloves to protect yourself from unwanted exposure to bodily fluids.
  • You might place a towel or underpad beneath the bag to catch any spilled urine while removing it from the tubing.
  • After disposing of the old bag properly, ensure that all connections are closed tight but not overly tight.
  • Be sure to change your bag regularly to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from building up and causing a urinary tract infection.

To Sum it Up

Learning how to change a urinary drainage bag can be a valuable skill to have. Changing a urinary drainage bag can be a safe and straightforward process with the right supplies, steps, and tips. With these tips, you can ensure that you or your loved one will have the most comfortable experience possible when changing a urinary drainage bag.

Best-Selling Urinary Drainage Bags & Leg Bag Supplies

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Properly Caring for a Foley Catheter and Drainage Bag

A Foley catheter is an indwelling catheter inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine and properly caring for a Foley catheter is critical. Several reasons someone might need a Foley catheter include urinary incontinence, prostate surgery, neurological conditions, or other medical conditions.

It’s important to note that a Foley catheter is usually used temporarily and removed when the person no longer needs it or when the condition that caused the need for the catheter is resolved.

Why properly caring for a Foley catheter and drainage bag is essential

Properly caring for a Foley catheter and drainage bag is essential for several reasons:

Medline 2-Way Silicone Foley Catheter, 10 cc BalloonInfection prevention

Not correctly caring for a Foley catheter can increase the risk of infection. Keeping the catheter and tubing clean and dry and avoiding tugging or pulling on the catheter can help reduce the risk of infection.


A catheter that is not properly cared for can cause discomfort. Keeping the Foley catheter and tubing clean and dry and avoiding kinks or twists in the tubing can help reduce any pain.


Not properly caring for a Foley catheter may not allow it to function as intended. Keeping the tubing free from kinks and twists and the drainage bag appropriately positioned can help ensure that the catheter can drain urine from the bladder effectively.

Urine flow

Properly caring for a Foley catheter and drainage bag can help ensure the urine is flowing correctly. If the bag is not emptied regularly, or if the tubing is kinked or twisted, the urine flow may be impeded, leading to other problems such as urinary tract infections.

Overall health

Properly caring for a Foley catheter and drainage bag can help prevent complications and maintain overall health.

How to care for a Foley catheter and drainage bag

Here are some step-by-step instructions for caring for a Foley catheter and drainage bag:

1. Keep the area around the catheter clean and dry. Gently clean the skin around the catheter with soap and water, then pat it dry with a clean towel.

2. Empty and clean the drainage bag regularly. The frequency will depend on the amount of urine produced, but emptying the bag is generally recommended at least every 8 hours.

3. Check the tubing for any kinks or twists that may impede urine flow. If you notice any, gently straighten the tubing.

4. Keep the tubing and catheter securely in place. Avoid pulling or tugging on the catheter or tubing, as this can cause discomfort and increase the risk of infection. You might consider using a catheter holder for security.

5. Keep the drainage bag below bladder level at all times, so that gravity can help with the urine flow.

6. Report any problems or concerns to your healthcare provider. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or a foul odor from the catheter.

7. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after caring for the catheter and drainage bag.

8. Keep the catheter and tubing as dry as possible. If the tubing and catheter get wet, dry these items with a clean cloth.

It is essential to follow the specific instructions given by your healthcare provider and any additional instructions provided with the Foley catheter and drainage bag. If you have any questions, problems, or concerns, it is essential to contact your healthcare provider.

Best-Selling Foley Catheters & Drainage Bags

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Do Catheters Expire?

Many medical supplies, including catheters and catheter supplies, have expiration dates. In fact, according to the FDA, expired medical supplies are not only less effective but using them increases the risk of bacterial contamination. Catheters specifically can expire. Catheter manufacturers are required to follow regulations and print an expiration or use-by date on every catheter’s packaging.

Why Catheters Expire

An expiration date printed on a catheter’s packaging indicates the sterility of the catheter as well as the package’s integrity. Due to the quality of the materials used to manufacture catheters, they typically do not break down, but the packaging itself could. And, if catheters are unused after that printed expiration date, their sterility may be compromised.

Rusch catheter showing expiration date circled

Expired pre-lubricated and hydrophilic catheters risk losing their hydrated coating resulting in an uncomfortable and dry insertion and removal experience during self-catheterization. This could cause trauma to the urethra or lead to a bladder infection.

And if the catheter includes sterile saline solution in a packet for lubrication, it could be compromised after the expiration date. There is a tested time that this solution remains safe, and using a catheter with an included sterile saline packet after the printed expiration date can put you at risk for using a now non-sterile product.

Risk of Using Expired Catheters

When inserting something into the body, it is imperative to be clean, sterile, and fresh. This includes being a catheter with an expiration date that has not passed. To avoid urethral damage and potential infection, it is best to use catheters and catheter supplies before their expiration date.

It is best to use your catheters before they expire to avoid urethral damage and potential infection

Although the catheter you are using may look fine even after the expiration date has passed, it is not worth taking the risk of using it. It is always better to know that you are catheterizing safely.

Popular Catheters and Catheter Supplies

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Uncoated vs. Hydrophilic Catheters: What’s the Difference?

Catheters and catheter supplies are needed when a person cannot empty their bladder on their own, has urinary incontinence, has major surgery, or has another health concern. An intermittent catheter is inserted into the urethra until it reaches the bladder to drain urine into a toilet, urine drainage bag, or another collection device. When using intermittent catheters, it is critical to minimize trauma to the body upon insertion. By choosing a catheter and catheter supplies that make the catheter slippery before insertion, self-catheterization can be a more comfortable and safe experience. The two general choices for intermittent catheters are uncoated catheters and hydrophilic catheters. We’ll discuss the differences now.

Uncoated Catheters

McKesson Straight Uncoated CatheterAn uncoated catheter is an intermittent catheter with no lubrication or special coating on the surface. Uncoated catheters are considered traditional and require lubrication to be applied before insertion to prevent trauma to the urethra. Men have longer urethras leading to the bladder, so it is essential to lubricate the intermittent catheter to slide smoothly into the entire length of the urethra and into the bladder. Without sufficient lubrication, the uncoated catheter can injure the walls of the urethra.

Using an Uncoated Catheter

Surgilube lubricant packetsCatheter lubricants are catheter supplies that you will need when using an uncoated catheter, and there are many different brands to choose from. Most are water-soluble, make less of a mess, and provide smooth and easy insertion. Some popular catheter lubricants are SurgilubeHR PharmaAplicare, and Cardinal Health Lubricating Jelly.

Hydrophilic Catheters

GentleCath Hydrophilic Female CatheterMaterials that are attracted to water and mix well with it are known as hydrophilic. The term hydrophilic means “water-loving.” If an intermittent catheter has a unique hydrophilic coating, the surface of the entire length of the catheter becomes smooth and slippery when it comes in contact with water. Additional catheter lubricant isn’t needed when using a hydrophilic catheter, and the coating stays in place upon insertion and removal.

Using a Hydrophilic Catheter

Hydrophilic catheters can be packaged in their own sterile water solution, already activated, or packaged with an included water packet or sachet. A hydrophilic catheter with a water packet must be activated before use to make the catheter smooth and slippery. The water packet must first be folded using pressure from the fingers and burst to release the sterile solution within the package to activate the catheter. Then, the catheter sits in this solution for approximately 15 to 30 seconds to activate the lubrication coating for immediate use.

fingers breaking the water packet inside of a hydrophilic catheter package to activate the lubrication coating

Choosing Which Catheter to Use

Choosing a suitable intermittent catheter and catheter supplies ultimately comes down to comfort, ease of use, and safety. At Personally Delivered, we carry a variety of uncoated catheters, hydrophilic catheters, and other quality catheter supplies for a comfortable self-catheterization experience. Be sure to speak with your urologist about their recommendations for your unique needs. And if you need assistance finding your prescribed intermittent catheter, our Product Experts are here to help.

Remember, all catheters require a prescription from your doctor. When ordering catheter supplies on our website, you can easily upload your prescription after creating an online account. For more information on uploading your prescription, visit the Account Help section in the Account Menu options once logged in.

Popular Uncoated & Hydrophilic Catheters

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Intermittent Catheter Tips – Straight Tip vs. Coude Tip

An intermittent catheter is a hollow tube placed in the urinary tract to allow urine to drain from the body. Intermittent catheters come in various sizes, materials, and styles based on why the urinary catheter is needed. It may take trying different types of  catheters before finding what is the most comfortable. There are two main styles of intermittent catheter tips: straight tip and coude tip. We will discuss the difference between these two catheter tips and why either is used.

Straight Tip Intermittent Catheter

An intermittent catheter with a straight tip is considered the standard and used by the majority. The catheter is straight from one end to the other with no curvature. Straight-tip intermittent catheters can be made with various materials such as rubber, silicone, latex, or PVC and can be pre-lubricated or have a hydrophilic coating. Each catheter features drainage eyelets at the end to facilitate emptying urine into an attached urinary drainage bag or the toilet.

group of straight catheters

Intermittent catheters with a straight tip are an inexpensive option and easy to use. They are available in various lengths to accommodate the female and male anatomy and even come in pediatric sizes. If you experience pain or discomfort when inserting a straight-tip catheter, a coude tip catheter may be a better solution.

Coude Tip Intermittent Catheter

A coude tip intermittent catheter may be recommended and prescribed by a health care provider if pain is experienced when using a straight-tip catheter. Similar in function to a straight-tip catheter, a coude-tip catheter features a slightly bent or angled tip. The coude tip allows the catheter to enter the urethra easier and maneuver around obstructions such as scar tissue or an enlarged prostate.

Coloplast Speedicath Coude Catheter

Coloplast Self-Cath Olive Tip Coudé CatheterWithin the coude catheters, there are two variations. The coude olive tip intermittent catheter is slightly curved and features a small round bulb at the end. This rounded bulb helps navigate through small obstructions and blockages. The Tiemann tip intermittent catheter has a bent tip that is thinner and longer than the standard coude tip catheter. The Tiemann tip catheter is excellent for those with narrow urethras and tiny openings through the urethra into the bladder.

Choosing Which Catheter is Right for You

Keeping an open relationship with your urologist is beneficial in determining which catheter is best suited for your unique needs. They can offer you alternate options by letting your doctor know if you are experiencing pain or discomfort. Intermittent self-catheterization should never be painful, and your doctor’s job is to make the process as comfortable and safe as possible. So, make sure you are open and honest with your doctor about your experience.

The Importance of Lubricating an Intermittent Catheter

Using a catheter should never be painful, and making sure to use a quality lubricant can be helpful. Straight-tip and coude tip intermittent catheters are also available as hydrophilic and pre-lubricated options that can provide even greater comfort. Ensuring it is well-lubricated no matter the type of catheter can make all the difference.

To learn more about catheter lubricant, check out our blog, How to Lubricate Your Catheter.”

With a bit of practice and instruction from your doctor, using an intermittent catheter, no matter the type, should be comfortable and easy. If you need assistance choosing the type of catheter your urologist recommends or has prescribed, we have Product Experts available to help. Give us a call at 800-777-1111, and we will happily assist.

Popular Intermittent Catheters

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Spina Bifida Awareness Month is October

Spina bifida is a congenital defect that affects the proper formation of the spine and the spinal cord. The spinal cord of a developing baby in the womb does not close or fully develop. This condition can cause disabilities that range from moderate to severe such as incontinence, neuropathy, or immobility.

October has been dedicated as Spina Bifida Awareness Month and is a time for everyone to learn and understand more about this condition. We at Personally Delivered would like to share information about this birth defect and promote awareness.

The Four Types of Spina Bifida

The term spina bifida translates to “split spine.” Every individual with this condition experiences different things; no case is identical. Four types include:


Occulta is the mildest and most common form of this condition, where one or more bones are malformed in the spinal column. This form is often found by an x-ray and unlikely causes symptoms or leads to disabilities.


When a sac of fluid pokes through the spine, a meningocele occurs. The defect of the spine’s bony covering allows this fluid to poke out. No nerves are present, and minor symptoms are usual.


Myelomeningocele is the most severe form. There is no complete skin over the spinal cord where the spinal column did not properly form. The opening can be surgically closed either in utero or immediately after birth. Most individuals with myelomeningocele will require close follow-up with their doctors throughout their life to prevent further complications.

Closed neural tube defects

When the neural tube does not entirely close, spina bifida can occur. The spine may have malformations of fat, bone, or the spinal cord’s membranes. Closed neural tube defects often require childhood surgery and lead to weakness in the leg muscles and bladder or bowel incontinence.

Spina Bifida Symptoms

Just as no two individuals experience this condition exactly the same, the symptoms also vary from person to person. However, a few symptoms seem to be commonly experienced among patients.


Hydrocephalus is when there is fluid in the brain that can cause brain issues and even swelling of the head.

Skin conditions

Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier OintmentWeak muscles, limited movement, and poor sensation can cause people with spina bifida to develop skin issues. Nerve pathways to the brain are interrupted, and a person with this condition may not be able to feel hot and cold. They may bruise easily or have wounds that heal slower.  

Bladder and bowel Incontinence

Assortment of incontinence productsMany people with spina bifida experience bladder and bowel incontinence. The nerves that control the bladder and bowels are affected when the spinal cord fails to develop correctly. The most common incontinence issues for those with this condition include:

  • Diarrhea – frequent loose, watery stools
  • Overflow incontinence – only small amounts of urine are released despite a strong urge to “go”
  • Overactive bladder – having no control of urination
  • Bowel incontinence – less mobility can lead to constipation followed by episodes of diarrhea

Physical activity

Drive Quad Small Base CaneSpina bifida can cause physical limitations in mobility, making it difficult to walk and do daily tasks. Wheelchairs, canes, and other adaptive equipment are used to move around from place to place. Many people with more severe forms work with a physical therapist to help increase mobility.

Spina Bifida Awareness

Every year, thousands of children are affected by this condition, and October is an excellent time to raise awareness and support those around us affected by this congenital defect. Here are some ways to get involved in advocacy activities and awareness.

Stay up-to-date on social media with the community

Follow Spina Bifida Association on their social media platforms and join the fun! You can share their posts, patient stories, and more. Their social media links include:

Wear teal to raise awareness

woman dressed in a teal outfit to raise spina bifida awarenessOne of the easiest ways to spark conversation is to wear the color teal from head to toe during October. When asked, tell people that teal is the official color of spina bifida awareness. You can share the social media channels above and direct them to Spina Bifida Association’s website to get more information and how to get involved.  

Advocate with the spina bifida community

Right now, the Spina Bifida Association is advocating for legislation asking Congress to invest in home and community-based services that would help millions of Americans with disabilities have access to quality home health care.

Participate in a Walk-N-Roll

people participating in a spina bifida awareness race including a man in a wheelchairThis in-person or virtual event is the perfect way to get engaged and support the community and the mission of the Spina Bifida Association. Anyone and everyone can participate. If you are not located near any of the listed cities, you can Walk-N-Roll Your Way at any time and any place.

Make a donation

Donations are life-changing and allow continued support.

Helpful Medical Supplies for Those with Spina Bifida

Carex bath transfer benchVarious medical supplies can help make life more manageable for those living with this condition. At Personally Delivered, we carry various home delivery medical supplies from top manufacturers and offer Automatic Delivery, so you never run out of the products you need the most. You’ll find a variety of catheters, catheter supplies, incontinence products, ostomy supplies, wound care supplies, adaptive equipment, and much more. Start browsing our website, and if you need any assistance, we have knowledgeable, compassionate, and caring Product Experts here to help.

Top-Selling Home Delivery Medical Supplies

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Scholarships for People with Disabilities

Scholarships for people with disabilities can help make it easier to afford a college education. College can be costly, and repaying student loans after graduation might make saving money difficult.

Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of to help people with disabilities pursue higher education. We have put together a list of some of the best places to apply for scholarships to help lighten the load to afford college.

180 Medical Scholarship Program

180 Medical is a nationwide medical supply company specializing in catheter, ostomy, and incontinence supplies. They provide quality products, education, and service to help turn lives around. Part of their service is giving back, and that is why they provide students the opportunity to apply for the 180 Medical Scholarship.

The 180 Medical Scholarship helps those living with spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, transverse myelitis, neurogenic bladder, or an ostomy pursue their goal of higher education. Each year, 180 Medical awards seven recipients $1,000 scholarships.

For more information about the 180 Medical Scholarship opportunity, including complete eligibility requirements, visit

180 Medical Ron Howell Caregiver Scholarship

180 Medical also offers a caregiver scholarship opportunity to college students that are unpaid while caring for a loved one full-time in the home. One student is awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

For more information about the 180 Medical Ron Howell Caregiver Scholarship opportunity, including full eligibility requirements, visit

Microsoft Disability Scholarship

The Microsoft Disability Scholarship is a renewable scholarship opportunity for high school seniors with disabilities including visual, hearing, mobility, cognitive, speech, or other disability. These students must be planning on attending college to pursue a career in the technology industry. Each student has the potential to receive an annual $5,000 award for up to four years.

For requirements, information on how to apply, or questions, visit

Google Lime Scholarship

Google partners with Lime Connect, a non-profit organization that represents the largest network of high-potential university students and professionals, including veterans, who have disabilities in the world. The Google Lime Scholarship is awarded to computer science students with visible and invisible disabilities each year. $10,000 is given to those studying in the United States, and $5,000 is given to those studying in Canada.

For complete eligibility requirements, criteria, and when to apply, visit Scholarship Fund offers a $500 scholarship each year to two deserving students who explore mobility issues on campus, overcoming personal challenges, or other related topics.

For criteria and how to apply, visit

Will2Walk Scholarship Program

The Will2Walk Scholarship Program awards $5,000 to individuals with a traumatic spinal cord injury due to a single, catastrophic event. The scholarship can cover expenses related to products and services such as educational assistance, medical supplies, adaptive equipment, therapy, personal growth and development, and more.

The Will2Walk Scholarship Program overview, application process, and terms and conditions can be found at

American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) Scholarship Program

The AAHD Scholarship is awarded annually to a disabled student that is at least a sophomore and pursuing studies related to health and disability and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities. The $1,000 scholarship is for only one deserving student.

The program criteria, funding information, and application requirements can be found at

Disability Awareness Scholarship offers a $1,000 scholarship to one recipient each year that is ready to begin college, accepted into a program, or is currently enrolled. The Disability Awareness Scholarship is awarded to someone that has overcome their disability or has worked with disabled persons to help them achieve something great.

To find more information about the application process, visit

Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship

Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship is aimed at helping college students at least 18 years old with Down syndrome achieve their dreams of independence and higher education. Students are evaluated based on their personal values, accomplishments, goals, community impact, and vision of their life. Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarships can be re-applied for each year and range from $1,000 to $10,000.

For application instructions, eligibility requirements, and scholarship expense criteria, visit

Organization for Autism Research Scholarships

The Organization for Autism Research offers three $3,000 scholarships each year to autistic students enrolled in educational programs at a university, college, trade, or vocational school. These scholarships are designed to benefit students with autistic disorders by helping to better their lives through education.

All three scholarships and their corresponding application links can be found at

Although this is not a comprehensive list of all scholarships for people with disabilities, it does provide a place to start. Many other scholarships for people with disabilities who are already enrolled in school or looking to further their education are available. Grants are another option.

If you or a loved one has a disability, we offer a variety of medical supplies that can help make life more manageable. If you need incontinence products, intermittent catheters, ostomy supplies, adaptive equipment, or anything else that might make daily and nightly activities more enjoyable, we have you covered. We also offer free personal and confidential consultations and have Product Experts that can help guide you through your purchasing experience. Shop today or give us a call at 800-777-1111.

Top-Selling Medical Supplies for People with Disabilities

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How Prostate Cancer Relates to Incontinence

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month takes place in September each year. It is critical for men to schedule screenings with their doctor for early detection, even if there are no symptoms present. Screenings are based on age, family history, health, and risk factors, and early detection can make a difference in treatment and recovery.

We will discuss signs of a prostate problem, ways it can be detected, treatment options, and how to manage the possibility of incontinence after surgery. Incontinence products, catheters, and catheter supplies can all help manage incontinence after prostate surgery. We will provide some details and product options we hope can be helpful.

Signs of a Prostate Problem

man holding his pelvic area in painThere are some signs of a prostate problem, but they do not necessarily mean that you have cancer. Some of the warning signs of a prostate problem that can affect the urinary system and should not be ignored include:

  • Difficulty starting or stopping the flow of urine
  • Feeling a sudden urge to urinate more frequently, especially at night (nocturia)
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • An interrupted or weak urine stream
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Feeling pressure in the rectum
  • Loss of bowel control from pressure on the spinal cord

Prostate Cancer Detection

lab worker holding vile of blood marked as a prostate cancer testCancer of the prostate can be detected early through a digital rectal exam or a blood test that measures the amount of a prostate-specific antigen in the blood (PSA blood test). According to the American Cancer Society, the only way to be sure that a man has this type of cancer is through the prostate biopsy test, where tissue is taken from the prostate and examined under a microscope.

Treatments for Prostate Cancer

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, your doctor will devise a treatment plan that may involve several approaches depending on how advanced it is. These can include routine monitoring, hormone therapy, radiation, or surgical removal of the prostate gland (prostatectomy). After radiation or surgery, the two most common side effects men experience are urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

Managing Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

After prostatectomy surgery, a Foley catheter is used to drain urine from the bladder. This indwelling catheter remains in place for approximately two weeks and is attached to a urine drain bag. The hospital will provide catheter supplies such as nighttime urine drain bags for use at home. Once the Foley catheter is removed, most men cannot control the urine sphincter, resulting in urinary leaks. Many men regain the ability to control the urine sphincter within a day or two. However, some men do not recover this control as quickly and remain incontinent for extended periods.

Using Urinary Catheters to Manage Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

One way to manage urinary incontinence is with urinary catheters. There are a variety of catheters and catheter supplies that can help manage urinary incontinence.

Hydrophilic Catheters

Cure Hydrophilic Male length catheter shown in size 14 FrenchHydrophilic catheters have a coating activated by water or saline to allow for smooth insertion and removal of the catheter. Hydrophilic catheters do not require additional lubrication and are an excellent option for home or on the go.

Straight Catheters

Unlike hydrophilic catheters, straight catheters are uncoated and require lubrication before use. Catheter supplies like single-use lubrication packets can be used to lubricate the catheter. Or, there are tubes of lubrication and catheter supplies that come as insertion kits that include all the supplies needed.

Closed System Catheters

Coloplast Self-Cath Closed System KitClosed system catheters allow for a touchless catheterization experience. The entire system is integrated as one piece to include the pre-lubricated or hydrophilic catheter inside its own collection bag. Closed system catheters reduce the risk of urinary tract infections, too. The catheter itself is never touched, and the introducer tip minimizes the risk of pushing pathogens up the urethra.

External or Condom Catheters

Some men may prefer a less invasive approach to manage incontinence after prostate surgery. The external or condom catheter reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, can be more comfortable, and cause less restricted movement. Catheter supplies like a condom catheters are self-adhesive and feature a plug at the end to attach a drain tube to allow urine to pass into a collection bag.

Catheter Insertion Supplies

Catheter supplies such as the Cure Medical K1 and K2 Catheter Insertion Kits provide all the accessories needed for a safe, easy, and sterile catheterization experience. These kits include catheter supplies like gloves, lubricating jelly, an underpad, wipes, and a collection bag.

Drainage and Leg Bags

Bard Infection Control Urine Drain Bag as a medical supply that can help with prostate cancer and incontinence after surgeryUrine drainage bags are used to collect urine from a catheter. These catheter supplies can be attached to the leg with leg bag holders to provide discreetness under clothing. Urine drainage bags are available in various sizes, brands, and styles and are also offered in disposable and reusable options.

Leg Bag Straps and Holders

Catheter straps are catheter supplies that help make the urinary leg bag more comfortable. And, catheter supplies like a urinary leg bag holder omit the use of catheter straps altogether. These types of catheter supplies slip onto the leg and feature a pocket the urine bag slides into, preventing contact between the leg bag and the skin and allowing breathability.

Using Incontinence Products to Manage Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

incontinence products for men with prostate cancer and incontinence after surgeryAnother option for managing incontinence after prostate surgery, aside from catheters and catheter supplies, is with incontinence products. Some of the options include:

Prostate Cancer Support

Support is available if you or a loved one is living with prostate cancer. First, talk to your doctor and then consider some of the options below.

TalkThatTalk – Support resources, checklists, downloadable guides, and more.

Cancer Support Community – Nationwide cancer support organization with all services free of charge.

The Dattoli Foundation – Resources, counseling, and publications on the diagnosis and treatment.

ZERO & UsTOO – An online community for patients offering free health tracking tools, videos, audio, tips, and personalized resources.

If you are experiencing warning signs of a prostate problem, always speak to your doctor about whether screening is right for you. Remember, early detection can make a difference in treatment and recovery.

If you have any questions or would like assistance finding the incontinence products, catheters, or catheter supplies you are looking for, give us a call. We have Product Experts that are knowledgeable, friendly, and ready to help.

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Tips for Using Catheters Safely in Public Restrooms

Safely using catheters in public restrooms can be a concern if you have been catheterizing in the convenience of your home for some time. At home, you have complete control over how you manage washing your hands and keeping your environment disinfected. Traveling can be intimidating when using public restrooms that may be uncleanly and less accessible.

Using catheters away from home can be manageable and less intimidating with some proper preparation. We will provide some tips for using catheters safely in public restrooms in hopes of making your travel experiences, or any time you need to use a restroom away from home, a bit less anxiety-inducing.

Tips for Safely Cathing in Public Restrooms

1. Gather the catheters and supplies you’ll need

2. Choose a bag to carry your catheters and supplies in

Hopkins Medical Tote to keep all your supplies when cathing in public restroomsDepending on the amount of catheters and catheter supplies you are toting around, you will want to choose a manageable-sized carrying bag or holder. Eyeglass cases, pencil or cosmetic cases, toothbrush holders, or soap holders can act as discreet carrying cases for catheters and catheter supplies. You can use a fanny pack or medical supply bag to put these cases in or to hold your loose catheters and supplies.

3. Continue your sterile catheterization practices

Wash your hands

Washing your hands is your first line of defense. Before you begin the catheterization process, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Remember to repeat this step when you are finished catheterizing. Using a hand sanitizer is another option if there is no access to water.

illustration of washing hands

Put on gloves

After you wash your hands, putting on gloves can be an excellent second line of defense when using catheters safely in a public restroom. Using gloves protects your hands from touching restroom stall doors and faucets. Be prepared with several pairs to change out once you are ready to insert your catheter. Gloves can also be used to dispose of some used catheter supplies hygienically.

Tranquility Essential Underpad for hygiene when cathing in public restroomsUse a disposable underpad to rest your catheter supplies on

A disposable underpad acts as a clean surface for your catheter and catheter supplies when using catheters in public restrooms.  Once you have completed the catheterization process, you can wrap your used catheter supplies in the underpad and dispose of them in a receptacle.

Use antibacterial wipes or a PVP swab to cleanse the area

Wipe the outer urethral area with an antibacterial wipe or a PVP swab or prep pad where the catheter will be inserted. Consider using catheter insertion supply kits like the Cure K1 and K2 Catheter Insertion Supply Kits.

Activate or lubricate your catheter

If you are using uncoated catheters, now is the time to use a lubricant to prep your catheter for smooth insertion. You’ll need to activate the lubricant first if you use a hydrophilic catheter with a water sachet packet. This is done by breaking or popping the water packet, so the lubricant coating becomes activated and coats the catheter after 15 to 60 seconds.

hand popping the water sachet and waiting 30 seconds to fully activate the coating of a catheter

Cure Twist Catheters for WomenYou might also consider the GentleCath Glide Hydrophilic Catheter that is instantly activated,  pocket catheters, or external catheters with a leg bag. Pocket catheters like the Cure Twist Female Catheter are about as small as a tube of lipstick and are ready to use right out of the packaging. Pocket catheters are easy to travel with, discreet, and a safe choice when using catheters in public restrooms.

External catheters can be worn for periods while attached to a leg urinary drainage bag. External catheters, also called condom catheters or Texas catheters, will allow men to avoid using a public restroom for a long time or even altogether.

Hygienically dispose of your catheter supplies

Once you have used your catheter and supplies safely in a public restroom, you’ll need to dispose of everything hygienically. As previously mentioned, you can use your used gloves and underpads to wrap your supplies in one of your small trash bags to contain it all. Dispose of this trash bag in the nearest receptacle and wash your hands.

4. Practice your routine at home

Practice makes perfect, right? Practicing your routine at home as if you are using catheters in public restrooms can help you feel more prepared and calm. Dry runs can also help you know if you need to add more catheters and catheter supplies to your carrying bag.

You can never be too prepared for the unexpected

5. Remember to stay on schedule

Even when you are away from home, you should try your best to stick to the same catheterization schedule. Trying to hold your urine or skipping catheterization can put your urinary health at risk and lead to bladder complications. Your best bet is to plan your travels and stay on schedule.

With good preparation and practice at home, safely using catheters in public restrooms shouldn’t be an issue. Once you feel confident doing it, you can feel better about catheterizing when you are away from home. There is no worse feeling than not being able to self-catheterize because you are unprepared with the necessary catheters and supplies.

We hope these tips can help provide a sense of calm when using catheters in public restrooms. Remember, you can never be too prepared. If your catheter carrying bag is well-stocked with supplies and you stick to your schedule, you’re already off to a great start!

If you are looking for catheters and catheter supplies, you are at the right place! Are you having trouble finding the catheters or supplies you are looking for? We are here to help. Give us a call, and one of our knowledgeable and friendly Product Experts will answer your questions and help you find what you need.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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