What is Stress Incontinence?

Stress incontinence is characterized by urine leakage during activities that exert pressure on the bladder, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activities. This condition, also known as stress urinary incontinence, occurs when the muscles and tissues that support the bladder and urethra weaken or damage, leading to the inability to control urine flow effectively.

This blog post will discuss how stress incontinence is diagnosed, what causes it, treatment options, and how to manage the symptoms. We will also provide helpful resources and information on where you can find support.

Recognizing and Diagnosing Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a condition that affects millions of people, particularly women who have experienced childbirth, menopause, or hormonal changes. About one in three women will experience stress urinary incontinence to some degree during their life. However, it can also occur in men, particularly those who have undergone prostate surgery or have a weak pelvic floor. The likelihood of developing stress incontinence increases with age, but it can affect individuals across all age groups.

Stress urinary incontinence can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing embarrassment, social anxiety, and limitations in daily activities.

man speaking to his doctor about stress incontinence

Understanding the Causes of Stress Incontinence

To effectively manage and treat stress incontinence, it is crucial to understand the causes of this condition. Three common causes of stress incontinence include:

Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles

These muscles are pivotal in supporting the bladder and controlling urine flow. Factors such as aging, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions can weaken the pelvic floor muscles.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles, causing them to stretch and weaken. Vaginal delivery can further damage the pelvic floor muscles, leading to increased vulnerability to stress urinary incontinence.

Obesity and excessive weight gain

Additional pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor muscles can increase the risk of urine leakage. Chronic coughing, associated with smoking or respiratory conditions, can also strain the pelvic floor muscles and worsen stress incontinence.

Stress Incontinence Treatment Options

There are various stress incontinence treatment options available for managing stress urinary incontinence. These range from conservative treatments to surgical interventions, depending on the severity of the condition and individual needs.

Here are three options to treat this medical condition:

Conservative/non-invasive treatments

These treatment options include physical therapy, including pelvic floor exercises. These exercises can help strengthen the muscles supporting the bladder and urethra, helping to reduce the risk of leakage. Regular physical activity, such as walking or swimming, can also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control.

Lifestyle and diet modifications

Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding foods and drinks that irritate the bladder, and practicing good bathroom habits can reduce the likelihood of leakage. Making sure to drink enough fluids is essential. Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages that are known to irritate the bladder and can worsen symptoms. Try opting for fiber-rich foods, which can help regulate bowel movements and reduce the risk of constipation, contributing to stress incontinence.

woman providing pelvic floor therapy to another woman

Surgical interventions

For individuals with more severe stress incontinence or those who do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical interventions may be considered. One standard surgical stress incontinence treatment is bladder sling surgery. This procedure involves the placement of a sling to support the urethra and helps prevent leakage. Another option is injecting bulking agents into the tissues surrounding the urethra, which can improve bladder control.

A healthcare professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable stress incontinence treatment for your situation. To develop a personalized treatment plan, they can evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors.

Support and Resources for Stress Incontinence

You do not have to face stress incontinence alone. Various support groups and online communities are available to provide the resources and information needed.

Support groups offer a safe space to share stories, ask questions, and receive emotional support. These groups often consist of people with firsthand experience dealing with stress incontinence, making them valuable resources for advice and encouragement.

Online communities, such as forums and social media groups, also provide a platform to connect with others facing similar challenges. These communities can be a convenient way to access support and information from the comfort of your own home.

Some support groups and online communities to check out include:

When it comes to managing stress incontinence, various product options are available. At Personally Delivered, we offer a wide range of high-quality incontinence products to help you effectively manage your stress urinary incontinence symptoms. Our products provide comfort, discretion, and peace of mind, from absorbent pads and protective underwear to catheters and bed pads.

Choosing the right incontinence products can significantly impact your daily life. Consider factors such as absorbency, fit, comfort, and ease of use. Personally Delivered offers a personalized product selection service where our knowledgeable team can help you find the best products based on your needs and preferences. We understand that each individual is unique, and we strive to provide personalized solutions to enhance your quality of life.

Popular Supplies for Managing Stress Incontinence

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Low-Cost Medical Supplies at Personally Delivered

If you are on the hunt for low cost medical supplies without having to compromise on quality, look no further than Personally Delivered. We understand that the cost of medical supplies is a critical factor to consider when making a purchase. Our mission is to fulfill our customers’ medical needs at a price that fits comfortably within their budget. That is why we provide a wide range of affordable medical supplies to meet your needs.

At Personally Delivered, we firmly believe that quality healthcare should be accessible to all. We strive to offer competitive prices on all our medical supplies, from urological catheters to incontinence supplies, ostomy supplies, wound care, and more. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable products right to your doorstep.

Choosing Personally Delivered for Your Affordable Medical Supplies

Choosing Personally Delivered for your low cost medical supplies means choosing quality, affordability, and convenience. We take pride in offering an extensive range of affordable medical supplies that cater to diverse customer needs.

With Personally Delivered, you can order your affordable medical supplies online from the comfort of your own home. Our user-friendly website allows you to easily browse and select the products you need. Once your order is placed, our dedicated team ensures fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of physical store visits and long waiting times.

With our Automatic Delivery program, saving money on home delivery medical supplies has never been easier. By opting in, you will enjoy a 5% discount on every shipment, allowing you to keep more money in your pocket without compromising on quality. You will never have to worry about running out of essential supplies again. Our automated system ensures timely deliveries based on your needs, providing peace of mind and convenience. And you can pause or cancel at any time.

Healthcare should be accessible for those of all ages, races, and genders.

Benefits of Choosing Affordable Medical Supplies

High-quality medical supplies are crucial to your health and well-being. At Personally Delivered, we understand the importance of affordability, so we offer low cost medical supplies without compromising on quality. You can save on essential medical supplies, enabling you to manage your healthcare budget more efficiently.

Choosing affordability does not mean settling for less. At Personally Delivered, we prioritize product reliability and durability. Our low cost medical supplies are sourced from trusted manufacturers, ensuring you receive products that meet the highest quality standards. From catheters and ostomy supplies to incontinence products, we offer a diverse selection of reliable supplies you can trust.

Our Dedication to Customer Satisfaction

At Personally Delivered, customer satisfaction is at the heart of our operations. We understand the importance of low-cost medical supplies to our customers and strive to deliver the best products and services to meet their needs.

We demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction through our dedicated customer support team. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is always ready to assist you with questions or concerns. Whether it is help with product selection or post-purchase assistance, we are here for you.

Don’t just take our word for it – our customers consistently provide positive reviews and testimonials about their experience with Personally Delivered. We take pride in this feedback, which affirms our commitment to delivering high-quality products, exceptional service, and affordable prices.

Customer feedback speaking of reasonable prices, excellent customer service, and reliable delivery

Trust Personally Delivered for your low-cost medical supplies. We are committed to exceeding your expectations with our products and customer support.

Popular Low Cost Medical Supplies at Personally Delivered

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What is Diverticulitis? Symptoms and Care Guide

Understanding Diverticulitis: What Is It?

Diverticulitis is a health condition affecting the digestive system where tiny, bulging pouches, or diverticula, form in the colon’s lining. These pouches can become infected or inflamed, leading to many symptoms and discomfort.

It is crucial to understand what diverticulitis is, its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and how it is treated for effective management. Let’s dive into that now.

Digging Deeper: Causes and Symptoms of Diverticulitis

The exact cause of diverticulitis is not entirely known. Studies have shown it to be influenced by a low-fiber diet, aging, and lack of physical activity. A diet low in fiber can make stools hard and difficult to pass, leading to increased pressure in the colon. Over time, this pressure can cause diverticula to form.

When these diverticula become infected or inflamed, they can cause various symptoms and complications. Common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain (usually on the left side)
  • Bloating
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Bright red rectal bleeding
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Complications like abscesses, colon perforation, or fistulas

Diverticulitis can significantly impact the digestive system. The presence of diverticula can disrupt the normal flow of waste through the colon, leading to changes in bowel habits. If infection or inflammation of diverticula happens, further medical intervention may be necessary.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or suspect you may have diverticulitis, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Identifying the Issue: How Diverticulitis is Diagnosed

Diagnosing diverticulitis involves various tests and procedures that help healthcare professionals accurately identify the condition. These evaluations are essential for ensuring an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

One of the standard tests used to diagnose diverticulitis is a physical examination. During this exam, the doctor will check for tenderness in the abdomen, especially on the lower left side, which is a typical symptom of diverticulitis. They may also ask about your medical history and any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Along with a physical examination, imaging tests are often used to confirm the diagnosis. These tests may include:

  • Computed Tomography (CT) scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

It is essential to have a medical evaluation for diverticulitis to rule out other conditions that may present similar symptoms. Conditions like appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon cancer can mimic diverticulitis symptoms.

Addressing the Issue: Treatment Options for Diverticulitis

There are various non-invasive and invasive treatment options available when it comes to managing diverticulitis. The approach to treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s specific needs.

Some common non-invasive treatment options for diverticulitis include:

  • Antibiotics to combat the infection and reduce inflammation and any pain.
  • Diet changes to incorporate foods high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, as well as drinking plenty of water to help soften the stool.
  • Regular exercise to increase physical activity, like walking or swimming, can help stimulate bowel movements and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stress management, like deep breathing and yoga to help reduce stress-related symptoms that may disrupt regular bowel movements.

Most of these treatments can help improve bowel function and overall well-being. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice and guidance to help you effectively manage diverticulitis.

a bowl of oatmeal, hand weights, water, and a measuring tape to show things that can help manage diverticulitis symptoms

In cases of severe complications or when non-invasive, conservative treatments are exhausted at alleviating symptoms, ostomy surgery may be required. This procedure involves creating an opening in the abdomen called a stoma to divert the flow of waste from the intestines into a pouch worn outside the body.

Some of the situations that would lead an individual to need ostomy surgery for diverticulitis include:

  • Perforation in the colon from ruptured infected diverticula
  • Fistulas that form between the colon and other organs or tissue
  • Frequent recurrence or persistent symptoms that are extremely difficult to manage

How Incontinence Supplies Can Help Manage Diverticulitis Symptoms

Tranquility essential Protective Underwear for managing incontinence if you are looking for products while asking yourself what causes diverticulitisIncontinence supplies can play a crucial role in managing the symptoms, providing comfort and convenience for individuals navigating the challenges of diverticulitis. During flare-ups, individuals may experience increased frequency or urgency of bowel movements. Products like adult diapers or disposable underwear provide a reliable solution for managing fecal incontinence, offering comfort, discretion, and peace of mind. Underpads, bed pads, and chux can help protect furniture and bedding from accidents, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the home. Incontinence supplies enhance the overall management and quality of life for individuals dealing with diverticulitis by addressing worries about unintended leakage.

How Ostomy Supplies Can Help Manage Diverticulitis Symptoms

ConveTec moldable one-piece pouchOstomy supplies can be instrumental in managing diverticulitis. These supplies provide a means to collect and dispose of waste efficiently, allowing individuals to maintain their hygiene and dignity while adapting to the changes in their bowel function. From ostomy pouches, skin barriers, barrier creams, and odor control products, ostomy supplies offer practical support for individuals managing diverticulitis, helping promote a better quality of life.

Incontinence and Ostomy Supplies That Can Help Manage Diverticulitis

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What Are the Symptoms of IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by a variety of symptoms, IBS can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

In this blog post, we will discuss what we have discovered are seven common critical symptoms of IBS.  We hope to shed some light on the intricacies of this condition and provide insights for those seeking a better understanding. We will also talk about some of the medical supplies offered that may help manage some IBS symptoms.

First, let’s discuss what IBS is.

What is IBS?

As we mentioned, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common and chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a cluster of symptoms affecting the large intestine or colon. It is a functional bowel disorder, meaning that it does not cause structural damage to the digestive system but can significantly impact its normal functioning.

The exact cause of IBS is not fully understood. However, according to NIH (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases), it is believed to involve a combination of factors, including abnormal muscle contractions in the intestines, heightened sensitivity of the nerves in the gut, stress, and disruptions in the communication between the brain and the digestive tract. While IBS does not lead to more severe conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, it can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. It may require a multifaceted approach to management, including lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and, in some cases, medication or psychological support.

Seven Common Key Symptoms of IBS

1. Abdominal Pain and Discomfort

One of the hallmark symptoms of IBS is abdominal pain or discomfort. Individuals with IBS often experience cramping sensations in the lower abdomen that can vary in intensity. The pain may be relieved by bowel movements but can also persist, causing significant discomfort.

2. Altered Bowel Habits

IBS can manifest in changes in bowel habits, which may include diarrhea, constipation, or alternating periods of both. These fluctuations can disrupt daily life and may be accompanied by urgency, making it challenging for individuals to predict and manage their bowel movements.

3. Bloating and Gas

Many individuals with IBS report increased bloating and gas, contributing to feelings of abdominal distension. This symptom can be bothersome and may be exacerbated by certain foods or dietary habits.

IBS diagram of constipation, area of spasm in the digestive tract, and where diarrhea begins

4. Bowel Urgency

A sense of urgency related to bowel movements is another common symptom of IBS. This feeling of needing to rush to the restroom can be distressing and may lead to anxiety about finding accessible facilities in time.

5. Mucus in the Stool

The presence of mucus in the stool is a symptom that some individuals with IBS may experience. While not always present, this occurrence can be alarming and may be linked to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Fatigue and Disrupted Sleep

IBS can affect a person’s overall well-being, contributing to fatigue and disrupted sleep patterns. The combination of physical discomfort and the emotional impact of living with a chronic condition can affect sleep quality and daily energy levels.

7. Anxiety and Depression

The chronic nature of IBS, coupled with the unpredictable nature of its symptoms, can lead to heightened levels of anxiety and depression in some individuals. It is crucial to address the emotional aspects of IBS as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

How Incontinence Products May Help

Living with IBS can present various challenges, and one of those is the sudden urge to use the restroom. Incontinence products play a crucial role in helping manage some of the symptoms of IBS, providing a sense of security and confidence. These products, such as bladder pads or protective underwear, offer discreet protection against unexpected leaks, allowing individuals to go about their daily lives without constant worry about accidents.

At Personally Delivered, we offer different styles, sizes, and absorbency levels of incontinence products to help suit users’ needs and preferences. Incontinence products can help those with IBS regain a sense of control over their lives, enabling them to participate in social activities with greater comfort and peace of mind.

Summing it Up

Recognizing the symptoms of IBS is the first step towards effective management and improved quality of life. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment options. By understanding the complexities of IBS, individuals can take proactive steps toward managing their symptoms and getting their digestive health under control.

Popular Incontinence Products

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What Causes Incontinence in Women?

Incontinence is a common condition that affects millions of women across the world, impacting their quality of life. Understanding what causes incontinence in women is crucial for effective management and treatment.

In this blog post, we will discuss eight factors that we have found contributing to the root cause of incontinence in women. We hope to help shed some light on the various aspects of this often-overlooked health concern in women.

1. Pelvic Floor Weakness

One of the primary contributors to incontinence in women is pelvic floor weakness. The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, uterus, and bowel. Factors such as childbirth, hormonal changes during menopause, and aging can lead to weakened pelvic floor muscles, leading to urinary incontinence.

2. Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth can be life-changing for a woman’s body and contribute to lasting effects on pelvic health. Pressure on the pelvic floor during pregnancy and the strain of delivery can weaken the muscles and connective tissues, contributing to stress and urge incontinence.

3. Changes in Hormones

During menopause, a woman can have hormonal fluctuations that can also contribute to incontinence. The decline in estrogen levels can affect the elasticity and strength of the tissues in the urethra and bladder, making them more prone to leakage.

Factors that can lead to urinary incontinence. in women

4. Obesity

Excess weight can stress the pelvic floor muscles and the bladder. The risk of incontinence increases with obesity since the pressure on the abdomen can compromise the integrity of the pelvic organs, potentially resulting in bladder leakage.

5. Medications

Certain medications can have side effects that affect bladder function. For example, diuretics can increase urine production, while some drugs to treat high blood pressure may relax the bladder muscles, contributing to incontinence.

6. Neurological Disorders

Neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, can impact the nerves that control bladder function. These compromised nerves can lead to an overactive bladder or difficulty in controlling the bladder, resulting in incontinence.

7. Chronic Health Conditions

Certain chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, can also contribute to nerve damage, affecting bladder control. Chronic coughing associated with smoking or respiratory issues can increase pressure on the abdomen, making incontinence worse.

8. Genetic Predisposition

Evidence suggests that a genetic predisposition may play a role in the development of incontinence. If a woman has a family history of incontinence, she may be more susceptible to experiencing it herself.

Share Your Experiences with Your Doctor

Although incontinence is something most women do not desire to discuss, addressing it head-on with your doctor is crucial for your well-being. Understanding the underlying causes is the best way to determine effective solutions. From lifestyle factors to changes in the body, your health practitioner is an ally who can help put the pieces of this complex puzzle together. By being transparent with your doctor, you are taking a proactive approach to get to the root cause. Your doctor will help determine the best course of action so you can regain control and enjoy a better quality of life.

Products That Can Help Manage Incontinence in Women

Several products available can effectively help manage incontinence in women that are discreet and comfortable. Disposable adult diapers or pull-up underwear offer a convenient and discreet solution, providing reliable absorption and leak protection. Bed pads, underpads, or mattress covers can protect bedding from leaks at night. Incontinence products such as liners and pads are designed for everyday use, providing extra protection without being bulky.

Skincare products like barrier creams and wipes help maintain skin integrity, preventing irritation and discomfort. The wide range of products available at PersonallyDelivered.com allows women to choose the most suitable options based on their specific needs and lifestyles.

If you need assistance with the products to manage incontinence in women, our product experts are available to help you choose as you manage this condition.

Summing it Up

Incontinence in women is a health concern with various contributing factors. Understanding the root of what causes incontinence in women is essential for effective prevention and management. While incontinence can be challenging, there are treatment options available. By addressing the underlying causes with their health practitioner, women can take proactive steps toward regaining control and improving their overall quality of life. Products are available to help manage incontinence in women and keep skin healthy, and we are here to help with product selection.

Popular Incontinence Product for Women

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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A Guide to Comfortable Adult Diapers

When it comes to maintaining a high quality of life when living with incontinence, comfort is of the utmost importance. For many individuals, especially seniors and those with certain medical conditions, comfort extends beyond clothing. Finding comfortable adult diapers can be a game-changer, providing greater ease, dignity, and confidence.

Understanding the Importance of Comfort

Comfortable adult diapers go beyond functionality; they ensure physical and emotional well-being. Whether managing incontinence or simply seeking convenience, finding the right fit is essential. We will discuss some key elements that can contribute to the comfort of adult diapers.

Seven Key Elements for Comfortable Adult Diapers

1. Material

The material used to construct an adult diaper determines its level of comfort. Try opting for diapers made with breathable, soft, and skin-friendly materials. Look for features like cotton-like fabric or those infused with aloe vera to ensure a gentle and non-irritating experience.

2. Absorbency

Comfort and confidence go hand in hand when you can trust your diaper to provide optimal absorbency. Try to choose diapers with advanced absorption technology that keeps you dry and comfortable throughout the day or night. This helps ensure a worry-free experience, allowing you to focus on the activities you enjoy.

3. Fit and Features

A well-fitting diaper is the key to a comfortable diaper. Many brands offer a variety of sizes and designs to cater to different body shapes and personal preferences. Elastic waistbands and leg cuffs provide a secure fit without sacrificing comfort, allowing easy movement and preventing leaks.

Comfort and confidence go hand in hand when you can trust your diaper to provide optimal absorbency.

4. Discreetness

Feeling comfortable in social situations is equally important. Look for adult diapers with a discreet design that allows you to confidently go about your day without feeling self-conscious. Thin, sleek designs with quiet materials contribute to an overall sense of comfort.

5. Odor Control

Odor control features in adult diapers ensure discretion and help maintain a sense of dignity, contributing to an overall comfortable experience. The Prevail Per-Fit 360 Adult Briefs are an excellent choice for men and women that feature breathable zones and Omni-Odor Guard to help prevent odors before they even start.

6. Easy Application and Removal

The convenience of wearing and removing adult diapers is a critical factor in determining comfort. Try opting for diapers with easy-to-use tabs or fasteners, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both the wearer and the caregiver.

7. Skin Health

Comfortable adult diapers should also promote skin health. Try choosing diapers with moisture-wicking capabilities to keep the skin dry and reduce the risk of irritation. Some adult diapers also feature pH-balanced materials to support skin integrity.

Summing it Up

When managing incontinence, comfort is the key to maintaining a sense of normalcy and dignity. Comfortable adult diapers contribute to an individual’s overall well-being. Considering material, absorbency, fit, discreetness, odor control, ease of use, and skin health, one can find comfortable adult diapers needed to lead a fulfilling and active life.

If you or someone you care for is managing incontinence and looking for comfortable adult diapers, our Product Experts are available to help guide you through the options on our website. We are here to help!

Popular Adult Diapers

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Size Matters: How to Measure Hips and Waist for Incontinence Products

Getting the Right Size of Incontinence Products

Learn how to measure hips and waist for incontinence briefs. How to measure waist and how to measure hips makes all the difference.Learning how to measure your hips and waist is essential when it comes to incontinence diapers and briefs. An improper fit of an adult diaper or brief causes most leaks and skin irritations. No one enjoys wearing something that doesn’t properly fit their body type. Incontinence products are not sized the same as clothing, and every manufacturer uses their own measurement system, which can also vary across each manufacturer’s product lines. An adult brief and an adult diaper that are both from the same manufacturer in the same size may entirely contrast in proportion. Because of this, it is essential to take the proper measurements before purchasing your incontinence products.

In this adult diaper blog post, we will discuss how to take proper measurements so that you are sure to get the right incontinence products for your unique needs. Choosing the right size incontinence products is essential to prevent leaks, ensure comfort, and maintain dignity for those who rely on these products to manage their incontinence needs.

Steps for How to Measure Hips and Waist

Learn how to measure hips and waist for incontinence briefs. How to measure waist and how to measure hips makes all the difference.The only supply you need to complete this part of the task is a standard measuring tape. You will want to start off by measuring around your waist. Your waist is located between the top of the hip bone and the bottom of your rib cage. It is also located just above the belly button and is the narrowest part of your torso. If you have any article of clothing that is in the way, you’ll want to remove or lift it up.

  1. Bend to the side to find your natural crease. This will be your waistline. Take the measuring tape and wrap it around your waist so that it is snug but not too tight.
  2. Breathe normally while you do this. Take note of the measurement, making sure the tape is not twisted at any point around your body.
  3. Take the measurement a couple of times. This will ensure that you have an accurate length.

When determining how to measure hips, repeat these steps, making sure to remove any clothing that may be in the way. This measurement will go from the widest part of your buttocks around to the hip bones in front. Once again, repeat this step for how to measure your hips a couple of times for accuracy.

The correct size you’ll need for the incontinence product you are measuring for will be the larger of these two sizes. It would be a good idea to keep these measurements handy and reference them anytime you are going to consider purchasing a new product.

Something else to note is that manufacturers sometimes change their sizing schemes without any notice. Make sure you use their reference guides and check them frequently when reordering. This will help you to avoid an improper fit or the inconvenience of a return order.

Learn how to measure hips and waist for incontinence products

Quality and Absorbency Matters

Learn how to measure hips and waist for incontinence briefs. How to measure waist and how to measure hips makes all the difference.The best-fitting brief or diaper performs the best. Learning how to measure hips and waist correctly is the first step, but taking into consideration the quality of incontinence products is also an important factor. Many skin irritations and leaks are usually caused by improper fit and low-value products. Just because a diaper or brief is larger in size does not make it more absorbent. There will most likely be gaps between the leg area to allow for leaking.

If it is more absorbency than you require, consider adding a booster pad to your briefs or diapers. Sometimes, an incontinence product alone does not do the best job of providing the protection and confidence you need to get through the entire day. The booster pad can be removed and replaced without having to discard or remove the diaper or brief all throughout the day.

Choosing the Right Products

In this adult diaper blog post, we have discussed the steps necessary to determine the right incontinence products for your specific needs. Sizing yourself for incontinence products is the first step. You may need assistance with how to measure hips and waist correctly because this step is absolutely essential. Choosing the right incontinence products for your body type is the next step. We have an extensive selection ofLearn how to measure hips and waist for incontinence briefs. How to measure waist and how to measure hips makes all the difference. incontinence products from many different manufacturers to choose from. Whether you need an extra small or a 4XL size, we have got you covered.

Ensuring that your incontinence products are snug around the leg openings with no gaps, there isn’t any sagging, and you can move around comfortably are just a few things to keep in mind when thinking about a good fit. Taking measurements throughout the year is wise as you may lose or gain weight, and this affects your sizing.

Remember, choosing the right size incontinence products is essential to prevent leaks, ensure comfort, and maintain dignity for those who rely on these products to manage their incontinence needs.

As always, discuss your medical concerns with your doctor first. If you have any questions, would like to discuss specific incontinence products, or need further guidance on how to measure your waist and hips properly, please give us a call at (800)777-1111.  Our Product Experts are always happy to help!

Top Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Homemade Odor Eliminator Tips to Get Rid of Urine Smell in the House

Keeping the home smelling clean and fresh can be challenging for us with pets and children. If you or someone you care for suffers from incontinence, that can be an additional stress. Urine leaks and odors can be difficult to manage. If you are looking for how to get rid of urine smell in the house, we’ve got some affordable homemade odor eliminator formulas, recommended products, and other tips to help make it easier.

Why does urine smell bad?

Many people limit the amount of fluids they drink if they have urinary incontinence in hopes they can reduce leakage. When fluid intake is restricted, urine becomes more concentrated. Highly concentrated urine is dark yellow and has a foul odor.

Urinary incontinence can also lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Poor hygiene habits can allow bacteria to enter the urethra, so it is critical to practice good hygiene with incontinence. Urine becomes concentrated and strong-smelling for those with a UTI.

Getting the smell of urine out of carpet and furniture

Here are some tips we have come up with on how to get rid of urine smell in the house.

spray bottle with a homemade odor eliminatorVinegar & Water

Whether cleaning up urine from the carpet or the couch, the first step is to blot as much of it as possible using a paper towel or absorbent cloth. The easiest method to try is a vinegar and water mixture. Fill 1/3 of a spray bottle with white vinegar and the rest of the way with water. Spray the affected area well and allow it to penetrate. Then, take a cloth and push it into the carpet or material to soak up the fluid. Repeat these steps with this homemade odor eliminator solution a few times for the best results. This can be an excellent deodorizer for urine smell.

Baking Soda, Peroxide, & Dish Soap

Alternatively, you can make a solution of baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap when looking for how to get rid of urine smell in the home. In a spray bottle, mix 8 ounces of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish soap. Spray this homemade odor eliminator mixture onto the affected area and allow it to penetrate for up to 20 minutes. Using a brush, gently scrub the area and wipe the area with a cloth. Make sure to test the site with this mixture first to ensure it doesn’t discolor the carpet or fabric. Peroxide is an alternative to bleach, so this solution could be damaging. Once again, this can be a great deodorizer for urine smell.

Getting the smell of urine out of bedding and clothing

Urine leaks can happen at night when a person has urinary incontinence. If urine gets on clothing or bedding, it is critical to wash them immediately to eliminate urine smell. Try soaking the clothing and bedding in a homemade odor eliminator mixture of 3:1 water and white vinegar for about 15 minutes to neutralize the smell of urine. Then, wash the items in lukewarm water on a double-rinse cycle. This is effective when looking for options of how to get rid of urine smell in clothing and bedding.

Tranquility Essential UnderpadUsing an underpad, bed pad, or chux can help make cleanup more manageable if you want to take preventive measures to protect your bedding. You can also consider mattress protectors to take it a step further. These mattress covers are waterproof and protect the entire bed while you sleep. Don’t forget that underpads can be used for pets, furniture, and car seats.

Tranquility Premium Overnight Disposable Absorbent UnderwearOvernight absorbency incontinence products can also be helpful. These products are made to hold a more considerable amount of fluid and can help you get a better night’s rest. Personally Delivered Overnight Protective Underwear, Abena Abri-Form Premium Adult Briefs, and Tranquility Premium Overnight Underwear are all excellent products that can keep you protected and dry throughout the night and help eliminate urine smell.

Getting the smell of urine out of the air

When looking for how to get rid of urine smell in the house, many odor eliminator products can help control the air in your home. However, there are several homemade odor eliminator hacks to try to keep the air in your home smelling clean and fresh.

If you are looking for how to get rid of urine smell in the house air, here are some of our favorites:

Downy Unstopables & Baking Soda

In a small mason jar, fill approximately ¼ with baking soda. Add a capful of Downy Unstopables. Place a small square of burlap over the top of the jar and twist on the outer rim of the lid. You can place these all around the home to help eliminate urine smell! You can find the full tutorial HERE.

DIY Plug-In Air Fresheners

Refill your plug-in air freshener with your own homemade odor eliminator. Remove the cap, fill the plug-in halfway with your favorite essential oil, and the rest of the way with water. Replace the cap, give it a shake, and plug it back into the wall.

Baking Soda, Water, & Essential Oils

Fill a spray bottle with water, a tablespoon of baking soda, and a few drops of your essential oil of choice. Give the bottle a good shake and spray your cushions and bedding to keep them smelling clean and fresh with this homemade odor eliminator as a deodorizer for urine smells.

Open the Windows

If weather permits, open the windows! Fresh air can help rid the home of foul-smelling odors as a natural deodorizer for urine smells.

reed diffuser as a homemade odor eliminatorReed Diffuser

A reed diffuser is another option for a homemade odor eliminator. Choose a small jar with a narrow opening. Next, you will need a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil. Fill the jar halfway with this oil and then add a tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol. Add 25-30 drops of your favorite essential oils and give the jar a swirl to mix everything together. Arrange 3-5 reed sticks and place the jars throughout your home for a beautiful and pleasant smell. After about a week, you can flip the reed sticks, add a few more drops of essential oils, and insert the dry end of the reed sticks back into the jar. Have fun and experiment with different essential oils for this deodorizer for urine smells!

Bard Medi-Aire Biological Odor Eliminator

It is essential to practice good hygiene if you or someone you care for has incontinence. By washing your hands often, using hand sanitizers, and cleaning up accidents right away, you can keep yourself and your home smelling fresh.

If you have a pet, it is essential to regularly clean and maintain their areas, including litter boxes, to prevent odors from returning and eliminate urine smell.

We hope these homemade odor eliminator tips and recipes can help you learn options for how to get rid of urine smell in the house to live with less stress! For even more ways to clean your home, check out Porch’s article 15 Ways to Clean Your House Fast.

Top-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Elderly Incontinence at Night

Growing older comes with challenges, and one of the more sensitive issues many seniors face is elderly incontinence at night. Nocturnal or nighttime incontinence can be distressing for older adults and their caregivers. However, there is no need to struggle with this issue alone. Our home delivery medical supply store offers a wide range of overnight incontinence products designed to bring comfort, dignity, and convenience to those dealing with elderly incontinence at night.

Understanding Elderly Incontinence at Night

Elderly incontinence at night, often referred to as nocturnal incontinence, nighttime urinary incontinence, or adult bedwetting. It is a common condition among seniors characterized by the involuntary release of urine during sleep. Various factors can contribute to nocturnal incontinence in the elderly, such as weakened bladder muscles, certain medications, urinary tract infections, and underlying health conditions.

Managing Nocturnal Incontinence

Coping with elderly incontinence at night requires a thoughtful and tailored approach. At Personally Delivered, we offer a wide selection of products to meet the needs of elderly individuals experiencing nocturnal incontinence. Here are some of the options we provide:

Adult Diapers

Our adult diapers come in various sizes, styles, and absorbency levels to ensure a comfortable fit for individuals of all shapes and sizes. These high-quality products are discreet, allowing users to maintain their dignity and peace of mind.

Overnight Pull-Up Underwear

We provide overnight pull-up underwear for those who prefer a more discreet and convenient option. These products offer comfort, security, and discretion, allowing elderly individuals to remain independent and sleep peacefully.

Bed Pads, Underpads, and Chux

To protect your mattress and bedding, we offer waterproof bed pads. These absorbent and durable underpads help maintain a dry and comfortable sleeping environment. Chux are available in various absorbency levels and sizes to accommodate different needs.

Skin Care Products

Prolonged exposure to moisture can lead to skin irritation and discomfort. To prevent this, we offer a range of skin care products, including barrier creams and wipes, to keep the skin healthy and free from irritation.

Odor Control Products

AprilFresh Biological Odor Eliminator and DeodorizerNobody should feel self-conscious about odors related to incontinence. Our store provides various odor control products to ensure that you stay fresh and confident.

The Convenience of Home Delivery

We understand mobility can be challenging for older adults, and leaving the comfort of home to purchase incontinence products may not always be feasible. Our home delivery service can help meet your unique needs for managing elderly incontinence at night without leaving the comfort of your home. Our discrete packaging protects your privacy, and our friendly customer service team is available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

Bonus: Automatic Home Delivery

Our Automatic Home Delivery service allows you to choose delivery schedules for the products you need. You will never have to worry about running out of your supplies, and you will save 5% on every shipment. It does not stop there! You will earn an additional 3% cash back based on your purchases throughout the year. Set your necessary supplies on Automatic Delivery, and let us handle the rest.

Summing it Up

Elderly incontinence at night can be challenging, but it should not limit your lifestyle or cause discomfort. We are dedicated to providing a wide variety of overnight incontinence products designed to help you manage this condition with dignity and confidence. Our goal is to make your life more comfortable and convenient. Do not let nocturnal incontinence hold you back. Let us assist you in taking the first step towards a better night’s sleep and an improved quality of life.

Popular Overnight Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Managing Incontinence at Work

Incontinence is a common and often stigmatized health condition affecting millions worldwide. While it can be challenging to navigate, managing incontinence at work is possible with the right strategies and resources. In this blog post, we will discuss practical tips to help individuals with bladder and bowel incontinence maintain their comfort, dignity, and productivity in the workplace.

Dress for Success

Wearing appropriate clothing can help you manage incontinence more discreetly. Choose dark-colored clothing or patterns that can help conceal any accidental bladder or bowel leaks. Wearing layered clothing can provide an extra layer of protection.

Stay Hydrated

While it may seem counterintuitive, staying adequately hydrated can help manage urinary incontinence. Dehydration can lead to concentrated urine, which can irritate the bladder. Be mindful of what you drink and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, as these beverages can sometimes worsen symptoms.

Mindful Diet

Certain foods and beverages can irritate the bladder and bowels and worsen incontinence. Avoid spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, citrus fruits, and carbonated drinks, as they can irritate the bladder. Choose foods and beverages for a balanced diet that supports overall bladder and bowel health.

Understanding Incontinence

Before discussing strategies for managing incontinence at work, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the condition. Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or feces caused by various factors, such as aging, medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, or surgery. It can manifest in different forms, including stress incontinence (leakage during physical activity), urge incontinence (sudden, intense urge to urinate), or mixed incontinence (a combination of stress and urge incontinence).

While incontinence can cause stress and anxiety, it is crucial to remember that it is a medical condition. There is nothing wrong with seeking support and accommodations that may help manage it effectively, especially in the workplace.

Tips for Managing Incontinence at Work

Open Communication

Open and honest communication is one of the most critical steps in managing incontinence at work. It is essential to let your supervisor or human resources department know about your condition, as they can provide necessary support and accommodations. Discussing your needs, concerns, and potential solutions can lead to a more understanding and accommodating work environment.

Plan Ahead

Planning is essential to managing incontinence at work successfully. Consider these three steps for managing incontinence at work:

1. Map out restrooms

Familiarize yourself with the locations of restrooms in your workplace. Knowing where they are can help reduce anxiety.

2. Keep a schedule

Create a schedule for restroom breaks that aligns with your body’s needs. Try to take regular breaks to prevent accidents.

3. Incontinence Supplies

Keep a discreet bag or pouch with extra incontinence products in your desk or bag, such as liners and pads, diapers or briefs, and disposable protective underwear. Different products cater to varying levels of protection needed for different types of incontinence. Keep various incontinence supplies near to help prevent leaks and discomfort during your workday.

keep extra incontinence products in your desk or bag to prevent leaks at work

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, can help strengthen the muscles that control urination. Regularly practicing these exercises has been shown to improve bladder control and reduce incontinence episodes.

Stress Reduction

Stress can exacerbate bladder and bowel incontinence symptoms. Try stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness exercises to help manage stress levels at work.

Summing it Up

Managing incontinence at work can be challenging but possible with proper planning, communication, and support. Remember that you are not alone. Many workplaces will provide accommodations to ensure your comfort and productivity. Hopefully, these tips can help you confidently navigate the challenges of incontinence at work with dignity.

Top-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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