Can You Live a Normal Life with Incontinence?

Have you ever wondered… Can you live a normal life with incontinence? The answer is Yes, you can! Incontinence is a medical condition that affects millions of people and is often a topic that is not discussed. While it can be challenging and often embarrassing, the good news is that you can live a normal life with incontinence. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of living with incontinence and offer tips and strategies to help individuals maintain their quality of life while managing this condition.

Understanding Incontinence

Before discussing how to live a normal life with incontinence, it is essential to understand this condition. Incontinence is the loss of bladder or bowel control, leading to unintentional leakage of urine or stool. Aging, certain medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, and neurological disorders are various factors that can cause it. Incontinence can be temporary or chronic, and its severity can range from mild to severe.

Managing Incontinence

There are several management strategies to consider when aiming to live a normal life with incontinence.

Incontinence Products

Various incontinence products, such as adult diapers, protective undergarments, and absorbent pads, are available. These products come in different absorbency levels, sizes, and materials and can help provide individuals of all ages with comfort, confidence, and a sense of security.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles that control the bladder and help improve bladder control. These exercises are often recommended for both men and women with incontinence.


Depending on the type and cause of incontinence, your doctor may prescribe medications to help control symptoms after thoroughly evaluating your condition. Medications are often used in conjunction with other management strategies to achieve the best results in living a normal life with incontinence.

Lifestyle Changes

Certain lifestyle adjustments can help manage incontinence. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding irritants like caffeine and alcohol, and establishing a regular bathroom schedule.

Psychological and Emotional Well-being

In addition to the physical aspects of managing incontinence, addressing the emotional and psychological impacts is crucial. Trying to live a normal life with incontinence can be emotionally challenging, but here are some ways that can help you cope.

Talk to Someone

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your feelings and concerns. Sharing your experiences with a mental health professional can be therapeutic, especially since the topic can be emotionally challenging.

Stay Informed

Educate yourself about incontinence and the available treatments. Understanding the condition can reduce anxiety and help you make informed decisions about your care.

Addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of incontinence is crucial.

Try to Maintain a Positive Outlook

Focus on the aspects of your life that are not affected by incontinence. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and surround yourself with people that bring you joy. Attention to these things can help you live a normal life with incontinence.

Join Support Groups

There are numerous online and in-person support groups for individuals with incontinence. These communities provide a safe space to connect with others with similar experiences. You can share challenges, coping strategies, and tips with each other that can provide emotional support.

Living a Full Life with Incontinence

It is essential to remember that incontinence does not define you or your worth. With the right management strategies and support, you can continue to lead a fulfilling and normal life with incontinence.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Social Life

Don’t let incontinence keep you from socializing with friends and loved ones. Inform those you trust about your condition so they can be understanding and supportive.


Discuss your condition with your employer if necessary. Many workplaces are accommodating and can provide options for managing incontinence discreetly. Living a normal life with incontinence at work is possible.


Careful planning and appropriate incontinence products allow you to enjoy travel and explore new destinations.

Summing it Up

Living a normal life with incontinence may present challenges, but it is possible with the proper management strategies, support, and a positive mindset. Remember, resources and support are available to help you navigate this condition. By seeking medical advice, adopting lifestyle changes, and addressing the emotional aspects of incontinence, you can continue to enjoy a fulfilling and normal life with incontinence life.

Best-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What Causes Incontinence in Men?

Are you a male and wonder what causes incontinence in men? Incontinence is a condition that affects millions of people around the world and is not limited to just one gender. While it might not be a commonly discussed topic, incontinence is a natural and often manageable issue. Understanding what causes incontinence is the first step towards addressing this condition effectively.

This blog post will explore the five common causes of incontinence in men.

1. Prostate Problems

The prostate gland is a walnut-sized organ located beneath the bladder and plays a crucial role in male urinary function. As men age, the prostate can enlarge, leading to a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH can constrict the urethra, making it difficult for a man to fully empty his bladder, resulting in urinary leakage or urge incontinence.

2. Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles

Strong pelvic floor muscles are critical in maintaining urinary control. These muscles in women and men can weaken due to various factors such as age, obesity, or certain medical conditions. Weak pelvic floor muscles can result in stress incontinence, where physical activities like coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects can lead to urine leakage.

3. Medications and Surgeries

Some medications, especially those prescribed for high blood pressure or heart conditions, can relax the bladder muscles and increase urine production, potentially leading to urinary incontinence. Surgeries such as prostate or bladder surgery occur in the pelvic area. These surgeries can damage nerves and muscles, resulting in temporary or long-term incontinence issues.

4. Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, or spinal cord injuries, can interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate with the bladder and sphincter muscles. This disruption of the nerves is one of the causes of incontinence in men because it can lead to bladder storage and emptying issues.

5. Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices can also contribute to what causes incontinence in men. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a diet high in caffeine can irritate the bladder and lead to urgency or leakage. If a man carries more weight or is considered obese, those extra pounds can add pressure to the bladder and contribute to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Incontinence supplies can help manage incontinence in men

Summing it Up

What causes incontinence in men can be attributed to several factors. Incontinence is a condition that can impact a man’s quality of life, but it is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Identifying the underlying causes of incontinence is the first step towards managing and even improving the condition. If you or someone you know is struggling with incontinence, it is essential to seek professional medical advice. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, many men can regain control and continue to lead active, healthy, and fulfilling lives.

Popular Men’s Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Prostate Cancer and Urinary Incontinence

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern that affects millions of men worldwide. Apart from the direct impact on physical health, the treatment and management of prostate cancer can also bring about several side effects, including bladder control problems. Incontinence, or the loss of bladder control, can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life. However, advancements in medical technology and product innovation have led to the development of home delivery incontinence supplies that can effectively help manage incontinence symptoms in prostate cancer patients.

In this blog, we will discuss prostate cancer and urinary incontinence after surgery, which can be a possible side effect, and the options available to help manage.

Home delivery incontinence supplies can help manage prostate cancer and bladder control symtoms.

How Home Delivery Incontinence Products Can Help with Prostate Cancer and Bladder Control

The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and positioned just below the bladder, in front of the rectum, and near the urethra.  As a man ages, the prostate enlarges, causing the urethra to narrow and decrease urine flow. Although this is not a tell-tale sign of prostate cancer, it is a symptom that should not be ignored.

According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men, with various treatment options, including surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy. These treatments can have varying impacts on bladder control due to their influence on the prostate gland and surrounding tissues.

Prostate cancer and urinary incontinence issues after treatment can manifest in different ways, including stress incontinence (leakage of urine during physical activities), urge incontinence (sudden, intense need to urinate), and overflow incontinence (inability to completely empty the bladder). These issues can be distressing, affecting a patient’s self-esteem, daily activities, and overall well-being.

Home delivery incontinence supplies have emerged as a valuable solution for managing prostate cancer and urinary incontinence. These products are discreet, convenient, and tailored to individual needs, offering incontinence patients a sense of normalcy and empowerment.

These are some ways incontinence products can help men with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence problems:

Variety of Options

Various home delivery incontinence products are available in today’s market, including absorbent pads, disposable briefs, underwear, and even mattress protectors. This variety ensures that patients with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence can choose products that suit their comfort and level of incontinence protection.


Attends Unisex Overnight Underwear can help if you have prostate cancer and incontinenceIncontinence products available through home delivery are designed to be discreet, allowing individuals to maintain their privacy and dignity while managing their symptoms. This aspect is particularly important for those feeling embarrassed or anxious about their condition.


Home delivery of incontinence supplies helps eliminate the need for frequent trips to the store to purchase incontinence products. This convenience is especially beneficial for individuals with mobility challenges or limited access to transportation.

Automatic Delivery

Many home delivery services offer customizable automatic delivery subscription plans, ensuring patients with prostate cancer and urinary incontinence receive consistent products based on their usage and preferences. These programs help reduce the stress of running out of supplies unexpectedly.

Improved Quality of Life

By effectively managing prostate cancer and urinary incontinence, individuals can regain their confidence, participate in social activities, and lead a more active lifestyle, improving overall quality of life.

Summing it Up

Prostate cancer and urinary incontinence and the treatment journey can be physically and emotionally challenging for men. Home delivery incontinence supplies offer a practical and dignified solution to help manage these symptoms, allowing individuals to regain control over their lives and embrace a sense of normalcy.

If you or a loved one are dealing with incontinence due to prostate cancer, exploring the options provided by Personally Delivered could be a significant step towards improved comfort and well-being. Always consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable products and management strategies based on individual circumstances.

Best-Selling Men's Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

When a man requires partial or complete removal of his prostate gland due to cancer or other medical conditions, it can be a very technical and precise procedure. The prostate is located in an area of the body that is surrounded by a bundle of nerves and can be tricky to remove without avoiding injury to the bladder or rectum. During surgery, the urethra is cut to separate it from the prostate. Making the incision too close can damage the urethral sphincter and surrounding nerves, potentially causing prostate surgery incontinence. Nerve-sparing robotic surgery is a safe and minimally invasive technique for the removal of the prostate gland.

What is Nerve-Sparing Prostate Surgery

Nerve-sparing surgery is the process of a precise and careful attempt to spare any damage to the nerves that are extremely close to the tissues that are going to be removed. When the surrounding nerves are not preserved, a man may suffer from prostate surgery incontinence, erectile dysfunction (ED), or other complications.

Using the nerve-sparing robotic technique, surgeons can improve the outcomes and minimize trauma to the neurovascular bundle around the prostate gland. The urinary system consists of many nerves, and they all work in conjunction to make sure the urinary tract and bladder properly function. When the nerves are damaged, communication to the brain is interrupted, and a person then suffers from prostate surgery incontinence. Temporary or permanent ED may also be another result of prostate surgery. As you can see, using the robotic technique can significantly reduce harm to this sensitive area of the male anatomy and help prevent ED and  incontinence after prostate surgery.

Prostate Surgery Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction

Encore Medical Revive Custom Manual Vacuum Therapy System to help with erectile dysfunction after nerve-sparing surgeryOnce the surgery is complete, the surgeon reconnects the bladder to the urethra. A Foley catheter remains in place for approximately a week, and once that is removed, many times, men will experience prostate surgery incontinence. This can be one of the most bothersome issues and can be temporary or sometimes permanent. When the nerve-sparing robotic technique is used, permanent prostate surgery incontinence is rare.

Another potential complication of prostate surgery is erectile dysfunction. Nerves, muscles, and blood vessels are all involved when a man gets an erection. Any damage to these can cause him to have erectile dysfunction following this surgery. In some cases, this may be temporary. However, it can also be permanent, and achieving an erection will only be possible with the assistance of medical devices like the Encore Medical Revive Custom Manual Vacuum Therapy System or the Timm Medical Technologies Osbon OTC ErecAid Vacuum Therapy System. You can view more of these devices here.

Prostate Cancer Results

When a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, he has a big decision to make on the type of treatment that is best for his needs. Nerve-sparing robotic prostate surgery is often the preferred choice by surgeons to avoid long-term prostate surgery incontinence and the potential for impotence. During robotic surgery, the incisions are extremely precise, and the margin of error in harming the nerves, muscles, and valves is greatly reduced. This process is also minimally invasive, which helps to lessen any post-operative pain and also shorten recovery time.

Because the prostate lies between the bladder and the rectum and is wrapped around the urethra, many vulnerable nerves are at risk. The standard operation is a delicate task and can leave room for disrupting the bundle of important nerves used to control the bladder and penis.

Opting for the nerve-sparing operation can help an experienced surgeon spare some or all of the nerves that run along the sides of the prostate gland. This provides a greater chance that the patient preserves his potency and will not need the assistance of any medical devices or incontinence products for the potential of incontinence after prostate surgery. Nerve-sparing surgeries can reduce the risk of prostate surgery incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and possible other complications. The robotic-assisted surgery uses precision that might not be able to be achieved by the surgeon alone.

Managing Prostate Surgery Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction

Prevail Daily Male Guards can help with incontinence after prostate surgery after this nerve-sparing surgeryShould any of the nerves, muscles, or valves of the urethral system be damaged, the use of certain incontinence products and/or other devices may be required for those who experience incontinence after prostate surgery. Once the prostate gland is removed, it is extremely important that the bladder is well constructed to prevent urine leakage. Typically, the leakage that happens after the procedure is light to moderate, and a male guard or an incontinence pad for men can be worn. These products are specifically designed with the male anatomy in mind to be discreet, provide maximum comfort, and deliver the protection needed.

Should ED follow after prostate surgery, a man may need to use a medical device to achieve and maintain an erection due to the disruption of the blood and nerve supply. There are many devices available that can help, such as Vacuum Therapy Systems and clamps.

Learning that you or a loved one may have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or another condition that has affected this gland may be very difficult. Know that there are treatment options available to you if you experience incontinence after prostate surgery, no matter your age. Always consult with your medical practitioner for expert advice and options available to you. Should you have any questions about the products that we offer, our Product Experts are just a phone call away.

Top-Selling Incontinence Products for Men

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Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis

Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD) can affect the millions of people worldwide that have incontinence, particularly among the elderly and those with certain medical conditions. While the physical and emotional challenges of managing incontinence are well-recognized, the impact on skin health often goes unnoticed. In this blog post, we will discuss IAD, its causes, consequences, and preventive measures that can be taken to help prevent it.

Incontinence and Skin Health

Incontinence, whether due to age-related factors, illness, or other underlying causes, can lead to prolonged contact of moisture with the skin. This constant exposure to urine or feces disrupts the skin’s natural protective barrier, making it susceptible to damage and irritation. The resulting condition is Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis, ranging from mild redness to severe skin breakdown.

Causes of Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis


Constant exposure to moisture does not allow the skin’s protective barrier to remain dry. The result is skin breakdown. Urine and feces contain enzymes and chemicals that can lead to inflammation and irritation when in contact with the skin for extended periods.


When the skin is moist, it becomes more fragile and susceptible to friction. Frequent movements, such as repositioning or rubbing against undergarments or bedding, can worsen the irritation and contribute to skin damage.

pH Imbalance

Urine and feces are typically alkaline in nature. Prolonged exposure to these substances can disrupt the skin’s natural pH balance, weakening its protective abilities and making it more susceptible to inflammation.

Consequences of Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis

Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis can have serious implications for an individual’s overall health and quality of life.

Some of the consequences of IAD include:

Pain and Discomfort

IAD can cause considerable pain and discomfort, making it difficult for individuals to perform everyday activities, leading to increased stress and anxiety.

Skin Breakdown

The skin’s natural protective barrier is weakened if it is exposed to moisture and irritants for prolonged periods, which can lead to skin breakdown and damage. This can result in redness, inflammation, and even open sores or ulcers.

protective barrier cream for incontinence-associated dermatitis

Risk of Infection

As the skin barrier is compromised, there is an increased risk of infection. Bacteria and fungi can enter the damaged skin, potentially leading to more severe complications.

Reduced Mobility

The discomfort and pain associated with IAD can limit mobility, making it challenging for individuals to move freely. Reduced mobility can lead to other health issues, such as muscle atrophy and joint problems.

Emotional Impact

Dealing with the physical effects of IAD can take a toll on an individual’s emotional well-being. Embarrassment, shame, and loss of self-esteem are common feelings and can seriously affect a person’s mental health.

Preventive Measures and Management of Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis

Maintain Proper Hygiene

Maintaining proper hygiene is crucial. Cleansing the skin gently with mild, pH-balanced cleansers and patting it dry can help minimize the risk of IAD.

Use Barrier Creams

Using protective barrier creams or ointments can create a physical barrier between the skin and moisture, helping to prevent irritation and skin breakdown.

Regularly Change Incontinence Products

Frequent changing of incontinence products is essential. Avoid allowing moisture to remain in contact with the skin for extended periods.

Regularly Monitor Your Skin

Regularly inspecting the skin for signs of irritation, redness, or breakdown can help catch IAD in its early stages and prevent it from worsening.

Nutrition and Hydration

Maintaining a healthy diet and adequate hydration can help support skin health and its ability to prevent irritations.

Summing it Up

Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis can be a significant concern for those who struggle with incontinence. Understanding the causes, consequences, and preventive steps that can be taken is essential for maintaining healthy skin. If you or someone you care for are dealing with incontinence, consulting a healthcare professional for guidance on managing IAD can help make a significant difference.

Popular Incontinence Products & Skin Care Products for Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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The Essential Guide to Selecting Bed Pads for Adults

Bed pads for adults are incontinence products that can also be referred to as underpads, chux, or mattress pads. They can be reusable or disposable and help protect the skin, bedding, and furniture as they absorb urine and fecal matter. The main difference between bed pads and personal incontinence pads is that bed pads are not wearable. Incontinence underpads are available in various sizes, absorbency levels, and materials.

We’ll discuss the different types of bed pads for incontinence, how to choose the right one, and all the uses for them.

Reusable and Disposable Bed Pads

Reusable Bed Pads

Dignity Quilted Bed Pads for AdultsReusable bed pads are incontinence products designed to be washed and reused multiple times. Reusable underpads can save money and are more environmentally friendly than their disposable alternative. The Dignity Quilted Bed Pads for Adults are an excellent reusable option with an absorbent core and moisture-proof barrier. Most reusable underpads are hypoallergenic and constructed of soft cotton or polyester-blend material for added comfort. It can be handy to keep plenty of stock of reusable bed pads so they can be used in rotation.

Disposable Bed Pads

Cardinal Health Premium Low Air Loss UnderpadDisposable bed pads for incontinence are meant to be used and discarded after one use. Since disposable bed pads for adults are single-use incontinence products, they are considered more hygienic. There is minimal clean-up and no need for laundering, making them a convenient option. The Cardinal Health Premium Disposable Underpad features a soft top sheet for comfort, a super absorbent core to wick away fluids, and a strong waterproof backsheet. These underpads are effective and highly reliable for maximum absorbency needs.

The downside to disposable bed pads for adults is that these incontinence products can become more expensive than reusable alternatives. If you or someone you are caring for goes through a large number of disposable bed pads for incontinence, you might consider the reusable option.

Absorbency Levels of Bed Pads

Cardinal Health Premium Quilted Underpad with WingsIncontinence bed pads are constructed of more water-absorbing polymer or fluff the more absorbent they become. An underpad that is thicker or bigger does not mean it is more absorbent. The amount of leakage you have determines the absorbency level needed.

  • Light absorbency: Infrequent leaks or a light amount of urine
  • Moderate absorbency: Frequent, continuous leaks or a moderate amount of urine
  • Heavy absorbency: Large amounts of urine and fecal incontinence
  • Overnight/Maximum absorbency: Total incontinence or extreme amounts of urine and fecal incontinence

If you need assistance determining the correct absorbency level for your specific needs, our Product Experts are available and will provide a free assessment.

Choosing the Right Size of Bed Pad

Choosing the proper size when determining what incontinence bed pad you need is essential. If an underpad is too small, it may not properly contain the leaks. The skin may be irritated if the pad’s material is too rough, causing abrasions and rashes. If an underpad is not the right size, it ultimately leads to frustration and inconvenience. Think about the size of the person using the pad and measure the surface you are protecting. Incontinence underpads come in sizes ranging from 17-inches x 24-inches up to 40-inches x 57-inches or more.

Our Product Experts can also help you determine the proper size incontinence underpad if you are unsure.

Incontinence Bed Pad Uses

Puppy on a bed padIncontinence products like underpads are designed to soak up urine and fecal matter but can also be used in various settings.

  • Bedding
  • Furniture
  • Car seats
  • Cribs
  • Playpens
  • Changing tables
  • Burp cloth
  • Highchair
  • Repositioning
  • Pet potty training
  • Placemat under pet food and water bowls
  • Paw mat at entry doors
  • Storage or shipping to protect objects

As you can see, the possibilities of using incontinence underpads are endless!

Key Features of Bed Pads for Adults to Keep in Mind

To sum it up, there are a few key features to remember when deciding what incontinence bed pad is suitable for your needs.

  • Absorbency level: The more leakage, the higher the absorbency level needed.
  • Type: Disposable bed pads for incontinence offer convenience, but the reusable option may be more economical.
  • Material: The softer the top sheet, the more comfortable and healthy the skin remains.
  • Size: Consider the size of the person and measure the area you are protecting.

If you are looking for where to buy bed pads for adults, children, or pets, we’ve got you covered. Shop our wide selection of incontinence chux and underpads today. As always, our friendly and knowledgeable Product Experts are here to help you choose the right products for your unique needs.

High-Quality Incontinence Bed Pads

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Top 10 Incontinence Products for Elderly Adults

According to research, more than 50% of elderly Americans suffer from incontinence, whether it be bladder or bowel related. Incontinence is not only a physical medical condition; it can also affect people mentally, emotionally, and financially. The cost of incontinence products for elderly adults can add up, and you could be caught off guard if you aren’t prepared.

We have compiled a list of what we think are the ten most useful incontinence products for elderly adults. Consider some or all of these incontinence supplies for seniors the next time you shop for yourself or a loved one to keep ample inventory levels on hand.

1. Briefs/Diapers

Attends Premier Briefs in a bag available in sizes medium to extra largeBecause briefs or diapers can be changed without removing all clothing articles, they are a preferred choice by many seniors. Briefs are for those needing a more secure and absorbent option and are sometimes referred to as adult diapers. These one-piece incontinence garments feature re-fastenable tabs that make readjustment easy for a tight fit. Incontinence briefs also come in daytime or nighttime absorbencies, depending on what level is needed. The Attends Premier Brief is an excellent incontinence product for seniors that offers both daytime and overnight protection.

2. Protective Underwear or Pull-Ups

Protective briefs or pull-ups are one-piece garments made to be easily pulled on and off. They are excellent incontinence supplies for seniors that are looking for more traditional and discreet protection. Offered in absorbencies for day and night protection, protective underwear for seniors also provides odor control and moisture-wicking to remain comfortable and dry.

3. Underpads/Bed Pads/Chux

Available in various colors, materials, designs, and absorbency levels, underpads, bed pads, or chux, provide the extra protection needed to absorb leakage, reduce odors, and control bacteria. Instead of doubling up on protective underwear and mattress covers, underpads are incontinence supplies for seniors that can deliver the required absorbency independently. Underpads can also be used to protect furniture, car seats, and even as pet potty training pads.

4. Liners/Pads

Incontinence pads and liners in a collageLiners, panty liners, or pads are placed inside regular underwear with their adhesive strip and are used for light to moderate urinary incontinence. Liners and pads are economical incontinence products for elderly adults that do not have heavy leakage. On the other hand, booster pads are added to a disposable brief for an added layer of protection for those with moderate to heavy incontinence.

5. Fecal Pads

McKesson Abdominal and Fecal Incontinence PadsFecal incontinence pads or bowel incontinence pads are designed for those who suffer from Accidental Bowel Leakage (ABL) and are looking for a bowel leakage product that absorbs fluids and odors while being discreet. Many people are unaware of such a product and resort to using a regular bladder pad for bowel incontinence protection. Those with fecal incontinence require a disposable bowel leakage product, as the use of washable products is not an option. Fecal or bowel incontinence pads such as the McKesson Pad are an excellent option that provides maximum moisture barrier. These pads feature sealed edges to prevent leaking and superior absorption.

6. Mattress Cover

Mattress covers are another incontinence supplies for seniors that protects the mattress from incontinence leaks, accidental spills, and unwanted stains. Mattress covers, such as the Salk Prima Vinyl Mattress Cover, fit just like a fitted bed sheet, covering the entire mattress and protecting against bacteria and some allergens. Mattress protectors may also defend against bacteria and some allergens. Because mattress covers are made of water-resistant materials, they extend the mattress’s life. This handy feature can also protect your health. Bacteria breeds when fluids enter the mattress’s core, and dust mites thrive in these warm, damp environments. For many reasons, investing in a quality mattress cover as one of the top incontinence products for elderly adults can be beneficial.

7. Skin Care

The entire area of the body covered by an incontinence product is at risk for skin irritation. If the skin has become wet or chaffed, the incontinence product either incorrectly fits the wearer or is not the right absorbency. With effective skin moisturizers, creams, and ointments, sensitive perineal skin can stay healthy and clean.

8. Personal Care Wipes & Washcloths

Personally Delivered unscented wipesWith all the personal hygiene products available, personal care wipes are the most convenient when it comes to incontinence products for elderly adults. Using personal care wipes is not only a quicker and easier option than paper towels or cloths; they are also the most versatile cleaning product around. Wipes are compact enough for travel and an inexpensive way to keep yourself and the surfaces around you clean throughout the day.  When there isn’t a water source available, using personal care wipes can be used to quickly remove dirt and germs from the hands and face as well as a toilet paper alternative. Personal care wipes are an excellent choice to clean the body’s crevices in between changes of protective underwear for seniors.

9. Penis Clamp

As men age, they may experience difficulty controlling their urinary leakage when lifting, coughing, or straining. They may also have leakage or dribbling of urine due to other urinary problems such as prostate cancer. A penis clamp is an incontinence product for seniors that puts light pressure on the urethra and helps control urine leaking. They are a cost-effective way to help manage stress incontinence in men and worth having around for convenience and travel.

10. Adult Swim Brief

Swimmates adult disposable swim diapersIn the summer months, enjoying the pool can be difficult for those that suffer from incontinence.  With adult swim briefs such as the Swimmates Adult Reusable Diapers, pool-time can be worry-free. These snug-fitting, stretchy, and lightweight incontinence briefs are made specifically to fit underneath a swimsuit. Adult swim briefs are also machine washable and reusable, so they are budget-friendly when choosing these kinds of incontinence products for elderly adults.

Stocking up on essential incontinence products for elderly adults is important when managing an incontinence condition. Not being prepared with the necessary incontinence supplies when you need them most can be frustrating. You can rest easy with a little preparation, knowing that you don’t need to run out in an emergency to get the incontinence supplies for seniors you need.

For any questions about incontinence protective underwear for seniors, absorbent underpads, adult diapers, briefs, or any other incontinence supplies for seniors we carry, our Personally Delivered Product Experts are just a phone call away and ready to assist. Being prepared never felt so good!

Popular Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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A Guide to Men’s Bladder Health

June is Men’s Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health issues. While various aspects of men’s health are important, one area that often goes unnoticed is bladder health. In this blog, we will explore the significance of men’s bladder health and provide a brief guide to help men maintain a healthy bladder throughout their lives.

Understanding Men’s Bladder Health

The bladder is an essential part of a man’s urinary system, which plays a vital role in men’s bladder health. The urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, which work together to regulate and eliminate bodily fluid waste. The bladder is a muscular organ that expands to accommodate urine produced by the kidneys and contracts to empty it through the urethra during urination. If there is any problem within the urinary system, such as an enlarged prostate or urinary tract infections, it can affect men’s bladder health. These bladder-related problems can lead to discomfort, urinary incontinence, or other issues. Understanding the role of the urinary system is crucial in maintaining men’s bladder health.

Common Bladder Health Issues in Men

Several common issues can affect men’s bladder health. These include:

Enlarged Prostate

Also referred to as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged prostate can cause urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine flow, difficulty starting or stopping urination, and the feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Although UTIs are more commonly associated with women, men can also develop urinary tract infections. UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, leading to symptoms like frequent urination, a burning sensation during urination, cloudy or bloody urine, and pelvic pain.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can affect men of all ages and refers to involuntary urine leakage. This condition can be brought on by physical activity that puts pressure on the bladder (stress incontinence), an overactive bladder, or a blockage in the urinary system. Bladder control problems can arise due to various factors, including weak pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, prostate surgery, or certain underlying medical conditions.

Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are hard mineral deposits that can form in the bladder. These stones can sometimes cause discomfort, pain during urination, blood in the urine, and frequent urinary tract infections.

Bladder Cancer

While bladder cancer can affect both men and women, it is more prevalent in men. Common symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in the urine, frequent urination, pain during urination, and lower back pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of bladder health issues in men. If you are experiencing any urinary symptoms or concerns, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and guidance.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Bladder


Staying adequately hydrated is critical for men’s bladder health. Drinking an adequate amount of water each day promotes regular urine flow and helps flush out toxins.


Thick And Easy Clear Thickened Beverages, Nectar ConsistencyIncorporating certain foods and beverages can support men’s bladder health. Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help maintain regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Straining during bowel movements puts pressure on the bladder and can increase the risk of bladder issues. According to the National Library of Medicine, consuming cranberry juice contains compounds that are known to inhibit bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls, reducing the risk of UTIs.

Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity and excess weight can put pressure on the bladder, leading to urinary incontinence and other bladder problems. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are two factors that are essential to reduce the strain on the bladder.

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can enhance bladder control and reduce the risk of urinary incontinence. Consider Kegel exercises for men to strengthen these muscles for optimal men’s bladder health. If you have had prostate cancer treatment, these exercises can help you have more control over your urine flow.

Healthy Bathroom Habits

Practice healthy bathroom habits, such as urinating when you feel the urge and avoiding excessive straining during bowel movements. Make sure to fully empty your bladder to minimize the risk of UTIs.

Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are essential to reduce strain on the bladder.

When to Seek Medical Advice

While these tips can contribute to men’s bladder health, it is essential to recognize the signs of potential bladder problems. If you experience persistent urinary symptoms like frequent urination, pain, or blood in your urine, you must consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and guidance. Regular check-ups and screenings are vital for maintaining overall health, including men’s bladder health.

Men’s Bladder Health Supplies

At Personally Delivered, we carry various men’s bladder health supplies. You will find men’s incontinence guards and shields, condom catheters, male-length catheters, and so much more. Our Product Experts are available if you need assistance finding the right medical supplies.

During Men’s Health Month and beyond, take charge of your well-being and prioritize your bladder health. By adopting simple lifestyle changes, seeking professional help when needed, and staying informed, men can safeguard their bladder health and contribute to their overall wellness. A healthy bladder leads to a healthier life!

Popular Men’s Bladder Health Supplies

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Autism and Incontinence

Autism and incontinence do not necessarily go hand in hand. However, incontinence is a common challenge among individuals with autism that can significantly impact their quality of life. Although the prevalence of incontinence among individuals with autism is high, according to the National Institutes of Health, it is often overlooked or dismissed as a behavioral issue rather than a medical concern. Understanding the link between autism and incontinence is crucial for developing effective strategies for managing this issue.

In this blog post, we will explore the factors that may contribute to incontinence in individuals with autism, common signs and symptoms, and strategies for managing this issue. We will also discuss the importance of supporting individuals with autism and incontinence.

What is Autism?

First, let’s familiarize ourselves with what autism is before we talk about how incontinence can become an issue for those diagnosed with this disorder. Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is a “spectrum” disorder because its symptoms can vary widely in severity and how they present themselves.

People with autism may struggle with social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Symptoms usually appear before age three and can persist throughout the person’s life. There is no known cure for autism, but early diagnosis and intervention can help improve outcomes and quality of life for individuals with the disorder. The exact cause of autism is still unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors, according to Medical News Today.

The Link Between Autism and Incontinence

Several factors can contribute to incontinence in individuals with autism. Identifying and addressing these is essential to develop effective strategies for managing autism and urinary incontinence.

Some contributing factors include:

Sensory processing difficulties: Many individuals with autism have sensory processing difficulties, which can make them more sensitive to certain textures, sounds, and smells. This can lead to avoiding certain bathroom routines, such as using the toilet, wiping, or washing hands, which can increase the likelihood of accidents.

Communication challenges: Communication difficulties are a common feature of autism, and individuals with the disorder may struggle to express their needs and preferences regarding using the toilet. It can make it challenging for caregivers to identify when they need to use the restroom.

Bathroom habits: Some individuals with autism may develop bathroom habits that make them more prone to accidents, such as avoiding using the toilet or holding in urine for extended periods.

Anxiety and stress: Many individuals with autism experience high levels of anxiety and stress, which can lead to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and a sense of urgency to urinate. There can be a connection between autism and frequent urination.

Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections, constipation, or bowel or bladder problems, can increase the likelihood of incontinence in individuals with autism.

Signs and Symptoms of Incontinence in Those with Autism

Here are some common signs and symptoms of incontinence in individuals with autism:

Constipation can put pressure on the bladder, causing leakage for those with autism and incontinenceBedwetting: Many children with autism experience bedwetting, even after the age when it is considered normal. Bedwetting can indicate an underlying medical condition or a behavioral issue.

Daytime accidents: Individuals with autism may experience bladder and bowel accidents during the day. Various factors, including communication difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, or bathroom habits, can cause this.

Frequent urination: Some individuals with autism may need to urinate frequently throughout the day. Autism and frequent urination can indicate an overactive bladder or possibly a urinary tract infection.

Constipation: Hard, infrequent bowel movements can put pressure on the bladder and cause leaking or accidents.

Avoiding the restroom: Avoiding using the restroom altogether can lead to accidents and urinary tract infections, which may be related to sensory processing difficulties, anxiety, or bathroom habits.

It is important to note that incontinence is not a behavioral issue but a medical concern that can significantly impact the quality of life of individuals with autism. If these signs or symptoms are present, talking to a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan is essential.

Strategies for Managing Autism and Incontinence

Here are some strategies for managing autism and urinary incontinence:

Develop a consistent bathroom routine: Individuals with autism may benefit from a consistent bathroom routine that includes scheduled restroom breaks throughout the day. This process can help establish a predictable pattern and reduce anxiety.

Address sensory processing difficulties: Since individuals with autism may have sensory processing difficulties that make bathroom routines challenging, identifying and addressing these difficulties, such as using preferred textures or smells for toileting supplies, can make the experience more comfortable and reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Address communication challenges: Try providing alternative communication methods, such as using a communication device or visual aids like the ones on Do2Learn’s website, to help facilitate effective communication.

Address underlying medical conditions: Identifying and addressing underlying medical conditions like a urinary tract infection or constipation can help improve continence.

Promote independence: Encouraging independence in bathroom habits, such as hand washing and proper hygiene, can help individuals with autism feel more in control and reduce anxiety.

Provide positive reinforcement: Praise or rewards for successful bathroom routines and habits can help encourage and motivate individuals with autism to maintain continence.

Boys washing hands in a bathroom to encourage independence

Working with healthcare professionals and caregivers is essential to develop an individualized plan for managing incontinence in individuals with autism. This plan may be a combination of these strategies or additional interventions, including the use of incontinence products, based on the individual’s specific needs and challenges.

Supporting Individuals with Autism and Incontinence

Supporting individuals with autism and incontinence is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, incontinence can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, causing embarrassment, social isolation, and decreased participation in daily activities, which can hurt their physical and emotional health and overall well-being.

Supporting individuals with autism and incontinence also involves promoting inclusivity and acceptance. Incontinence is a medical concern, not a behavioral issue, and individuals with autism should not be stigmatized or shamed for their incontinence. Instead, the focus should be on providing them with appropriate support and resources to manage their incontinence safely, respectfully, and dignifiedly.

Our hope at Personally Delivered is to help provide appropriate support and resources so that we can help individuals with autism manage incontinence, feel more in control of their daily routines, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Best-Selling Incontinence Products

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Bladder Sling Surgery for Urinary Incontinence

Bladder sling surgery can be a beneficial treatment for women who experience stress urinary incontinence and have not responded to other conventional treatment options. This type of surgery aims to provide additional support to the urethra to prevent urine leakage.

What is Urinary Incontinence?

First, it’s essential to understand urinary incontinence and how it can affect women. This common condition affects women of all ages but is more prevalent in older women. Various factors, including childbirth, hormonal changes, and menopause, can cause urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life, causing embarrassment, social isolation, and decreased self-esteem.

Various incontinence products like protective underwear, adult diapers, pads, and liners can provide the absorbency and protection needed. However, if the problem is more complicated and persistent, alternative options may need to be discussed.

What is Bladder Sling Surgery?

Bladder sling surgery, sometimes referred to as urethral sling or vaginal sling surgery, is designed to treat women who experience urinary incontinence caused by weakened pelvic muscles. A small incision is made in the vaginal wall or abdomen, whichever the patient’s specific needs are, and a strip of synthetic mesh is implanted and positioned under the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. This mesh material acts as a sling or hammock and is then attached to the pelvic bones or tissues to hold the sling in place to support and prevent urine leakage. There are three main types of bladder slings.

Types of Bladder Slings

Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT)

This is the most common type of bladder sling. It is a minimally invasive procedure and involves the insertion of a mesh tape through a small incision in the vagina. This mesh tape is then threaded through the abdominal wall and anchored in place. The mesh tape acts as a sling, supporting the urethra and reducing urinary incontinence.

Transobturator tape (TOT)

This type of bladder sling is similar to the TVT, but less invasive, according to Baylor Medicine. The mesh tape is threaded through the groin area instead of the abdominal wall. This reduces the risk of injury to the bladder or other internal organs.

Mini-sling or single-incision sling

This type of bladder sling is a newer, even less invasive option. It involves the insertion of a small mesh sling through a single incision in the vagina to support the mid-urethra. According to a study, patients reported a lower pain score over the course of two weeks following mini-sling surgery than alternative surgery options.

Who Qualifies for Bladder Sling Surgery?

woman consulting her doctor about bladder sling surgeryThe qualifications for this type of bladder surgery may vary depending on the individual case and the doctor’s recommendations. Generally, candidates include women who:

  • Have been diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence
  • Have tried conservative treatments such as pelvic floor exercises, medication, or pessaries but did not see improvement
  • Do not plan to have children in the future, as pregnancy and childbirth can undo the benefits of the surgery
  • Do not have any medical conditions or other factors that may increase the risk of complications during or after surgery, such as obesity, smoking, or chronic health conditions
  • Have realistic expectations of the surgery’s outcome and are willing to comply with post-operative care instructions

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, bladder sling surgery does carry some risks, including bleeding, infection, and complications with the mesh or sling. However, the success rate for this procedure is high, and most women experience a significant improvement in their symptoms. Recovery time varies from patient to patient, depending on their overall health and the extent of the surgery, but most women can resume normal activities within a few weeks after surgery.

What to Expect After Sling Surgery

After the surgery, you will stay in the hospital for a day or two to recover. During this time, you will be given pain medication to manage any discomfort, and you may need to use a catheter to help drain your bladder temporarily.

Avoiding strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least six weeks after the surgery is recommended to allow your body to heal properly. You may also need to avoid sexual intercourse during this time.

Woman in bed recovering from bladder sling surgery

If you have unsuccessfully exhausted all conventional efforts to manage your urinary incontinence, discussing sling surgery with your doctor may be beneficial. It is essential to discuss your medical history, current health status, and goals with your doctor to determine if you are a suitable candidate for bladder sling surgery.

Top-Performing Incontinence Products for Women

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making decisions about medical procedures or treatment.

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