Spina Bifida Awareness Month is October

Spina bifida is a congenital defect that affects the proper formation of the spine and the spinal cord. The spinal cord of a developing baby in the womb does not close or fully develop. This condition can cause disabilities that range from moderate to severe such as incontinence, neuropathy, or immobility.

October has been dedicated as Spina Bifida Awareness Month and is a time for everyone to learn and understand more about this condition. We at Personally Delivered would like to share information about this birth defect and promote awareness.

The Four Types of Spina Bifida

The term spina bifida translates to “split spine.” Every individual with this condition experiences different things; no case is identical. Four types include:


Occulta is the mildest and most common form of this condition, where one or more bones are malformed in the spinal column. This form is often found by an x-ray and unlikely causes symptoms or leads to disabilities.


When a sac of fluid pokes through the spine, a meningocele occurs. The defect of the spine’s bony covering allows this fluid to poke out. No nerves are present, and minor symptoms are usual.


Myelomeningocele is the most severe form. There is no complete skin over the spinal cord where the spinal column did not properly form. The opening can be surgically closed either in utero or immediately after birth. Most individuals with myelomeningocele will require close follow-up with their doctors throughout their life to prevent further complications.

Closed neural tube defects

When the neural tube does not entirely close, spina bifida can occur. The spine may have malformations of fat, bone, or the spinal cord’s membranes. Closed neural tube defects often require childhood surgery and lead to weakness in the leg muscles and bladder or bowel incontinence.

Spina Bifida Symptoms

Just as no two individuals experience this condition exactly the same, the symptoms also vary from person to person. However, a few symptoms seem to be commonly experienced among patients.


Hydrocephalus is when there is fluid in the brain that can cause brain issues and even swelling of the head.

Skin conditions

Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier OintmentWeak muscles, limited movement, and poor sensation can cause people with spina bifida to develop skin issues. Nerve pathways to the brain are interrupted, and a person with this condition may not be able to feel hot and cold. They may bruise easily or have wounds that heal slower.  

Bladder and bowel Incontinence

Assortment of incontinence productsMany people with spina bifida experience bladder and bowel incontinence. The nerves that control the bladder and bowels are affected when the spinal cord fails to develop correctly. The most common incontinence issues for those with this condition include:

  • Diarrhea – frequent loose, watery stools
  • Overflow incontinence – only small amounts of urine are released despite a strong urge to “go”
  • Overactive bladder – having no control of urination
  • Bowel incontinence – less mobility can lead to constipation followed by episodes of diarrhea

Physical activity

Drive Quad Small Base CaneSpina bifida can cause physical limitations in mobility, making it difficult to walk and do daily tasks. Wheelchairs, canes, and other adaptive equipment are used to move around from place to place. Many people with more severe forms work with a physical therapist to help increase mobility.

Spina Bifida Awareness

Every year, thousands of children are affected by this condition, and October is an excellent time to raise awareness and support those around us affected by this congenital defect. Here are some ways to get involved in advocacy activities and awareness.

Stay up-to-date on social media with the community

Follow Spina Bifida Association on their social media platforms and join the fun! You can share their posts, patient stories, and more. Their social media links include:

Wear teal to raise awareness

woman dressed in a teal outfit to raise spina bifida awarenessOne of the easiest ways to spark conversation is to wear the color teal from head to toe during October. When asked, tell people that teal is the official color of spina bifida awareness. You can share the social media channels above and direct them to Spina Bifida Association’s website to get more information and how to get involved.  

Advocate with the spina bifida community

Right now, the Spina Bifida Association is advocating for legislation asking Congress to invest in home and community-based services that would help millions of Americans with disabilities have access to quality home health care.

Participate in a Walk-N-Roll

people participating in a spina bifida awareness race including a man in a wheelchairThis in-person or virtual event is the perfect way to get engaged and support the community and the mission of the Spina Bifida Association. Anyone and everyone can participate. If you are not located near any of the listed cities, you can Walk-N-Roll Your Way at any time and any place.

Make a donation

Donations are life-changing and allow continued support.

Helpful Medical Supplies for Those with Spina Bifida

Carex bath transfer benchVarious medical supplies can help make life more manageable for those living with this condition. At Personally Delivered, we carry various home delivery medical supplies from top manufacturers and offer Automatic Delivery, so you never run out of the products you need the most. You’ll find a variety of catheters, catheter supplies, incontinence products, ostomy supplies, wound care supplies, adaptive equipment, and much more. Start browsing our website, and if you need any assistance, we have knowledgeable, compassionate, and caring Product Experts here to help.

Top-Selling Home Delivery Medical Supplies

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Sun Safety Tips

Sun safety is critical when heat is rated as the top weather-related killer. Statistics have shown that heat-related fatalities are higher than flooding, lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes. We have put together some sun safety tips to practice as the days become shorter and the heat scorches us.

Sun Safety Tip #1: Drink More Fluids

  • Sqwincher products making a splashThe first sun safety tip is to ensure you drink enough fluids throughout the day regardless of your activity level. If you notice that you are becoming thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Carrying a refillable water bottle is an excellent way to maintain hydration.
  • As we age, the amount of water retained in the body decreases. If you or someone you care for is an older adult, be especially careful to drink sufficient fluids throughout the day.
  • Avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee, tea, soda, and alcohol. These beverages contain caffeine and have dehydrating effects on the body.
  • Drinking liquids at room temperature when the heat is high outside is favored over ice cold beverages. Consuming very cold liquids can reduce sweat output, contract the blood vessels, and restrict digestion. Chugging ice cold water when you are hot sends warm blood from the extremities and sends it to the stomach. Has your stomach ever hurt right after quickly drinking a cold bottle of water? This is the reason why.
  • Try to avoid strenuous exercise on hot days. Opting for an indoor gym or investing in home exercise equipment can keep you cool as you continue to hydrate.

Try this Water Intake Calculator to find out the water you need to be consuming in relation to your weight and the amount of time you exercise.

Sun Safety Tip #2: Keep Your Body Cool

  • For sun safety, wear UVA and UVB blocking sunglasses to block harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching your eyes.
  • Consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat to keep your head and body cool and shaded from the sun.
  • Wear lightweight, loose, and light-colored clothing. Loose-fitting clothing allows air to circulate and evaporate from the skin quickly. Light-colored clothing absorbs less heat since it reflects the light. Black or dark-colored clothing will absorb the light and become hot, making you hot.
  • Stay in the shade with an umbrella at the beach for sun safety. Heat continues to build up after noon when the sun is at its highest in the sky. By 3:00 pm, outgoing heat is greater than incoming heat, making it the hottest time of the day.
  • In your home, close the shades or curtains where the sun shines the most. Your utility bill will thank you later.
  • Consuming cooler and refreshing foods can help keep you cooler. Eating fruits and salads instead of proteins can actually keep your internal body temperature lower. Proteins are more complicated to break down in the body and tend to raise body temperature slightly.
sunglasses resting on the beach while the sun is setting with a weather proverb about the heat being a scorcher as the days shorten

Sun Safety Tip #3: Protect Yourself from the Sun

  • Selan + Zinc Oxide Skin ProtectantFor sun safety, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen about 15 minutes before going into the sun to protect against UVA and UVB rays. If you are swimming or sweating a lot, reapply this product at least every two hours. Look for products that contain zinc oxide and create a barrier on the skin’s surface to reflect UV rays
  • Wear UV protective clothing to absorb or block harmful UV radiation. Sun-protective clothing is one of the most effective forms of sun safety and protection. REI’s How to Choose Sun-Protection (UPF) Clothing article is an excellent resource that covers what UPF ratings mean, clothing features, and who can benefit.

Sun Safety Tip #4: Stay Alert

  • Practicing sun safety includes being aware of your body and its functions. If you are experiencing heavy sweating, rapid pulse, pale or clammy skin, and painful muscle cramps in your abdomen or legs. These could be signs of a heat disorder and may need medical attention. If you think you are experiencing heat exhaustion, it is critical to stop all activity, move to a cool place, and slowly drink fluids. Always contact your doctor if the symptoms do not improve within an hour.
  • If you are an older individual or caring for an older adult, it is wise to keep medical information readily available. This includes doctor phone numbers, a list of prescriptions, copies of health insurance cards, and emergency contacts.

Sun Safety Tip #5: Never Leave a Person or Animal in a Vehicle

This may be the most critical sun safety tip of all. Never leave a person or an animal in an unattended vehicle or a vehicle that is not running. It does not matter if the windows are down on a vehicle in extreme heat. It only takes minutes until heatstroke can happen and take a person or animal’s life.

Use this innovative Inside Car Temperature Calculator to see how hot it can get in a vehicle parked in the heat.

We hope these sun safety tips can help you stay cool and safe in the hot summer months. Browse our skincare products like lotions and skin barrier creams, as well as our electrolyte replenishment drinks and freezer pops to keep you hydrated. And, check out our carrying bags to take everything with you. Make sure to share these sun safety tips with others who may benefit!

Sun Safety Products

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment and Its Many Benefits

Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment - Calmoseptine for yeast infection and Calmoseptine for bed soresIs your skin red, inflamed, or itchy from eczema or psoriasis?
Do you suffer from skin irritations due to urinary or fecal incontinence?
Do you have a wound, insect bite, minor burn, or scrape that needs attention?

You may benefit from using Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment if you are experiencing any of these skin issues. Over 80 years ago, Calmoseptine was created by a pharmacist to treat diaper rash in infants. Since then, the formula has relieved various other skin conditions. This multi-purpose moisture barrier helps heal and protect irritated and inflamed skin and is an excellent product to add to your first-aid kit.

Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment is a cost-effective option to temporarily relieve discomfort and itching and is available in the pharmacy without needing a prescription. It has been honored as being named the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Incontinence-Related Skin Protectant Product of 2022-2023 by U.S. News & World Report. This product is highly effective and has a long list of uses.

Uses of Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment

woman applying Calmoseptine to handCalmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment is an over-the-counter skin protectant and barrier ointment found in the pharmacy that alleviates symptoms of many different skin conditions. Here are some of the most commonly reported uses of Calmoseptine for treating injured or exposed skin.

  • Skin protection in incontinence for adults
  • Diaper rash in infants and adults
  • Minor burns, scrapes, and cuts
  • Rectal itching from hemorrhoids or anal fissures
  • Yeast infections*
  • Stage I & II pressure ulcers
  • Perianal soreness and dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis from Poison Ivy and Oak
  • Protecting peri-wound skin
  • Eczema and psoriasis relief
  • Inside skin folds and other moist areas susceptible to fungal infection
  • Insect bites
  • Protecting skin around feeding tubes and drain tubes
  • Compression therapy

*Using Calmoseptine for yeast infections has been effective compared to alternative products. Yeast infections can occur in skin folds, the vagina, penis, mouth, or nail beds. Symptoms may range from redness, itching, burning, scaling, cracks, and swelling.

It is critical to note that Calmoseptine is for external use only. It is not intended for deep or puncture wounds and should be kept out of the eyes and not in the reach of children.

Calmoseptine Ingredients and Their Benefits

Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment contains active and inactive ingredients that work to help relieve discomfort in irritated and inflamed skin conditions. These ingredients help balance the skin’s moisture to protect it from outside irritants while not drying it out.

Active Ingredients

  • Zinc Oxide (20%) – Wounded cells absorb the zinc and use it to repair themselves.
  • Menthol – Acts as a calming agent and helps with vasodilation to increase circulation and aid in healing

Inactive Ingredients

  • Calamine – Works to relieve itching, pain, and discomfort of minor skin conditions and dries any oozing or weeping skin.
  • Chlorothymol – A multi-purpose phenolic antiseptic to prevent secondary bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Glycerin – Helps drain fluid away from inflamed tissue around the wounded site.
  • Lanolin – A waxy substance that acts as a barrier to help keep the skin moisturized and helps the skin heal.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate – Essentially baking soda, and acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic to help reduce itchiness, redness, and inflammation of the skin.
  • Phenol – An organic compound that helps kill off bacteria and fungi.
  • Thymol – Made from thyme oil, thymol kills bacteria and helps reduce inflammation and infection.

How to Use Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment

Dark skinned woman applying Calmoseptine to legSteps for applying Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment for general purpose:

  • Wash, rinse, and pat dry the area on the skin that you will be applying the ointment.
  • Allow the area to dry and apply a thin layer of Calmospetine Moisture Barrier Ointment two to four times per day.
  • If you are using a wound dressing, be sure that it extends beyond the ointment.
  • If you are using an adhesive product, place the adhesive part on dry skin, as the ointment will prevent sticking.

pdi-hygea-saline-wipesFor weeping or denuded areas:

  • Cleanse the area with a wound cleanser or normal saline.
  • Pat the area dry with sterile gauze.
  • Apply a light dusting of stoma powder to the denuded area.
  • Apply a thin layer of Calmoseptine over the stoma powder.
  • Apply a second coating of stoma powder over the ointment.
  • Repeat the steps above, alternating between stoma powder and ointment until the wound is entirely covered.
  • After each bowel movement, diaper change, or wound dressing change, repeat the steps above.

Removing all of the barrier ointment between each change is unnecessary. Gently cleanse the surface and reapply the ointment to protect the skin and prolong comfort.

Steps for removing Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment

  • Use a small amount of vegetable or mineral oil and soak a soft cloth.
  • Gently rub the area of the skin where the ointment was applied.
  • Repeat the steps above until the ointment is completely removed.
  • Using a clean, damp cloth, wipe the area and pat dry.

Results of dramatic skin improvement have been documented when using Calmoseptine for incontinence-related skin issues, stomal procedures, pressure injuries, pre-and post-operative care, and chronic conditions. You can read numerous Calmoseptine testimonials HERE.

As with any medicated product, always consult your physician before use. You should consult your doctor if your condition worsens or does not improve within one week.

We proudly carry Calmoseptine Moisture Barrier Ointment at Personally Delivered in various size options. If you need assistance ordering this or any other barrier ointments we carry, our Product Experts are just a phone call away and ready to help.

Popular Barrier Ointments & Creams

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A Look at The Most Popular Home Delivery Incontinence Supplies

At Personally Delivered, we supply quality home delivery incontinence supplies from top manufactures like Tranquility, Attends, Prevail, Abena, and Depend, just to name a few. We even have our own personal brand of daytime and overnight protective underwear and personal wipes. We know how important it is to manage all incontinence levels and do so with dignity.

Over the past several years, we have noticed that some of our home delivery incontinence supplies continue to be the most popular sellers. We have gotten many positive reviews from our customers, allowing us to know which of the home delivery incontinence supplies we offer to provide the protection and absorbency needed.

Top-Performing Adult Pull-ups and Protective Underwear

Home delivery incontinence supplies like protective underwear offer the wearer a snug, close, and comfortable fit due to their elasticity. They are sometimes referred to as pull-ups or pull-ons and come in various sizes and absorbencies for both day and night incontinence protection. Protective underwear are a more discreet option and are made of a cloth-like material to allow the skin to breathe, which helps to keep the skin healthy.

Here are just a few of the top-performing protective underwear we offer that have received positive feedback from our customers.

Most Popular Adult Briefs and Diapers

Adult briefs and diapers are other home delivery incontinence supplies we carry at Personally Delivered. Adult diapers can be less discreet than protective underwear but offer a higher absorbency for managing heavy to severe urinary and fecal incontinence. Because adult briefs and diapers can hold a larger capacity, leading to uncomfortable bulkiness.

Adult diapers also do not require the removal of clothing when changing because of their tape tabs or hook and loop closures. This feature makes briefs and diapers a popular choice for those that are bedridden, lack dexterity, or are bound to a wheelchair.

Here are some of our most popular adult briefs and diapers based on actual customer testimonials.

Best-Selling Pads and Liners

Incontinence pads and liners are offered for both men and women in various shapes, sizes, and absorbency levels. Thicker and larger pads absorb more fluids, and thinner pantiliners are more discreet and useful for light absorbency.

You can learn more about the differences in the variety of pads and liners in our blog: All About Incontinence Pads

Based on customer feedback and reporting, here are some pads and liners that have been our best-sellers over the past few years.

Popular Underpads, Bed Pads, & Chux

Underpads, sometimes referred to as bed pads or chux, are among the most versatile home delivery incontinence supplies offered. Underpads can protect bedding, furniture, car seats, and more. They can even be used as puppy training pads to protect flooring. You can learn more about all the uses for underpads, bed pads, and chux in our blog: Underpads for Dogs and All Their Uses

These are some of the most popular underpads based on customer testimonials and sales data.

No matter the type of incontinence you or someone you care for is managing, Personally Delivered has the home delivery incontinence supplies to help make it easier for you. Incontinence products are available in a wide range of sizes, absorbency levels, and styles. Each is made for an individual’s unique needs.

It is essential to choose the correct size of home delivery incontinence supplies to prevent leaks and skin irritations. Learn how to measure yourself for home delivery incontinence supplies in our blog: Measuring Your Hips and Waist for Adult Diapers

Cardinal Health Perineal Skin Cleanser SprayAlso, when ordering home delivery incontinence supplies, don’t forget about skin care products. Caring for your skin is an essential part of incontinence care. Perineal skin care cleansers and body washes are excellent products to keep sensitive areas of the skin clean that are exposed to urine and feces. Most are fragrance-free and pH-balanced to keep skin smooth and moisturized.

If you need assistance choosing the home delivery incontinence supplies for your needs or someone you care for, our Product Advisors are just a phone call away. We have access to more incontinence supplies than we may have on our website. Chances are, if you are not finding the exact product you are looking for, we can get it for you. Remember, incontinence products are not one-size-fits-all. Let us help you get the incontinence supplies to help manage your unique needs.

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Cardinal Health: Skin Care Regimen for Overall Skin Health and Vitality

Cardinal Health manufactures exceptional skin care products to cleanse, moisturize, protect, and treat our skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and protects against bacteria, regulates body temperature, and enables us to have touch sensations. Our skin is strong and has the ability to heal itself if we properly care for it. Skin can be damaged by environmental factors such as sunburns and common everyday injuries such as cuts and scrapes. Cardinal Health skin care products can help keep our skin healthy and aid in wound care healing.

Cardinal Health takes a proactive approach to skin care with their recommended 4-stage skin care regimen.

Stage 1 - Cleanse the skin

Curity Pre-Moistened Personal WipesCardinal Health manufactures effective rinse-free sprays, foams, and personal cleansing wipes. No-rinse sprays and foams provide a gentle option to clean the skin from head to toe when a water source is unavailable. These products are infused with Aloe Vera and can be easily applied using Cardinal Health Dry Washcloths. Rinse-free cleansing sprays and foams provide cooling relief as they moisturize the skin.

Cardinal Health Cleansing Wipes and Washcloths come in various sizes, thicknesses, and scented or unscented.

Stage 2 - Moisturize the skin

Cardinal Health All-Day Moisturizer CreamCardinal Health offers a variety of skin creams, moisturizers, and lotions to protect dry, chapped, chafed, and injured skin. Cardinal Health has got you covered, from all-day moisturizing cream to protective skin barrier creams and ointments.

If you are looking for a medium-weight lotion that soothes chapped and chafed skin, Cardinal Health Skin Conditioner that contains dimethicone is an excellent choice. Dimethicone forms a barrier on the skin to protect from water loss. The result is improved skin smoothness over time.

Stage 3 - Protect the skin

Cardinal Health Essentials Skin-Prep Protective Barrier WipesCardinal Health skin barrier films and wipes are used to protect sensitive skin. These protective products can help prevent further irritation caused by friction, adhesive products, and fluids. Cardinal Health No-Sting Skin Barrier Wipes do not contain dyes, fragrances, alcohol, lanolin, parabens, or sulfates, making them an excellent sting-free option.

Stage 4 - Treat the skin

Cardinal Health Antifungal CreamCardinal Health offers products that treat the infection and help relieve itching, scaling, burning and redness for common skin infections such as fungal infections. Cardinal Health Antifungal Cream is a clinically-proven treatment for common fungal skin infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm.

Cardinal Health offers barrier creams to protect at-risk skin when it comes to minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and weeping skin. The key ingredient in their barrier cream is Manuka honey, which has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and moisturizing properties and is often used in wound care products. This barrier cream effectively relieves skin irritations from diaper rash or leakage at a fistula drainage tube site and helps dry weeping skin from poison ivy, oak, and sumac.

If you have any questions about or need assistance finding the Cardinal Health skin care products you are looking for, our Product Experts are ready to help. Improve your skin’s overall health and vitality with Cardinal Health’s skin management products today.

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Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2021

Now that we are wrapping up the first month of 2022, we thought we would take a moment to share our top 10 blog posts from 2021. We are looking forward to providing a wealth of new information for you this year and thought we would share the topics that our customers have been interested in and enjoyed this last year.

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2021


Choosing a suitable catheter lubricant is one of the most critical steps in a safe, clean, and comfortable self-catheterization experience. Learn why catheter lubricant is essential and how to use it to lubricate your catheter in the most popular blog post of 2021.

How to Lubricate Your Catheter


External catheters for men and women can be an excellent alternative to indwelling catheters and help prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI). In this next popular blog post, learn how male and female external catheters are less invasive and possibly a more comfortable option for managing urinary incontinence.

man and woman looking out window embracing each other


Diarrhea leads to dehydration, and for those with an ileostomy or colostomy, this can be dangerous. In this blog post, learn the possible causes of diarrhea, the dietary impact of diarrhea with a stoma, and ostomy products that might be helpful.

woman holding her stomach in discomfort for the blog cover of managing diarrhea with a stoma


Don’t miss out on this extensive list of what we feel are the most helpful incontinence products for seniors in this next popular blog post. When managing an incontinence condition, stocking up on the essential incontinence products for seniors is critical. So, if you are purchasing for yourself or someone you care for, considering these incontinence products for seniors is a great way to be prepared.

elderly man grinning at a woman on a swing


Since COVID-19, many people have lost their health insurance coverage through their employers. If you or someone you know is regaining health insurance coverage, you don’t want to miss this blog post about 180 Medical, our sister company. We are incredibly proud to be connected to them!

are you regaining health insurance coverage blog header


Learn all about a Foley catheter, when it is needed, and how to use it in this popular blog post. And, if you are already a Foley catheter user, you can view all the Foley catheters we offer on our website.

Foley Catheters - What they are, why they are used, and where to purchase.


GentleCath Glide catheters have transformed the experience of intermittent catheter users. With their advanced FeelClean Technology, these catheters offer a clean and comfortable catheterization without all the mess. In this blog post, learn all the benefits of GentleCath Glide catheters and the GentleCath me+ Program that provides free support to intermittent catheter users.

A little girl putting makeup on her dad's face as he sleeps


Incontinence diapers and briefs can cause rubbing and skin irritations, including diaper rash. Thankfully, you can use products discussed in this blog post to address this uncomfortable skin condition to help prevent it from occurring and improve diaper rash.

icons of protective underwear on the blog cover of how to prevent diaper rash


Children grow quickly, and diaper sizes can change unexpectedly. In this popular blog post, you’ll learn the signs to watch for that can help determine when it might be a good time to move up in diaper sizes.

Tips to Help Determine if Your Child May Need a Larger Diaper


In this informative blog post, learn about all the incontinence pad options available to men and women and their uses for different needs. Learn about the different styles, absorbency levels, how to choose the right size, and how to dispose of incontinence pads properly. We even discuss what may be covered by Medicare.

All About Incontinence Pads featuring a brief, belted undergarment, and pads

We hope you have enjoyed these blog posts as much as we have enjoyed writing them. Our goal with these blog posts is to provide our readers with as much helpful information as possible for various medical conditions. At Personally Delivered, our team is committed to providing the very best service as a trusted home delivery medical supply company to help change lives and make life a little easier for you and your loved ones.

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Coloplast: Making life easier so you can be you!

Coloplast has been developing products and supplies for those with personal healthcare needs for over 60 years. Their products span from ostomy, continence care, urology, and skin and wound care. Coloplast’s mission is to produce these products to help make life easier so you can get out there and enjoy the activities you love most.

Coloplast Ostomy Products

Coloplast Sensura Mio Flip BarrierColoplast understands that life after ostomy surgery can be challenging to navigate. That’s why they work hard to develop innovative ostomy supplies based on honest customer feedback. Coloplast ostomy products and accessories are offered in various sizes, styles, and shapes to meet a broad range of needs.

We carry a wide selection of Coloplast ostomy supplies and accessories. When it comes to managing your output, controlling odors, and maintaining healthy peristomal skin, we have the Coloplast products for you.

If you would like advice on ostomy supplies that might help solve some of the most common issues with an ostomy, Coloplast offers easy and convenient Troubleshooter and BodyCheck Tools. They genuinely care about helping you find the right solutions to your specific concerns.

Coloplast Continence Care Products

Coloplast SpeediCath Flex Coudé Pro Pocket CatheterColoplast catheters for both men and women help address bladder and urinary system problems. Using a catheter that helps manage your symptoms while allowing you to continue participating in the activities you desire is the primary goal of Coloplast continence care products.

When it comes to discreetness, Coloplast delivers. Many of their female and male catheters are not only designed to be small and discreet but also convenient, less messy, and comfortable. The all-in-one SpeediCath Compact Sets for men and women feature an attached bag small enough to carry in your pocket or purse. These catheters are ready to use right out of the packaging and are a safe and convenient option for everyday use and traveling.

The SpeediCath Flex Coude Pro catheter for men is an excellent option that features a curved tip for easy navigation into the urethra. The easy-gripper dry sleeve makes the insertion process touch-free for maximum hygiene.

Conveen Security Plus Contoured Leg BagColoplast also offers a variety of urology supplies such as extension tubing, urinary leg and drainage bags, and leg bag straps and holders.

Coloplast Skin Care Products

Baza Clear Moisture Barrier OintmentOur skin is the largest organ of our bodies. Coloplast knows that healthy skin reflects a healthy body. For this reason, Coloplast skin and wound care products aim to protect sensitive and wounded skin from excess damage, infection, and further irritation. Coloplast skin care products cleanse, moisturize, and protect. These skin care products help treat conditions such as skin folds, dry skin, pressure ulcers, and incontinence-related skin issues like rashes and redness. We carry Coloplast barrier sprays, antiseptics, creams, ointments, and more.

Whether you are looking for quality ostomy supplies, continence care solutions, or premium skin care products, Coloplast has got you covered. Shop our store today. And if you need assistance finding the Coloplast products and supplies you are looking for, just ask one of our friendly and knowledgeable Product Experts today. They are glad to help!

Top-Selling Coloplast Products

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Skin Issues Around the Stoma

Skin issues around the stoma are usually experienced at some point in those living with an ostomy. This area around the stoma is referred to as peristomal skin. Taking good care of this skin is a crucial element in maintaining a comfortable lifestyle after ostomy surgery.

Skin irritation around the stoma is common, but it doesn’t have to be a normal part of life with an ostomy. Signs of redness, damage, irritation, and rashes are alerts for concern. Unhealthy skin around the stoma can cause pain, leakage, and negative quality of life.

We will address common skin issues around the stoma, some suggestions on preventing them, and a technique that can help treat many of them.  With proper treatment and care, most skin issues around the stoma can be solved before developing into a more severe problem.

Common Skin Issues Around the Stoma

Irritant Dermatitis

Irritant dermatitis happens when something is irritating the skin around your stoma. This irritation could be a result of stoma pastes, barrier sprays, urine, or stool. The area may look red, wet, weepy, or even bleed.  Make sure to change your pouch routinely and consider an extended-wear skin barrier or a convex skin barrier if you have skin folds or creases. Moldable Technology by ConvaTec can help give you a better seal.

Mechanical Irritation

Mechanical irritation is caused by aggressively wiping or washing the skin around the stoma or forcefully removing the skin barrier. The skin around the stoma will look red and weepy. It is essential to be gentle when washing around this area and be careful when peeling the skin barrier off.


Tiny red bumps around the stoma that can also be painful are called folliculitis. More common in men due to hair growth on the abdomen, folliculitis is caused by the hair underneath the skin barrier becoming irritated. The hairs are repeatedly removed during each skin barrier change, and the hair follicles are irritated. Think of continually waxing the same area of skin over and over. It is bound to become red and hurt. Incorrectly shaving the hair around your stoma can also cause folliculitis. Using an electric razor or scissors to trim the hair may be helpful, and remember to be gentle when you peel back the skin barrier for removal.

Contact Dermatitis

When the outer layer of the skin has been damaged or cut, contact dermatitis can occur around the stoma. Ostomy skin barriers can rub the skin the wrong way and cause a red rash to form. You should speak to your physician if you suspect you have contact dermatitis. They may prescribe a special cream or ostomy powder to use.

Allergic Dermatitis

Like contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis occurs when a red rash forms because of an allergic reaction to any pastes, sprays, skin barriers, or even the pouch material you are using. The body is releasing inflammatory chemicals, which makes the skin feel itchy and irritated. Contact your physician to find out if you need to change the products you are using.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infection around the stoma appears like a rash, but features raised round red areas. The skin around the stoma will burn and itch and fungal infections are known to spread outside the stoma area. Because fungal infections thrive and multiply in dark and moist places, make sure to dry the skin around the stoma entirely before applying a new skin barrier and pouch. Your physician may suggest an anti-fungal stoma powder.

Those who have been taking antibiotics for more than a week or have anemia, diabetes, or a lowered immune system may be more prone to fungal infections.

Using the Crusting Technique to Treat Skin Issues Around the Stoma

peristomal skin care productsFor most common skin issues around the stoma, using the crusting technique can help provide a seal while the skin is irritated.

The five steps to this technique are:

  1. Use warm water to cleanse any residue from stoma paste around the surrounding area of the stoma and pat dry. You can also use Brava Adhesive Remover Spray or wipes to clean off the skin gently.
  2. Sprinkle stoma powder such as the Hollister Adapt Stoma Powder onto the irritated stoma skin and dust off any excess to prevent clumping. This stoma powder is designed to alleviate irritation, so you may be able to cease use once the skin issue around the stoma has resolved.
  3. To seal the powder onto the skin, use a skin barrier spray such as Brava Skin Barrier Spray. This spray is non-alcoholic so that it won’t sting or burn the area. Spray the barrier spray over the stoma powder, dab with a skin prep wipe, and fan to dry. The barrier spray will turn clear when set and form a crust on the skin that acts as a layer of protection.
  4. Repeat Step 3 for additional layers of protection and allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next layer. Two to three layers should be sufficient.
  5. You are now ready to apply your ostomy pouching system as usual. Your physician may suggest an anti-fungal stoma powder if you develop a rash or itch that does not improve. This condition could be a sign of a yeast infection.

Skin Care Tips for Skin Issues Around the Stoma

Sometimes problems develop despite the effort made to keep peristomal skin clean and healthy. Staying educated about this area can help you learn about what to look out for and how to manage problems that may arise with peristomal skin.

Hollister Inc. has put together a convenient Peristomal Skin Care Tips brochure that outlines what the skin around the stoma should look like and suggestions to take.

Common Questions for Treating Skin Issues Around the Stoma

When should I use stoma powder under my skin barrier?

If the skin around the stoma is irritated, red, painful, or there is a rash present, you may want to use a stoma powder for treating the affected skin. Ensure you speak to your physician first to ensure you are using the correct stoma powder under their direction.

What kind of powder should I use if my skin has a red, raised, pimply rash?

zeasorb antifungal body powderRed, raised, pimply rash symptoms are good indicators that you may have a yeast infection. Choosing an anti-fungal stoma powder that contains 2% Miconazole, such as Zeasorb Antifungal Powder, should be able to address this condition. Check with your physician first to confirm that this is the proper course of action.

How do I use stoma powder?

Stoma powder is very easy and quick to apply in just a few steps.

  1. Start by washing your hands with soap and water.
  2. Clean the skin around your stoma with either wipes or warm soapy water and pat dry.
  3. Sprinkle the stoma powder all around the peristomal skin and brush off any excess with your fingertips.
  4. Use an alcohol-free skin prep and dab the powder to set for approximately 10-15 seconds until completely dry.
  5. Continue with your usual ostomy pouch change process.

Stoma powder is not helping my skin irritation. What do I do?

ConvaTec Sure-fit Natura moldable barrierTry removing the adhesive and check the backside. Feces or urine may have leaked and caused irritation between the skin barrier and the peristomal skin. Ensuring that there is a nice and secure fit of your skin barrier is one of the most critical steps to maintain healthy skin around the stoma. Moldable Technology by ConvaTec might be a helpful solution.

Could I be allergic to the adhesives used in my ostomy pouching system?

You may be allergic to the components used in your pouching system or the supporting products such as sprays, wipes, or pastes. Try washing your peristomal skin with just warm, soapy water for a period and see if the symptoms subside. If the symptoms go away, certain ingredients in the supporting products you are using are causing the allergic reaction. Consult with your physician about your symptoms, and they may be able to recommend alternative products.

Giving Your Peristomal Skin a Break Between Ostomy Appliance Changes

Sometimes giving your peristomal skin a break between ostomy appliance changes can help maintain healthy skin. After removing your skin barrier and ostomy pouch, try leaving your skin uncovered for 30 minutes or so. Make sure to have a towel or container nearby to catch any leaks that may occur. Taking a skin break can help with skin issues around the stoma or keep it from happening.

We carry a wide variety of ostomy products and supplies at Personally Delivered for all types and sizes of stomas. Suppose you need assistance choosing what ostomy products are right for you or finding ostomy supplies that your physician has recommended. In that case, our Product Experts are here to help guide you through the purchasing process. Just give us a call, and we will make it easy for you.

Popular Ostomy Products & Supplies

AllKare Adhesive Remover Wipes

AllKare Adhesive Remover Wipes

Nu-Hope Ostomy Cement Adhesive

Nu-Hope Adhesive

M9 Odor Eliminator Spray

M9 Odor Eliminator Apple Scented Spray

Coloplast SenSura Mio Click Convex Barrier

Coloplast SenSura Mio barrier
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Arthritis with an Ostomy: Tips to Help Manage

Living with an ostomy already has its challenges. However, suffering from arthritis with an ostomy can increase the difficulty of specific tasks such as opening tubes of stoma paste, stiffness when bending over to empty the ostomy appliance, or using scissors for a cut-to-fit ostomy barrier. Having arthritis with an ostomy doesn’t have to mean a total loss of independence. Take a look at some helpful tips for managing these conditions below.

Types of Arthritis & Other Conditions That May Affect Hand Dexterity

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects a person’s immune system and attacks their tissues. The feeling often experienced is a burning pain accompanied by swelling and sometimes stiffness in the joints, particularly in the hands, shoulders, knees, and feet.  Many also report feeling fatigued throughout the day.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Due to the cells’ changes as we age, osteoarthritis develops between the ages of 45-90 years. The cartilage in the fingers and weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips, back, and feet are affected. Pain, stiff joints, and swelling are also a symptom of osteoarthritis.


While fibromyalgia is not a type of arthritis, it can co-occur with other types of arthritis. Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain syndrome that can cause immense fatigue and pain in muscles, joints, and other soft tissues. It has no known cause or cure at this time. However, research indicates it may be related to genetics (family history), having coexisting conditions such as arthritis or lupus, going through prolonged stress or trauma, or having a viral illness. The pain from fibromyalgia can range from mild to severe and include stiffness, burning, throbbing, or stabbing sensations in the muscles. Fatigue, depression, anxiety, numbness, tingling, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and cystitis have been reported.


Gout occurs when uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints and cause inflammation. The body breaks down proteins, which then form this uric acid. Gout usually affects one joint at a time, especially in the big toes. The ankles, knees, hands, wrists, and elbows are other joints that can be affected.  Common symptoms of gout include pain, warmth, redness, and swelling. Most gout onsets occur quickly and can remain for up to a week if left untreated. Excess alcohol consumption, being overweight, water pills, surgery, or sudden illness are just some of the things that can trigger and aggravate gout.

Reiter’s Syndrome

Reiter’s Syndrome is a type of arthritis that occurs as a reaction to an infection somewhere else in the body. It may be related to intestinal infections such as Salmonella or urinary tract infections. Reiter’s Syndrome’s symptoms can include inflammation of the joints, tendons, eyes, urinary tract, or skin and may involve a rash or fever.


Scleroderma involves a thickening of the skin on the fingers, arms, and sometimes the face. There are often color changes in the hands from pale blue to red, small calcium deposits that form nodules on the fingertips, and stiffness in the joints with these indicators. Indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation can also be other symptoms.

Enteropathic Arthritis

Enteropathic arthritis often accompanies inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Painful, hot, and stiff joints are common symptoms of enteropathic arthritis, and when the gastrointestinal disease goes into remission, the arthritic symptoms go along with it.

Tips if You Have Arthritis with an Ostomy

Arthritis in the Hands

hollister new image two-piece ostomy pouch with integrated closureOpening packets of an ostomy product such as stoma paste, peeling off backing papers, and cutting holes in skin barriers can be challenging for those with arthritis in their hands. Many manufacturers have noticed this problem that those with arthritis and an ostomy face and have made some adjustments to their packaging.

ConvaTec has Moldable Technology that eliminates the need for scissors to customize the hole around the stoma. There is a helpful and informative article at the end of this blog that goes into detail about ConvaTec Moldable Technology. ConvaTec also offers many pre-cut barrier options, such as the ConvaTec Esteem + One-Piece Pre-Cut Closed-End Pouch, which can help.

arthritis compression gloves for those with arthritis with an ostomyMany drainable ostomy bags feature integrated closures instead of clips. The Hollister New Image Pouch has an easy Lock N Roll Microseal closure that is excellent for those with dexterity problems.

Tubes of ostomy paste, such as the Hollister Adapt Paste, come in a soft tube that you can use a credit card or paste dispenser to glide the formula out easily.

Having a pair of arthritis compression gloves can also be very helpful. Not only will they help keep a better grip on items, but these gloves may also help increase circulation and reduce pain.

Arthritis in the Neck and Back

adjustable mirror to aid in changing an ostomy applianceArthritis in the neck and back can cause stiffness, and bending over to view the stoma when changing your appliance may be difficult. A suggestion to help make this a bit easier may be to sit down and lean back somewhere comfortable with a desk or table in front or beside you. Place a mirror on the table and face it down toward your ostomy appliance. A mirror that easily adjusts to all angles would work best.

Stiffness Getting On and Off the Toilet

Railings can be installed around the toilet to help stabilize yourself when emptying your ostomy bag. Another option that might be helpful when getting on and off the toilet and entering and exiting the bathtub is a transfer bench. This adaptive equipment piece works as an added safety feature to allow those with arthritis with an ostomy to take their time when sitting and rising to stand up.

Using Adaptive Equipment and Experiencing Leaks

If you are using a wheelchair or a walker, these types of adaptive equipment require the use of both hands. A leaking ostomy appliance while using one of these kinds of devices requires at least one hand to minimize the leakage. Preparing emergency supplies in a bag attached to the wheelchair or walker can be a possible solution to this problem. Having emergency ostomy supplies around the home can also alleviate some stress knowing that your needed supplies are nearby.

There are many other aids for those who have arthritis with an ostomy and can be found at your local pharmacy. Items such as easy-open pill bottles, grippers to unscrew lids, push-button pill reminder boxes, and more can be beneficial aids. You can reach out to a local occupational therapist or your local hospital for more information about where to find products made to help those with arthritis accomplish tasks more manageable.

Maintaining independence is essential to self-esteem, but remember to ask for help when you need it. The last thing you need when suffering from arthritis with an ostomy is having an accident that can potentially worsen your condition.

For even more information about arthritis, ease of use products, treatments, hundreds of articles, and even a drug guide, visit the Arthritis Foundation. You can even click to find your local area and connect.

For any inquiries about ostomy appliances, adaptive equipment, or any other home delivery medical supplies we carry at Personally Delivered, our Product Experts are just a phone call away and ready to help.

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Cancer Screenings: Your Essential Guide

Cancer screenings can help detect cancer in the early stages or before you begin to have symptoms. February is Cancer Prevention Month, and it’s a great time to remind ourselves of the importance of cancer screenings. Detecting cancer early may give you a better chance of surviving and thriving. Keeping up with preventive screenings your doctor recommends is key to catching potential issues such as breast, cervical, prostate, endometrial, and colorectal cancer before they turn into something worse. This month, let’s take a look at the importance of cancer screenings and how they can help us in our fight against this disease.

Who determines when to get screened?

Created in 1984, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve all Americans’ health by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling services, and preventive medications.

Task Force members come from a wide array of medical-related fields. That history of experience includes primary care, internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health, obstetrics and gynecology, and nursing. This team rigorously reviews existing peer-reviewed evidence to make recommendations for screenings. This process can help primary care clinicians and patients decide whether a preventive service is right for a patient’s needs.

Cancer Screening Guidelines

The following cancer screening guidelines are for people with an average risk for cancer. You may need screenings earlier or more often if you have an increased risk due to your family history. It would be best to speak to your doctor to see what’s right for you.

Breast Cancer Screenings

two women holding pink ribbons showing their support of breast cancer screeningsYearly mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer’s early stages when it is easier to treat. The USPSTF recommends women get mammograms at the following ages:

Ages 45 to 54: once every year

Ages 55 and older: once every other year

It is important to note that women with a heightened breast cancer risk should ask their doctors about the risks and benefits of an annual MRI and mammogram.

Cervical Cancer Screenings

The Pap test can find abnormal cells in the cervix, which may turn into cancer. The human papillomavirus (HPV) test looks for the virus that can cause these cell changes. The chance of being cured is very high when the Pap tests find cervical cancer early.

The USPSTF recommends women get a Pap test at the following ages:

Ages 21 to 29: once every three years

Ages 30 to 65:

  • once every three years
  • an HPV test once every five years
  • or a Pap test and an HPV test once every five years

Women older than 65: Those with normal screenings and who do not have a high risk for cervical cancer may not need screening.

Colorectal Cancer Screenings

doctor in a lab testing cancer screening samplesThe American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends people with an average risk for colorectal cancer start regular cancer screenings at age 45. Simultaneously, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) advises beginning screening at age 50. Those with an increased risk for colorectal cancer due to family history may need cancer screenings at an earlier age.

Discuss with your doctor which of the following tests are recommended by the USPSTF:

Endometrial Cancer Screenings

anatomy of the female uterus when detecting endometrial cancer in cancer screeningsEndometrial cancer forms in the lining of the uterus. Endometrial cancer is often cured by early detection and surgical removal of the uterus. After reaching menopause, women who have abnormal bleeding or spotting should tell their doctors. Your doctor may order cancer screenings to help detect endometrial cancer.

Prostate Cancer Screenings

When men reach 55 to 69, the USPSTF recommends discussing the potential benefits and risks of prostate cancer screenings with their physicians to help make informed decisions. After the age of 70, the USPSTF advises against men getting screened.

At Personally Delivered, we hope your lifelong health journey never includes a cancer diagnosis. Whatever your age or medical history, maintaining an open and close relationship with your physician will help keep track of your long-term health.

Many of these types of cancers may require the use of catheters, incontinence products, and skin care needs. These may be a temporary need or one that is long-term. We carry a wide array of these home delivery medical supplies and can help you find the ones your doctor recommends that are right for you. Our friendly, knowledgeable, and compassionate Product Experts will help make your purchasing selection as easy as possible.

All recommendations for cancer screenings and more detailed information from the USPSTF can be found directly on their site.

Disclaimer: Important Notice Regarding Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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