Physical & Mental Health

What Do Caregivers Do?

What Do Caregivers Do?

Caregivers are essential in supporting individuals who cannot care for themselves due to illness, disability, or aging. At Personally Delivered,…
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What Do Caregivers Do?

What Do Caregivers Do?

Caregivers are essential in supporting individuals who cannot care for themselves due to illness, disability, or aging. At Personally Delivered,…
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Taking time to attend to your physical health can boost your mood, help you maintain energy and motivation, and ensure you stay physically healthy.

Our physical and mental health is critical for our overall health. When our mental health is out of whack, our physical bodies are at risk for health problems. For example, if a person suffers from depression, their risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke increases. On the other hand, when our physical bodies are out of shape and not functioning properly, our mental state can begin to suffer. As you can see, physical and mental health are closely connected.

The CDC states that being physically active can help improve brain health, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and help manage weight. With regular daily physical activity, we can increase our chances of living longer! Although not a cure-all, increasing physical activity directly contributes to improved mental health and better overall health and well-being.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, physical and mental health has become a concern for many. Check out some of our blog articles above related to physical and mental health.