How Nutrition Relates to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

woman holding her stomach in discomfortWhen a person suffers from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, they suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This disease affects the digestive system and impacts a person’s nutrition in many different ways. Making choices about which foods to eat might become challenging because some of them may worsen symptoms related to this disease.

There are some common misconceptions about one’s diet and IBD. We will go into further detail about the disease, its relationship to nutrition, and some possible treatment options.

What Exactly is IBD?

When one’s digestive tract is persistently inflamed, they are suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There are two types of IBD, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis.

The lining of the digestive tract becomes inflamed with Crohn’s disease and spreads deep into the tissues. With Ulcerative colitis, a person develops ulcers in the innermost lining of their colon and rectum. Both of these medical conditions cause chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

When there is inflammation in the GI tract, digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted. Normally, when bodily tissues are damaged, inflammation takes place to try to protect the body from further harm from bacteria. A person’s immune system with IBD is compromised and unable to react appropriately, therefore causing continuous inflammation which leads to improper functioning of the GI organs. Diarrhea, bleeding from the rectum, stomach cramps, and weight loss are just some of the symptoms IBD brings on.

How Nutrition Plays a Part in IBD

healthy colorful bowl of vegetablesThere is some misconception of how a person’s diet is related to IBD. It is true that some foods may aggravate the symptoms when a flare-up is present, but the foods themselves are not the root cause of IBD. The disease itself is what causes the inflammation.

IBD is not caused by an allergy, a poor diet, being overweight, or be cured by a specific nutritional plan. Each person’s symptoms with IBD vary due to the fact that different parts of their digestive system are affected.

Severe Diarrhea Can Cause Dehydration

One’s body becomes dehydrated when they are having multiple bowel movements throughout the day. This causes the body to not absorb and maintain enough liquids, electrolytes, and nutrition.

Weight Loss due to Lack of Appetite

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease often come with a decreased appetite due to pain and nausea, resulting in malnutrition as they try to manage symptoms of diarrhea and/or vomiting. The body consumes more stored energy because of the inflammation associated with IBD and this leads to tissue breakdown in the body.

Bleeding from the Rectum

Ulcers can form on the inner lining of the intestinal tract as a result of chronic inflammation and can happen anywhere on the tract including the anus and perineum. Tissue can also tear in and around the anus because of continuous or painful bowel movements. Both of these symptoms lead to blood loss.

There is a possible risk of malabsorption of nutrients in a person with IBD and require them to elevate their intake of calories, nutrients, and energy. Lacking enough essential vitamins and minerals is often associated with IBD but there are some options that may be helpful to treat those deficiencies.

Some Options to Help Treat IBD

array of nutritional supplements that can help with inflammatory bowel diseaseOf course, the end goal of IBD is to decrease the amount of inflammation that causes the onset of the symptoms. You should always consult with your doctor first, but certain products can offer nutritional support that may reduce inflammation.

Getting the essential nutrients is key for those that suffer from IBD whether young or old. Children require the right vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development. The elderly often need an oral supplement for added protein, fiber, and omega-3 fats to support bone and heart health. When extra calories are needed, there are many formulas such as Boost, Ensure, and Pedialyte to deliver protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and fat.

Nutrition can also be improved by a special diet that involves taking in nutrients through a feeding tube. This also allows the bowels to rest to aid in lessening the possibility of pain and trauma in the rectal region. More severe IBD symptoms might be treated by a doctor that delivers nutrients directly to the blood stream through a catheter.

There are many more treatment options available to help reduce the symptoms associated with IBD, but always speak to your doctor about what might be right for your specific needs.

For more information about the nutritional products we offer, give us a call to speak to one of our Product Experts. We would be happy to discuss what your doctor recommends or how we may help you find the products you are looking for.


To learn more about Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis, visit these sites:

Living with Crohn’s Disease:

Living with Ulcerative Colitis:

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